《Tiny heart》11. Claws


The guards rushed to where a large group of fairies was hovering around a little girl and a teenaged caretaker that was trying to soothe her, "come now Day you dont have to play with Velk if he isnt nice", "i j j just wanted to pet the bunny and he hit me with his sword, it really hurt", "i know sweetie but why dont you and i go wash our faces in the pond and then maybe we can play with some of the other children?", The girl nodded and walked away from the excited fairies and soon the whole thing seemed forgotten, the guards looked all around them at the new magical landscape and wished they could stay and play some more but this had to be reported immediately as it seemed something has awakened the slumbering dungeon.

Gat was upset with her brother for hitting the little girl so the guard went over there to drag the misbehaving near youth back to town, but when the boy resisted something far more ominous started happening, all around her shadows started shifting into near tangible beings and when fear started creeping into her mind the shadows became real monsters, she was surrounded on all sides by demons just like in her nightmares, Veldi was holding her sweaty hand when a whimper escaped his lips, suddenly it was all gone, the lit flower covered cavern returned as if nothing had happened and she could see a large group of fairies rushing to hide between the vines.

Azure wasnt happy, it wasnt the first time but it was special, because he was angry at his own creation, the little dungeon was defying Azure's wishes and would not relent to threats nor promises.

The child had misbehaved and an older sibling had a duty to teach his proginy right from wrong, it was a simple truth of the world and the ancient dungeon was starting to see why mortal parents had gone to such lengths to impart their knowlege and experience on their younger generations.


Trevain, the new baron of sert had devised a plan to make him rich and powerful beyond any of his previous dreams, when he set out to reach the end of the misty vale dungeon he was bonded to serve his sponsors from the higher nobility, but now he had a new ally and he will sever those bonds soon to play on the much bigger field that had opened before him.

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