《Gravoid》Gravoid: Restart - Chapter Three - Seraphic General
After careful deliberation, your intended unit has been approved. Some stipulations, and changes have been made, and certain requirements will have to be met to unlock certain hidden features.
Modifications in Progress
Modifications in Progress.
Modifications in Progress..
Modifications in Progress...
Modifications in Progress....
Modifications in Progress.....
Triun Gravoid: Seraphic General has replaced Unique Gravoid Angelic Scout Please view details in the gravoid unit menu.
When the modification was complete, Greile stared at the unit, wondering just what he had receive. In front of him stood a giant humanoid gravoid in a strange kind of bulbous knight-like armor that seemed like it was straight out of some fantasy novel, or animation. It was white, and green, with golden accents. The unit looked very much like the unit he had envisioned, but there was no visible sign of the wings he had envisioned the unit to have, and there were various small differences from the intended unit.
"What a unique unit," Axel commented.
"A knight, somehow I can envision that," Maggie commented in his singsong voice.
"He sort of struck me more as a ranged fighter," Cordelia commented.
"Well, it does have a number of ranged weapons," Axel pointed out.
"Only two, those pistols, but it does have that sword, I wonder what kind of unit it is," Magnhilde wondered aloud. "Let's see, the system calls it a Triun Gravoid, and it's called Seraphic General~."
"Didn't pin ya for a strategy type there, Greile," Axel told him.
"Uh, it kinda just ended up that way," Greile responded, not sure what to say.
"I think it fits, Master," Hevna told him.
"I don't know about the general part," Greile replied, "but it'll let me protect, and assist others, and that's enough. I might have to unlock the feature though."
"What? I've never heard of a gravoid which required you to unlock features," Cordelia seemed perplexed as she spoke, "Even my brother's unit didn't require such a thing. What kind of unit did you envision?"
"Um, it's hard to explain."
"Take your time," Axel told him, "It's fine if you have trouble telling us. Was there a concept behind it?"
"It's pretty easy~ to see~," Maggie was the one to answer in his singsong voice.
"What do you mean," Axel asked.
"Well, do you know what a seraphim is, Axel," Maggie asked in his feminine manner.
"Not really, aren't they like angels?"
"Close, but different~," Maggie said, "The way my grandmother explained it was that they were guardians that surrounded God, and shielded creation from his righteousness~. I can't remember how exactly she explained it but they shielded us from... Something else in relation to his righteousness?"
"The harm caused between the disparity between his righteousness, and creation's," Greile explained.
"Right, that was the way she said her brother explained it, and it always stuck with her," Magnhilde exclaimed.
"Wait, her brother? What was his name," Greile asked.
"Hmm, I don't quite remember... I think she said it was John," Maggie replied in a contemplative tone, aa he tapped a finger on his chin.
"That, that was my grandfather's name," Greile responded. "No way, you're my... Uh...."
"Second cousin," Cordelia gave the inference. "That would make us all related. We'll have to look into that later, but for now let's focus on the gravoid," she added, steering the conversation back on track.
"Yeah, we'll talk more about it later, Sweety," Magnhilde agreed, "Anyway, it's a seraphim, hence the word seraphic, although I don't see the wings."
"Um, they're supposed to be made of energy," Greile responded sheepishly. "That's what I imagined they would be, at least."
"Hmm, so, they're not deployed while in the base, makes sense," Axel responded. "What can you tell us about the unit?"
"Master, I believe it's best to not give too many details here," Hevna spoke up, "This hanger is not a private one, and thus others can overhear. There is also the issue that we do not yet know whether Sir Axel, or Missus Cordelia will become enemies or opponents at a later time to consider, although the potential for that does seem admittedly low."
"That's right, I won't have anyone bully my Greile," Maggie responded.
"Okay, that sounded super-creepy," Cordelia responded, putting her hand to her nose and looking downward.
"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree," Axel said.
Hevna stepped in between Greile and Magnhilde, as if to protect him.
Normally, having someone who acted like Magnhilde say such a thing would have left Greile fleeing in terror, but due to the words of Maggie's wife, and brother, actions of Hevna, and his understanding of Maggie's nature, everything seemed completely comedic, and he burst into laughter. It really was an infectious laugh Greile had, and the others soon joined him. This included Hevna, who was a bit clueless as to why this should be funny, but found it so anyway.
Once Greile was able to stop laughing, he said, "Thank you, Hevna." The beauty had stepped in to protect him, and he responded to that with gratitude.
"For what," she asked, obviously confused.
"Because of you, I felt comfortable enough to find humor in the situation," he told her quite bluntly.
"Oh right, I had forgotten his situation, and said something in a foolish manner,' Maggie said, looking sad, "Sorry, Greile."
"It's okay," he responded.
"Anyway, Hevna is right, we're in far too open an area to give details, and you aren't currently a member of any of our clans, so sharing too many details might not be wise on your part," Cordelia told him.
"If it's just you three, and you promise not to share with others, I don't mind," Greile responded. "It seems like we're family, after all."
"We don't know that with any certainty," Cordelia corrected him, "but I appreciate the trust. I'm willing to keep anything I learn a secret unless you decide to share it with our clans."
"Sure, I don't mind keeping it quiet," Axel stated.
"Axel's very good with not speaking secrets," Maggie replied.
"The problem is you, Mags, so you better remember that if you spill the secret you'll be sleeping on the couch for the rest of your life," Cordelia told him, then punctuated it by adding, "alone."
Maggie paled a bit, and quickly assured her that he wouldn't share it, not ever.
"Well, since that's settled, let's get a private room at Delsin's Bar, and get something to eat. My satiation is getting low, and you can taste all kinds of foods there, which you might not be able to where we live in our world. I don't know how they do it, but it tastes just as good as in real life. Uh, not to imply your life isn't real, Hevna."
"It's okay, I understand," she assured him. "I hope to one day be able to see your world."
Greile wanted to tell her that might be possible sooner than she expected, but he decided to wait until they were in a private area on account of what Cordelia had just recently stated.
The four soon arrived at a nearby food place, and booked a private room in the bar which had been mentioned. Axel ordered a meal for all of them with the male waiter, as his treat. The group spoke with Greile about the current goings on in the world around them. It seemed that people were already starting to go against the grain, and reject the portrayal of homosexuality that certain interests groups wanted, but these groups were fighting back by trying to villainize Greile and Magnus. Unfortunately for them, Maggie was too troublesome an opponent, as he was known for his fair treatment of everyone, and they couldn't bully the payment processors who were involved with him, and stop them from sending the funds.
Greile, on the other hand, was a much easier target, but they were finding it hard to counter Maggie's telling of his story, and make him out to be a simple villain. It didn't help that their "heroine" wasn't playing the part they had wanted him to, and was standing up for Greile every chance he got. To top it off, Greile had disappeared from their radar, and Maggie had made certain everyone knew he had been saved from their bullying. The attacks they had made on the boy had actually offended a number of people when they became widely known, and these people had started fighting back.
Greile was confused by how things had gotten to this, and couldn't help voicing his concerns.
"How did things get to this situation, I thought we were supposed to live in a free country," he said.
"It's not free, not anymore at least. People are fighting back now. If they see the fight through, we might just get free again."
"Is there no way to get free again in the short term?"
"Well, short of society demanding, and fighting for freedom quickly, or moving to a deserted island, it's unlikely," Axel responded.
"Bringing the Constitution to bear against both the government and those who are bullying everyone is the only thing we can do short of another revolutionary war, and our people aren't fans of war, especially when it potentially becomes a war against our neighbors. Most of us, myself included, prefer a peaceable solution to the situation, and a return to true freedom through peaceful means," Axel replied. "The problem is that they don't seem to want to allow that, whomever is running this behind the scenes is intent on pushing our society toward all-out civil war."
"So, the choice is the same as the pilgrims, fight back and be trampled underfoot, or separate ourselves from the rest of society," Greile contemplated.
"It doesn't have to be either or," Cordelia said, "You can do both without being trampled underfoot, but it might require some means of influencing society without actually being within society," Cordelia responded.
"What about the Gravoid League," Axel responded.
"Not this again, we've already talked about it before, we're guides, we don't have the time for all the things that would be necessary to compete in the leagues," Cordelia responded. "It doesn't help that they're not well established either."
"What about Greile," Axel asked.
"I don't know anything about piloting a gravoid aside from the most basic of the basics," Greile responded, "I don't think I could handle a professional league. Besides, I have to worry about a place to stay, and a means to provide for food, and other essentials. I also have to somehow make my way to a gravoid center that has the right tools to print out a body for Hevna," he said, "apparently I can do so for free."
"Oh, that's easy, I know of several nearby where we placed you," Axel responded. "I'll come by and pick you up. I'll even pay for a life-sized, and realistic upgrade for her."
"We all will," Cordelia corrected her brother. "I want to see how she reacts the first time she sees, and feels, a whole new world."
"Then it's settled," Maggie singsonged, "We'll do so after we discuss his new unit."
"I guess," Greile responded.
"Thank you, everyone," Hevna responded, seeing that her wish was already near to being granted. She was a bit emotional, and it showed in her voice most of all.
"So, how'd you get a free ticket to bring your companion into our world," Axel asked, but his grin showed that he knew something.
"Uh, I got it for, I think the message said it was for doing some good for our society?"
"What else did the message say?"
"Uh, it said something about a unnamed title," he admitted.
"So you received one of the unnamed titles, and the upgrade tool, plus Hevna I'm guessing," Axel responded.
"Yeah, I still don't understand why, but I did,' Greile responded.
"I didn't receive an unnamed title," Maggie told him. "But I received a monthly stipend that was proveded for through Axel, and The Guide Company. The monthly stipend is helpful, although I didn't really do what I did for that."
"The big dummy did it without considering the consequences," Cordelia responded, but sounded strangely proud of her husband, rather than having a tone that blamed him.
"Well, food's here, let's eat, then continue our discussion," Axel said.
The group turned their attention to the waiter, who was bringing in the food with a number of servers following behind. Greile's eyes widened, and unknown to him Axel grinned triumphantly at the pair of husband and wife. This did not escape Hevna's eyes, and she made a mental note of the event.
The meal passed in quiet, as those participating were busy enjoying the meal, and set aside the small talk until the servers would not be present. Once the meal was completed, the servers quickly cleaned up and left, while the waiter told them, "If you need anything, please press the button, Sirs and Madams, and I shall come to attend to your wishes. We hope you enjoyed the meal, and that your meeting is fruitful."
"Thank you, Louis," Axel responded, "It was excellent as always. Give my compliments to the chef."
"I shall, Sir," the man replied, and then made his way out, and there was a click, followed by a hissing sound, and then Greile felt some kind of wave pass through him.
Hevna was immediately on guard, but Maggie soon alleviated her concerns, to a degree. "Calm down Hevna, no harm will come to your master. I wouldn't let anyone harm my friend," he told her.
"What was that feeling," Greile asked out of curiosity.
"It's a field that will prevent electronic spying, and eavesdropping. The door was also sealed so that no one can barge in and ambush any of the occupants during a meeting. If there is an emergency, you can push the button in the middle of the table, and Louis will immediately come with a squad of security to ensure all occupants are safe. Aside from that, the panel to the side of the door will be your normal means of exiting, and you can request additional service there as well," Cordelia explained. "If you ever wish to use the services here, you now know how it works."
"This must be expensive," Hevna stated.
Axel shrugged, and replied, "You pay for what you get, but the service is quite reasonably priced, and the best security I've found. The walls of this room will withstand a battleship's main cannon without much trouble. Short of a dreadnought, we're safe in here, even if the restaurant wouldn't survive. It may be pricey, but it's well worth the cost, and as the leader of The Guide Company, I can afford this much to ensure my brother's friend isn't troubled for what he is about to share."
"How do I bring up the details," Greile asked.
"You can either use the Buttons in the gravoid menu, or you can share the window for the gravoid information by intention to share."
"Lots of people just say, "Share information" and something like "with my group"," Cordelia explained in Maggie's place.
"It's not specific," Maggie told him in a kindly tone, "You can say it pretty much anyway you want, Sweetheart."
"Hmm... Can I please open the gravoid information window for the Seraphic General so that everyone here with me can see it," Greile asked.
Triun Gravoid: Seraphic General
Type: Humanoid
Class: Command/Support
Rarity: Mythical/Custom
This unique unit was customized for Greile, and is inspired by the seraphim. This unit is Unique, in that it is the only current unit in existence which will require the user to develop higher tier abilities.
Level: 1
Armor Class: Medium
Base Armor: 500/500
Base Durability: 20,000/20,000
Core Strength: 1,500
Weapons: None
Sidearm: Hidden(Unlock Required(Minor))
Armor: None
Packages: Command, Calling(Unique)
Tier 1: Commander's Influence, Seraphic Gate, Celestial Wings
Note: Additional abilities must be developed, while some abilities which are currently hidden have to be unlocked by meeting certain criteria.
Additional Values: Growth Unit
If you are reading this you have decided to share the information on your new gravoid with your new friends. This message is only visible to you, what I am about to share with you is for your eyes only. Your unit is not yet complete, what you possess is only one part of a three part unit. Seek out the shield, and the spear.
P.S. Father went a little overboard, and changed the end results of your customization, but we believe these changes will benefit you in the end.
"What? No weapons or armor? What kind of unit did you make?"
"It's a support type, although I've never seen a support type unit aside from healing units. Those abilities are pretty interesting too, the [Commander's Influence] is an area effect buff that's always in effect, and has quite a wide range, and broad effects. Seraphic Gate is an ability to call allies, but it says the current and maximum numbers of allies are unavailable to other players. Celestial Wings though, is quite a versatile ability, and even gives a boost to the armor, and resistances of the unit while active. Again, there's some details that it states are only for the pilot, but it's not a bad unit. Too bad it doesn't have any information on abilities above Tier One," Axel told his sister.
"About that, it doesn't currently have any," Greile confided in them.
"What?! How could it have no Tier Two or above abilities?! It's a mythical tier unit," Cordelia exploded, seeming very angry on his behalf.
"Calm down, Dear Heart," Maggie told her.
"Why should I, how can you not be angry? He's crippled!"
"No he's not~," Maggie said in his singsong voice once more, beaming a smile toward his beautiful wife.
"What do you mean," Cordelia asked in confusion.
"He said yet," Axel pointed out.
"All mythical tier units have the ability to develop new abilities," Hevna suddenly spoke up, "Let alone Master's. Sister just told me that I could tell you what she just told me, on account of your worry, and anger on my master's behalf."
"Is there anything else you can tell us about mythical units," Axel asked.
Hevna shook her head, "Sister only informed me of this much, and would speak no more on the subject. You will have to discover how to obtain mythical units yourselves. Sister did not even tell me how, or where to find one for myself. She did allow this much to be said, so she must believe you're trustworthy. If it helps, she explained that she could not share more because father had ordered her not to."
"Well, she did share something at least," Axel said, giving her a wry look.
"Anyway, we've got things to worry about besides whether her sister can disobey their father. His unit doesn't have any equipped weapons, and only three tier one abilities are present."
"Yeah, it's quite the predicament."
"Guys, we can worry about this later," Greile said, looking at the time. "If we're going to bring Hevna over to our world, we'll need to get going soon. Because it will take you a while to arrive."
"Good point," Axel told him, "We'd really better finish up here. Hmmm, here, take these," he added handing him some cards. Those should give you some good starter choices for weapons and armor. Oh, and take this, it should work on any support unit."
Greile took the items he had handed him, and put their cards into his inventory where they displayed the information, but he didn't think he really had time to view that information for now.
"That last thing is the repair ability, it can be registered on any gravoid support unit, and can be used in a number of ways. You can choose which form of the ability is applied when using the card. The rest is all the low level uncommon gear I have. Although it's not much, it should still give you some choices as to what you can equip on the gravoid."
"Thank you," Greile responded gratefully.
"No problem, any friend of my brother is a friend of mine, for the most part," Axel replied, "Let's go get the thing with Hevna straightened out."
The group called for the waiter, and checked out of the private room, and each went to log off, but none of them noticed Maggie stopping for a bit before logging off later than they had. Well, not entirely none, for his wife noticed the delay.
The old man sat in his chair with a bemused expression on his face.
"Hahaha, what an amusing request," he said. The response from Magnus had been that he would gladly accept having his clothing no longer converted to something feminine, but he also made a request in addition to that. The request wasn't hard, but it was definitely unusual.
"Siri, can you pull up the data on Sanlistra Island," he asked.
"What are you thinking, Sir," the A.I. asked.
"I'm thinking that these kids didn't take advantage of their choices, and so I'd like to secure a future for them," the old man responded.
"Greile wasn't exactly offered a choice, Father."
"Meh, a mere technicality," the old man responded, in a manner that said he didn't care, "Besides, I quite like the idea the dear boy came up with for that unit. Truth is, I had been thinking of something similar when I designed her, but he gave her so much more life than I would have."
"It looks rather masculine currently, father," she responded.
"You know as well as I do that that will change as the unit is completed."
"I suppose I do," she responded in an amused tone, as a window appeared with a great deal of detail on the island in question.
He went over the data for a bit before saying, "Here's what we're going to do..."
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