《Tyrants and Heroes - The Hollow Triumvirate》III - The Eternal Testing Grounds - 2 - Alexius Magnar


We arrived at a quite big, square room. In the center of the room there were four small altars with small holes in them of different shapes. We had entered through a door in one of the corners of the room. In each of the four walls was a drawing. If one looked carefully at the drawings, they would realize that they depicted stones that would probably fit in the holes of the altars if they were of the right size. According to what I had read, touching each of these drawings would lead us to a different trial and after completing it we would have access to a keystone. Once we place all four of the keystones in the altars we would have access to the last room, where the Dungeon Master should be. Once we defeat that monster, we will have cleared the dungeon.

After briefly explaining this to Kardenon and Helena I pick three small stones that are set near the place we had just entered from. Those are the escape stones and once a person breaks it, all of us are immediately teleported out of the dungeon. They are something of a safety measure and although I don't think we will need it, I believe that it's better to prepare for the worst that could happen.

I let the two of them inspect and appreciate the architecture of the dungeon while I think of which trial might be the best to start with: From what I have read, although the details are pretty sparse, the four of them are as follows: First, the trapped corridor, a corridor containing a few traps and monsters here and there, at the end of which is one of the keystones. Second is the puzzle room, a room with no monsters and little risk, but it contains a puzzle that has to be solved if one wants to take possession of the keystone. Third is the return trap, which is a corridor with monsters, at the end of which there is a keystone and once it is taken, traps are activated. Lastly is the swarm room, a room at which one has to fight a swarm of enemies and once they are all defeated, the keystone can be obtained. It's all really basic according to the book. More than anything else, this dungeon was made as a training ground for adventurers aspiring to try and conquer actual dungeons. Now, that's not to say that there aren't any dangers, as there are a few stories of people who have lost their life in this dungeon because they underestimated it and did not use their escape stones in a bad situation.


“Well, the details in here aren't too bad, I wonder how exactly did this place form?”

I turn towards Kardenon's voice to see holding a pensive pose. It is actually kind of funny to see someone who pretty much looks like some kind of wargolem wondering about things out loud. I almost let out a laugh, then see that Kardenon is reaching to the symbol on the wall, I try to stop him.

“Ah! Don't touch that! I still haven't...”

As I was saying it, he touched the symbol and it started to shine. A few moments later the wall in front of Kardenon opened, revealing a corridor, not all that wide really, but quite tall. Me and Helena would barely be able to walk shoulder to shoulder in it, and Kardenon in his armor would able to block most of it.

“Whoa! I didn't expect that! Uh, did I do something wrong?”

How to respond to that?

“Not exactly... We eventually will have to go through all four of the trials and you just activated one of them, but on the other side, you really shouldn't carelessly touch anything in a dungeon. Most everything that looks like it should have some kind of important function actually does have an important function.”

Kardenon's shoulders slightly dropped.

“Uh, my apologies.”

Once again I found it comical, but I managed not to laugh. Helena was looking at the both of us with disapproving eyes. Why me too?

With the trial open there was nothing for us to do but start it, after all we wouldn't be able to start any other trial until we brought back the keystone at the end of this one: The other drawings had disappeared from the walls. Remembering the symbol that Kardenon touched, I am sure that the trial we are about to go through is the trapped corridor.

After a brief discussion, we decided on the following order: I would be first, Helena would be in the middle and Kardenon would be last and protect our backs. It is quite unnerving to walk in this corridor, as even though it was very tall, there was a strange darkness that made it impossible to see anything coming from above until it was quite late. That said, I couldn't really afford to look up, for fear of stepping in something that might trigger a trap.


We made slow progress as I made sure to not step on or touch any weird thing and called them out to Helena and Kardenon. Our first encounter with monsters went well. I dispatched with my sword a couple of small gremlins that came at me, then a while later the attack was repeated. As we advanced, this harassment became more frequent. Three from the front, then three at the back, four at the front, then five. Sometimes they came from both the front and back and sometimes they activated traps which, sometimes we would have to avoid, but which more often than not killed them.

Spikes coming out of the walls, fire from the floor and holes which could easily get someone's limbs stuck. The traps were simple, but dangerous. Not paying attention to them, even while fighting the annoying gremlins was dangerous. Although I suppose that only very direct hits might hurt me due to my armor, I would rather not put it to the test. As we walked, a loud noise could be heard of some kind of rope broken and cracking. I had to think really fast. From the front? No, the sound came from the back!

“Everyone! Dodge!”

As I shouted and looked back, I saw a huge blade emerging from the darkness above and behind us. It was big enough that it could probably cut me entirely in half. Armor or not, there was no way I was going to risk getting hit by that thing.

As I threw myself on the ground I heard a huge noise of two things colliding and I didn't feel the blade pass me by. That was weird... No... Panic griped me, did someone not manage to dodge it? I stand up and look at something very impressive. Kardenon was panting then started laughing.

“Ah, ah, aha, ahaha. Hahahahaha!” He was holding the blade in front of him. “Did you see it? I grabbed it! I grabbed this damned thing! I stopped it, with no problem! I. Am. Amazing! This armor is amazing! I knew I was a genius, hahahahaha!”

I'm not sure exactly what I was supposed to be impressed the most by: His recklessness or the payoff from it.

“I'm happy you didn't get yourself cut in half, but really, couldn't you have dodged the thing like we did?”

Helena sounded slightly annoyed. Kardenon scoffed.

“Have you taken a good look at the blade that I just stopped? Look at me right now, do you think there is enough space?”

Now that I took a good look, he was right. Even if he tried dodging sideways, the blade would have probably taken out a chunk of the armor. And taking an even better look, I realized that the blade would have swung way too close to the ground. If Kardenon hadn't been there, then chances are that me and Helena would have been quite injured.

“I... Fair enough. I will concede that you made the best choice available to you... Still, that was quite reckless.”

It seems that the both of them did not realize yet that Kardenon had essentially saved us. Better not say anything. If I talk about it he might get overconfident.

There were no more problems until we arrived at the keystone's chamber, nor was there any problem when we walked back to the main room in the same formation. We beat the first trial without any injuries!

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