《Fusion dungeon》New life



This is just the beginning of the story and I still need to explain the background story and the starting character so the dungeon part will be further down the story )

Mean while in a small but rather developed village, a couple could be found teaching a young child

They are just common villagers and they lived on hunting and selling the materials to some merchants. The father was a rather famous hunter in this area, being able to slay the demon bear who was ruling the nearby mountain in exchanged for his left hand. He's name is Lir Azh, a rather simple man for his great skill

It's rather unfortunate as it's hard to wield the sword with only one hand, but it didn't hinder his growth as he become better and better in the way of sword.

The mother was just an ordinary archer and an adventurer with a secret background of being a noble lady who eloped with Lir to escape the wedding arrange for her. Her name is Liza Elar, from a family of duke's

It's going to be winter soon and they already stock a lot of fire woods and foods, but they want to add more in case something happen.

This morning they are in their daily routine of teaching their child, our mc named Fhon Azh

''''''First person pov cause I suck at third person neither do I use second person''''''''''''''''''''

"Papa!!!, this is heavy !!!. There's no way I can hold this!!!!" I complained as I lift a wooden sword, I don't know what the hell is in this sword or this sword was made of, but this is fucking heavy.

"When I was your age, I lifted sword heavier than that!!!" Paps shouted as he pat my head


"Hehehehehe like father, like son" Mother giggled from the side

"How can I be like this brute!!!!" I shouted

"How can I be like this weakling!!!!" Paps complained with a ' how ' look

"Stop it, a certain someone is watching" Mom gave us both a very hard head chop and pointed at a tree where a little girl could be seen peeking

"H-hi, A-a-a The village chief is looking for you sir Lir and f-fhon" She shyly replied with read cheeks, She's my dear friend and my secret crush, Lissy bell

"Hehehehehehe that old man, looking for me to beat his ass again???" Paps said as he pulled me

"I can walk!!!" I shouted as I struggle to escape from his hand

"Hey liss" I wink to her when we passed by being pulled by my father

"Hey, let go of me old man!!!!" I shouted as I hit his hand, but the old man is just laughing his ass off

//////////////////////////// A while later at the house of the village chief////////////////////

"You could have not forgot what day it is, do you???" Village chief said, for a very long time now he is still the village chief. I don't know how he train his ass to be like this. His name is Gier Bell

"Of course crappy old shit, How could I forget what time this is???? I'm sure this little shit of mine will beat the ass of your son" Paps confidently said as he pulled me over, pressured by the situation what more can i do other than smile.

"Y-yes. You still owe me a slice of lemon" I said

"Even if it's a full water melon, I will give it all to you!!!!" He declare as he pat he in the head


"You better promise that, or else......." I intentionally cut of what I'm about to say to let paps know what I got in hand

Just a while ago he stole some fruit wine ad let me drink some cups from the storage and only both of us know, but both of them were equally heavy for him to be beaten up by mom

"Of course!!!, of course!!!!" He promised with sweat

"What are you two hiding from me ???" Mom asked as she take a closer look at us

"Nothing!!!!" Both me and father shouted in unison and everyone in the room can only laugh other than us

Today was the bestowal ceremony, once a child reach the age of 11 they will be allowed to get their status screen and know their skill and specialty

"Fhon" Liss pulled me to the side as paps and the village chief talk and bragged to each other about who will beat whom

She kissed me in the cheek before running away while shouting "GOOD LUCK!!!"

"You better not hurt my sister" Fluke bell, her big brother said to me with a dangerous eye

"Y-yes, Yes!!!" I said, trembling from the pressure

"Good, I will trick you a bottle of fruit wine when you get old" He laughed as he gave me a big pat in the shoulder and then pulling me closer.

The talk about the ceremony tomorrow was quite long and so I decided to sleep.

'''''''''''Inside his mind''''''''''''''

"Your sins have been forgiven"???????

An unknown voice resounded. I remember my past life, but i can't remember any sins or anything i did

But suddenly my though was interrupted by shaking and shouting


"Fhon!!!!!" Mom

"Wake up you little shit!!!!" Paps shouted

My vision started as cloudy and there's a sharp pain in my chest, but everything calmed down

I look around only to see the concerned looks of my parents and also my blooded shirts and a lot of the floor. I'm in my room

"What happened ???" I weakly asked as my strength slowly return to my body

"I'm glad you're alright" Mom said with a concerned look

"Just a while ago you started convulsing and coughing blood, Is there anything you are hiding from us????" Paps asked, concerned

"It's noth-" I tried to denied, but mom quickly cut it off

"Lie!!!, whatever it is, you can always tell it to us!!!!" Mom hugged me crying

"I guess I can't hide it anymore. I' not from this world" I dropped the bomb right at the center

to be continued

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