《Prevented My Empire From Falling》04


It was yesterday night we stormed in and took the throne. We were so tired but we couldn't sleep comfortably just in case. So we took turns sleeping. In the night I managed to sleep due to tiredness, then while I finished a bunch of work, they slept in the same room where I worked, just in case.

I sent out letters to the nobles, flyers to the commoners that the King and Queen died, and I will become their new ruler. Hopefully they wouldn't mind it but if they opposed… things could get messy, but i knew that wouldn't happen.

I found out that the more I'm tired the more Rela’s body takes over and the harder it is for me to take back control. I had to make sure I had plenty of energy from now on.

I started scribbling the things I have done off my checklist.

-Take the throne ✓

-Save my brother for poison attempt

-Check out the sword skill of the Royal guards

-Make a secret tunnel for myself and for my brothers

-Find the traitors with full evidence.

-what to do with the suitors.

-and what to do with the consorts.

And I had many more things to check out. I was especially worried about the romance bit. I had to adopt or produce an heir for the throne in order to avoid the big war coming up. Plus if the consorts face were familiar it would be….. Awkward for me.

I sat back in my chair and sighed.


Aeson sprang up and fumbled his sword. His face was all one sided as if he was licked by a horse.

“Your Highness, the people of the city have gathered in front of the palace.” the knight announced.

Even though he was not inside the room his voice was loud and clear.


“Why have they gathered!? To assassinate Her Highness? ” Aeson shouted back.

At this point anyone around would already have woken up. That was the case for Ian. He rubbed his eyes and ruffled his hair. His blond hair shined in the sunlight. He was actually breathtakingly beautiful.

“Hey,” Aeson shook me out of my thoughts. “Let’s get going.” Aeson marched off outside. I grabbed my sword and followed.

I heard chanting from the entrance of the palace. There were many people, at least 50 or 100.

We continued as we could make out the words.

“Long live the Queen!” they chanted.

Ah, of course, they might have lost hope when they heard I was poisoned by the Queen. They thought i died--- Even the King and Queen thought so, although the queen was suspicious because of the amount of mana i left.

“Citizens!” I boomed.

They calmed down.

“I apologize for how long you all have suffered. But we will become great again. Greater than before!” I said the exact same thing as Rela had done.

That brought out a big cheering and a round of applause.

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