《Tyrants and Heroes - The Hollow Triumvirate》II - The Beginning - 6 - Kardenon Therynia


I still can't believe my luck. It was as if the Maker had, after making me go through several ordeals, decided that I am worthy of an attempt at success. I will not fail it! Ever since I left Tharaz Eron, only catastrophes befell me. Of course, a good part of my problems were caused by my shoddy preparations and lack of knowledge when it comes to traveling. However, now I am convinced that this was all just an ordeal and now everything will pay off. As expected of a man of my genius, even when I fail I actually didn't.

I have an immense gratitude for that young man, Alexius and his friend, Helena. Although, I think I'm actually not very comfortable with her. It seems she is clearly irritated by my person and my attempts at not interacting with her too much seem to have had the opposite effect. To remedy this, I will try my best at finding out why she dislikes me. I have strongly considered asking why, but I learned enough from my parents to know that you don't just ask a human these kinds of things. It seems they don't appreciate the bluntness. How difficult.

Regardless, I will do my best in order to earn her favor, as it seems that Alexius has already somewhat warmed to me. I feel like my fortune depends on traveling with them and that is what I will do. My raw instincts and hunches have never let me down. I will obtain prestige and I will obtain the recognition that my magic-armor-construct is a revolutionary and effective idea.

To the end of helping them, I asked the two of them about what they plan to do in Probium, fully aware that it might not be the most comfortable question. From the start, I realized that they didn't really want to tell me all that much of themselves and although I don't know the reason why, I am fully confident that through my usefulness and unyielding honesty I will one day enjoy their trust.


While I might not be without my own share of naivete, I find it quite worrying that the two of them think they can keep hidden the fact that they are nobles while one of them carries around a Treasury Sack. Such a rare and valuable thing cannot be obtained by money alone. They are extremely rare and their manufacture is long, difficult and expensive. It also takes a very long time to attune one to even be able to use it, so the possibility of it having been stolen is quite low. I'm sure that any noble would hunt the would-be thief of such an item to the ends of the world. That considered, my gratitude was increased even more when Alexius offered to let me store some of my excess baggage in his treasury. Of course I wouldn't refuse it and as a show of trust, put almost all of my precious research materials inside of it.

After we separated and retired to two different rooms. I took the time to think on my good fortune this day. As I go to sleep, I am filled with much more hope than the preceding weeks since I left Tharaz Eron. It sure is good to be me.

I wake up the next morning feeling even better. In order to feel even better, I follow my precious morning routine. I take out of a small bag my Energy Potion brewing kit, one of the few things I didn't leave with Alexius. First, I prepare a magical pot that boils water with a small injection of mana and start boiling some water from a jar I asked from the Inn's owner last night. Second, I take a few dark grains out of a Preservation Sack, then I carefully grind them in a small pot. Once the water is boiling, I throw them in the boiling water and let the grain's miraculous properties seep into the water, creating a dark bitter potion. Once I am satisfied with the resulting brew, I chant.


“Heavy as the world, cling to this earth and do not leave it.”

Making the ground grain much heavier, I am able to easily transfer most of the liquid to a mug. Then, after a few minutes of waiting for it to slightly cool down, I am finally able to drink my energy potion. Ah! The bitter taste of sweet energy! Nothing beats that in order to properly wake up. I'd say at least a fifth of my genius is thanks to that miraculous drink.

As I appreciate it, I decide that in the end, there would not be a better act of trust and friendship than to offer some of my favorite drink to my new companions. Thus, I decided to head to their room. After arriving at the door, I knock on it a couple of times and wait for a response. I hear a slightly hoarse “Just a moment!”

After the door open, I am greeted by a sweating and panting Alexius, who is not wearing a shirt. Hmm, a young man and a young woman traveling together, while not completely comfortable with talking about their circumstances. Yeah, I think I can easily guess their relationship, personally I think it's a shame that their parents didn't approve of their marriage, they do look pretty good together. Ah well, nobles always have their problems, I should know it well. Of course I wouldn't be so rude as to comment on it.

“Oh, hey, Kardenon, good morning. Is there something you need?”

I raise my filled mug and smile at him.

“Hey there, Alexius. I just made some energy potion for myself, it really helps me wake up in the mornings and concentrate. I was wondering if you or Helena would want some. Though I'm not sure if you're familiar with it.”

He looks at the dark brew in my mug with some suspicion. I take a sip to reassure him, then smile and once again offer the mug. He still looks doubtful, but this time he grabs it and takes a sip. He doesn't seem to like it very much.

“Erm, it is quite bitter. Not sure if it's to my taste...”

I can barely contain my laughter.

“Hah, yeah, that's how I felt too, at first. No, really, believe me. If you drink this enough, you realize how good it is at helping you think. Then, once you get accustomed to it, you might even start to like the taste.”

He shakes his head, still looking doubtful.

“Maybe, but regardless, I thank you for wanting to share this with me.”

Well, eventually he will succumb to this mighty drink, I just know it. In the meantime I suppose I should be happy with the fact that offering it to him was a positive.

“Alright then, you're welcome, thanks for accepting the offer. I'm going back to my room to drink the rest of it and clean the brewing kit. After that, I'm going to wait for you two at the ground floor.”

He nodded in response and looked back into the room briefly.

“I think Helena might take a little while still.”

I resist making a sly face and telling him to not be too rough with her. I just wave at him and go back to my room.

There are many things to be bought in preparation to challenge the dungeon. I will do my best to assist the two of them! No garbage magical items or sub-par equipment will be bought. I will stake my honor as a craftsman on it! After drinking the rest of my energy potion and carefully cleaning my brewing kit, I pack it up and head to the inn's ground level. It would take slightly less than an hour for the two of them to meet me there.

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