《I died reincarnated and died again》Chapter 13: Noisy Night


Chapter 13: Noisy Night

Pov: Kreon at the time they split up in the hallway.

We brought the two heavy injured up into a room with two beds so we can treat them. I checked their name with status check. The man is the leader of the team and his name is Alex. The girl is a ranger, and her name is Liana. It seems the girl is in a worse condition so I will treat her first. I bought the healing skill with skill points. It costed 25 acquiring points. The problem with that skill for normal people is that it is normally not so effective because you need knowledge of the body you are healing. Now I am happy I at least memorized a bit from my biological lessons. I cleaned her wounds with the water spell cleaning I learned and undressed her before healing her. Of course, I kept the minimum of clothes there. After that I used the healing magic to restore the body to what should be normal. Well I don’t know to 100% how her body should be so this won’t be a full heal but she should survive like this. Now moving to the leader… I somehow have to get rid of the armor… Well it’s an emergency so I will destroy it and give another one or repair this one later. Then I cleaned his wounds and healed his body to the degree I can. After that I asked the maids to take turns to watch the room for the time someone waked up. I went to the library to study. I am a ghost I normally don’t need sleep.

In the time I stayed at this mansion I already read about half of the things in the library. I want to leave this mansion soon so I can explore this unknown world but I don’t want to leave the things here so I thought about how I would solve this best, and I found a good skill: Dimensional Home. It’s something like dimensional storage except that people can live in there and it’s possible to open the gate from inside the Dimensional home. There is also Dimensional domain, but it costs too much. It is pretty much Dimensional home just bigger. Dimensional home costs 350 acquiring points and dimensional domain costs 800 acquiring points. But maybe I should wait till I get 800? It would only take like 200 level ups. That’s more than my current level… well what can I say. When I healed the bodies of Alex and Liana I got a good look at their stats. And from what I can see is that I have unusual high stats for my level. And I currently look like a kid, so I probably also have too high of a level for my looks. Oh yeah Alex was level 250 and most of his stats were way below mine.


I spent about an hour reading. Then the door to the library opened and Seraphine came in.




Seraphine brought me to the room where we healed the two.





> (Liana)


I tried to talk like a kid again… it isn’t easy…

> (Liana)

> (K)

> (Liana)

> (Sera)

Good acting Seraphine!


>> (Si,Ri,Te)



> (Ri)

> (Te)


>> (Si,Ri,Te,Liana)

Proma walked in because I called for him.










For this opportunity it is good that I put blood in our bodies. I also gave proma an artificial heart and blood veins so he should bleed. Before the others could even answer proma took a knife out of nowhere – I seriously don’t know where he got that from – rolled up one of his sleeves and cut his arm. I instantly walked to him and used my healing magic and the wound closed instantly. The four of them were stunned


>>(Si, RI, Te, Liana)


I tried to say a kid like phrase but I don’t think it was any good. Severus who stood by without talking the whole time started talking.






I should work at my acting.

After I made sure everyone is asleep I sneaked out of the mansion and started to hunt monsters to level up. This time I used ghosts theft because my stats rise and I get skills.

After this night hunt I levelled up quite a bit.


As you can see, I levelled up quite a bit. And because of ghost’s theft my stats also increased. And I levelled up a few skills. For the stolen skills I levelled up the ones I could. I didn’t encounter any enemies that I didn’t got the skills from, so I don’t have any new skills.

The sun was rising when I came home.

To be continued in chapter 14…

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