《I died reincarnated and died again》Chapter 30: Arriving at the next city


It took a few minutes before Ivys finished her magic. She finished it with a swing of her staff which activated the magic circle. It was a plant spell. So normally the earth and water elements should be visible but it seems she is proficient enough that she doesn’t need it anymore.

If a person trains long enough for a mixed element or has a high enough aptitude for it, it will build it’s own symbol in magic circuits. You can only notice the colour of the earth and water element slightly at the outer ring.

After she swung he staff the root of the trees, the vines, and a lot of other plants started to move giving way to us and stopping the wolves. It sure was a good idea from her part but it probably also costed quite a lot of MP. It would probably have been less MP consuming if she just build a wall. But then again if she didn’t restrain them one by one they could’ve just walked around the wall.

And I shouldn’t forget that she did it on a moving cart. I almost forgot because stuff like that usually doesn’t concern me. Well back to the main point. We managed to get some distance between us. We were still on high alert till we got out of the forest but after that we stopped the cart a bit outside the forest.

Everyone was sitting outside drinking a bit hot milk Soma made. “So what are we going to do now? The cart looks beaten up and I don’t know if it will hold on till we get to the next city” that was one of the thought through sentences I heard from Falos.

“Well we could try to get some wood from the forest and repair the cart, but it would probably take quite some time…” Hartfried, coachman (I was tired of calling him that. Bear with my naming sense) said.


“Well I-I could try t-to repair the carriage with my magic… if you wanted m-me to t-try…” Ivys said. “Sure… b-but do you still ha-have enough mana t-to do so…?” Soma asked, after all she just casted large area magic.

“It cou-could be a bit too less… but I-I will try…” Ivys answered. “Please don’t overexert yourself” Falos and Soma said at the same time. “S-Sure…” after saying that Ivys stood up and going over to the card and held her staff in front of her. It is not necessary to use ‘catalysators’ but it can help at the beginning and with more advanced level magic, but the moment you reached a certain level of mastery for that spell a catalysator will do more harm than good because it may be easier to cast spells but it has also a maximum of speed in which the magic can be casted and a maximum output, both of which can vary between different catalysators.

Ivys started casting and slowly vines started to grow out of the ground, moving up the cart, settling at places where something broke and then they harden becoming wood like appearance wise. It may not have been as big as the last one but it is precision work. I went over in ghost form and ‘lend her a hand’ without her noticing by giving her a bit of mana. It is easier to this as a spiritual being as it would be for corporeal beings.

She relaxed a slight bit and continued to cast her magic. It seems she’ll have just enough MP to finish it so I’ll leave it at that. It took about 30 seconds till she was finished and sat- more like fell down onto the ground breathing heavily.

“T-that w-was quite exhausting…” Ivys said to no one particular. Soma and Falos rushed over “You okay?” “We told you not to overexert yourself, Ivys!” both Falos and Soma were quite worried, and Soma didn’t stutter. He tends to be less anxious if he is angry or worried, or this time both.


Hartfried also looked worried but probably decided not to interfere and let the kids to themselves. He glanced over now and then but ultimately stayed put.

Soma and Falos scolded Ivys a bit for being careless and soma forced her to read aloud out of a book that described what could happen if a human excretes their mana too much. Ten times. Soma can be… scary at times. Ivys and Falos learned that today.

I just got my non-existent Popcorn and enjoyed the show.


After some time we finally arrived at the city and Hartfried took the carriage and said he had to go and explain what happened to his superiors. So that left us four and it seems that all the corporals have an assembly… of course without me. So I am bored and stray a bit around… well as far as I can, and look at the shops that are around here. They don’t have big windows to show the products so you can only tell what’s inside based on the sign at the front. Well as long as they don’t have things standing outside like the food stalls.

Suddenly soma calls out to me. ‘Hey, we finished talking about what we’ll do from now on. We decided to stay together for the time being because it could be dangerous for young people like us to go around town completely alone. So our first stop will be an inn so we can store our things and then explore town a bit.’ I thought about it for a moment and sounded like a solid plan so I agreed.

After they found an inn to stay at and ate a bit they left and walked around town. At the wish of Falos they stopped at a weapon shop. “Look at this sword! This is a true master piece! And this- this is a sword from a foreign land! They say the military their concentrates around melee fighting since they don’t have much mana but they have extremely good martial prowess!” Falos was in his own world…

After they managed to drag him out of the store they went on. They bought some things like daily necessities since the prices at the inn for food are quite expensive. They were pretty fast until… they stopped at a bookstore. I should have known better then to let them near something like this.

It seems like Ivys and Soma are pretty much Falos just with books. Falos had to practical tear them from the bookstore after an hour there. “And you guys scolded me for staying at the weapon shop too long and I only stayed there for half an hour.” Falos was a bit pouty because compared to the other two he has near to no interest in books. It seems his mother wanted him to become a something like a scientist and forced him to read books. Well as you can see trying to force somebody to do something doesn’t always produce the result you intended to.

There were some thug looking people here and there but I navigated them around those people. That was not really a problem for me until we were practically surrounded by them…

To be continued in chapter 31…

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