《Worlds within world》Chapter 2:


Will awoke to the sound of soft voices. While his eyes stayed closed, he thought about his entire life. It was pretty bad for the first day, but afterwards it has to get better right? After all he already visited hell, depending on how he viewed it anyways.

“Alright, Shui-er, when Will wakes up, you have to say you’re sorry to him. Got it? That was a close one, if he wasn’t our child, I doubt anyone else would have survived that.”, going by the voice, it seemed that “mommy” was rather chill with his whole near death experience. “But then again, he did get all the good traits from us, right dear?”

“That’s right, I would be disappointed if a child of ours had died simply because he couldn’t take in air from a crushed windpipe. By the way, sweetie, next time don’t hold Will like that. It seems your mother rubbed off some bad habits on you.”, a low, deep voice followed, who Will guessed belonged to his new father. “Also, dear, I keep reminding you, children are not little kittens! You can’t just hold them like that! I know that's how you were raised, but come on! Where do you see that stretchy part of his skin? He doesn’t even have fur!” As his father spoke, he got progressively louder, until the last part was almost a yell.

“Oh? Did you just backtalk ME, dear? Why, I never realized that you grew a pair, and recently too! Is it because of the children? The same ones that YOU ARE SCREAMING IN FRONT OF?!”, now “mommy’s” voice got even louder then father’s. This was an argument that he shouldn’t be a part of, so Will tried to go back to sleep.

Unfortunately, it seemed that someone noticed that he was awake, though Will couldn’t figure out how. It wasn’t like he moved or anything, rather he couldn’t move for some reason. Odd.

“Look! Daddy! Mommy! Will’s awake!`` Shui-er's voice seemed to be the loudest of all, as she could be heard over the yelling. Her words seemed to have poured a bucket of cold water over the inferno that was about to explode, as both sides stopped yelling. Followed by movements from across the room as two pairs of footsteps moved closer to Will.

It seemed that Shui-er was watching over him, while their parents were... arguing? Fighting? He wasn’t sure which, but now he understood why he had such a nice set of lungs, it's called genetics.

As much as he wanted to continue to play dead, both literally and figuratively, in his case, he couldn’t at this point.

Opening his eyes, the first thing he noticed was the colors, or rather the lack of, as only three colors now make up his world. White, black, and a mixture of the two, creating varying shades of grey.

'Did I just become color-blind?' Inwardly panicking, Will tried to calm himself down. Problem is, it became too hard in this case, as the next scene made his eyes widen and his racing heart to beat even faster.


Shui-er, the little girl who stared down on him, was like a beacon of light. It was as if she was in the middle of a sci-fi concert or something, every shade of color imaginable floated around her. Back and forth they moved creating a dance-like effect to Will’s eyes, all the while changing hues like some kind of screensaver.

As she continued to look down, on what Will guessed was his baby crib, the colors continued to encircle her, their bright colors creating a huge contrast between the black and white world around them.

Then his new parents also peered over to look at him, creating another splash of colors. They were even brighter and more colorful than their daughter’s. He felt like he would have eye problems from staring at all those flashy colors - oh wait.

“Dear, I think he might have…”, the man, who appeared to be a college student, around his early 20s, looked at his wife with his black eyes as he spoke. Oddly enough he also had long black hair, very similar to his wife’s, other than the fact that his was rolled up into a bun on top of his head. Hair aside, his appearance was like one of those teen fashion models back from Earth, though without all the makeup and other crap. Again, that’s by normal standards. To describe his new father accurately by Will's own standards, he was the semi-ugly/plain side character you see in those romance mangas. The one that somehow in the end gets one of the girls that the main character throws away for his so-called “true love”.

Which might be why he seemed to be rather scared of his wife, as Will recalled someone talking about growing a pair. A pair of what you might ask? Well, it’s something most men don’t have in the real world back on Earth. Guys are just as pathetic as girls back there, in fact girls might have been even better than guys. Seeing how they had to deal with the agony of childbirth while the dude sits there twiddling his thumb.

Pity the old ways of survival of the fittest didn’t stick around long enough to take out the gene for stupidity. As, quite literally, dumbasses were everywhere, case in point, smoking. It kills you, and yet for some god-knows-what reason, people still smoke. Same for all drugs and such, they know it’s terrible for you, causes massive problems, and yet, here they are, still doing it! It’s like people back on Earth are so stupid, they haven’t even realized that they are slowly killing themselves!

Hell, the ones who say that it’s to get rid of stress? Bullshit! If they have so much stress that they choose to slowly kill themselves, they are better off killing themselves right there and then. That way, they don’t have to suffer as much with all that so-called stress, and go off quickly, though painlessly would depend on the method…

Oh, and they won’t need to worry about lowering the population, after all without them, it’s not like the world will end or something. Each and every life is worthless in the grand scheme of things, in fact, if humanity was wiped from the face of the Earth. There could be another race, probably an even better one, which would then slowly evolve and take over what humans managed to mess up so nicely. Or you know, if higher beings DIDN’T try to mess with the evolution of a species, Earth might, you know, actually progress towards the correct path.


Since, apparently intelligent thought was like, so awesome, that they could blow Earth up so many times and still be stupid enough to make more. What were they planning? An invasion of another world or something? They suck so much at “intelligent” thought, that they couldn't even stop people from slowly killing both themselves and others. Forget traveling to other planets to take over, they should have started fixing whatever went through their “amazing” brains. Because if destruction is all they can do, then intelligent thought really isn’t worth much.

Such thoughts rapidly ran through Will’s head as he looked at his new blindingly colorful family. Then again, since it had nothing to do with him anymore, and he couldn’t change anything even if he wanted to. He figured it was better to forget the problem back on Earth entirely. The fact that he died from several greenhouse gas causing vehicles might also had something to do with his choice. But hey! It’s another world, where hopefully they wouldn't completely cause the entire world to become something similar to Earth.

Something that dumb couldn't happen in two separate worlds….right?

“Hey there little guy! I’m your daddy! Say hi!”, Will’s colorful father started talking to him first, making Will stare at him. It seemed that she didn’t want to lose his attention, as Shui-er decided now was a good time to grab him, with her hands still aiming for his little neck.

You had to wonder at this point if she just enjoyed holding him like that. At least, now she’s using both hands unlike in the beginning. Though in this situation, it wasn’t really something Will was thankful for.

“Wait, Shui-er! You can’t pick him up yet! Will still hasn’t fully molted!”, her mother who was right next to her, quickly grabbed both her hands. At the same time, her father somehow got his body between her and Will’s baby crib.

“Sweetie, why don’t you wait until next week? Let Will go through all his molting first, alright? Daddy can play with you instead! We can go outside and catch things together, or if you want we could go swim in the river.”, her father quickly began trying to persuade her from grabbing Will, while still keeping himself between the two.

Her mother also helped by guiding her towards the door outside the house as her husband talked, forcing Shui-er to follow along as her hands were still in her mother’s grip.

“Finnnne! Then Will,”, Shui-er peered past her father’s legs, and spoke at Will’s crib, “I’ll be back when you finished molting! Don’t worry, it only takes a few days! I went through it last week!”

Turning around, she then led her relieved parents out the door, this time her hands pulling on her mother;s hand while her father followed behind.

“Will! We’ll be back in a few days, be a good boy, ok? The molting would be over before you know it!”, with those last words, Will’s father shut the door to the house. Throwing a curtain of darkness over the room.


At first Will thought that they were kidding, molting? What was he, a bug? But when the distinct sound of the door closing echoed throughout the house, it finally dawned to him why he couldn’t move.

In most insects’ case, as they molted they would rip themselves out of their former shell, and emerge showing off all their beautiful glory. So does that mean he couldn’t move because he was in his shell? That didn’t sound good, what was he gonna do for the time period he needed to wait? Rather, what was he gonna eat?

The empty house looked even darker than it did before. The windows seemed to have been closed as he slept, as no light could be seen coming from them. The only light that came into the room came from the area right underneath the front door, the same place where his new family had just left through. In other words, he was literally in the dark about his current situation.

Questions swirled in his head, things like, people molt in this world? Moving to what he could do to survive the molting process. Continuing on to even simpler questions like, won’t he starve to death? There wasn’t a trace of food anywhere in the entire house, at least from what he could recall. The so-called kitchen only had firewood in it, there wasn’t things like meat hanging from the walls or anything.

Currently, the biggest concern for Will is getting something to eat. He distinctly remembered that molting had a huge energy cost, where was he gonna get his energy from?

Will tried moving again, and found that not only could he not move even a finger, there seemed to be some kind of force making him sleepy.

Figuring that he might as well go to sleep to conserve energy, he didn’t resist the allure of sleep and passed out in his baby crib.

The moment he did, it was like there was some unheard signal that fired within him. Will’s entire body seemed to be breathing in something from the atmosphere as he slept. If he was awake at that point, he would have noticed that the world he saw before was changing. Bits and pieces of light, shining in various colors were appearing from within the black and white world. It was as if the new colors were the offspring of the two, melded together somehow to produce brand new colors.

Those colors then floated over to his unconscious body, where they were then quickly absorbed into it. This colorful scene continued on as Will lay there peacefully dreaming about sheeps and whatnot.

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