《Prevented My Empire From Falling》Prologue 4. The curse


Before the modern times it was an Empire and before becoming an Empire it was just a strong Kingdom, before Rela took the reigns. She took over the throne and conquered a bunch of countries, became an emperor and died peacefully…….Callista says otherwise.

Callista thinks that she was killed by maybe an admirer. And her reasoning was how could Rela just die, she wasnt really old, plus she was doing a great job.

Since she didn't have any children for the heir, the council broke into war, fighting for the throne. She died so suddenly they didn't have any time to talk things through. How she died was unknown. Soon the nation broke into pieces, fighting each other for power and the glorious reign ended after 10 years. So that luck was a sham, which was so relatable. No happiness lasts forever does it?

“How do you know all this?” i had asked, as i was dangling from a tree.

“We learn it in Loreal. I think you’ll learn it in any academy. Everybody is bitter about it. Like why she died. But the majority just shrug it off and say it wasn't exactly her fault that she died. Then war broke out. But they only say that the war and her death wasn’t her fault,” she clenched her fists. “Do you know what their ancestors did? They caused riots believing somebody killed her. But they were killed by nobles who were fighting over the throne. Many people died while they were battling things out. Even the minor ones, probably a fight against villagers maybe, but even theirs caused 100 deaths,”

I was probably making a face like: how do you know that?

Because she quickly added: “My ancestor told me.”

that’s crazy. I mean a minor battle causing 100 deaths? Then what about a grand scale battle? Thousands? Ten thousands? Just what was the population there. But eventually the fights died down as the population decreased drastically. But not really. The war continued for nearly 10 years, although the authorities aren't so sure about it. I mean the records they recorded? It was mostly burnt into ashes or they weren't really reliable and on top of that, not many records survived the dark age. I think they slowly got tired with the power struggle and just went on living as countries but they still had skirmishes here and there.


Then, for 2 months, a plague hit the continent and they were forced to stop all kinds of violence in the power of nature.

Many called it a blessing, others called it a curse that was inflicted by Rela and other restless souls. The nations came into an agreement and decided to sign a peace treaty and some peace negotiation documents hoping to stop the plague. But it did stop eventually.

Then just like it was programmed, every 10 years something would happen to the continent. Earthquake, tsunami, a stronger-than-before hurricane, tornado, forest fires, floods or diseases. Many thought it was to remember the 10 years of suffering, others thought it was a not-changing warning from Rela or maybe even from Mother Nature---- to not do any War if it was something avoidable. So everybody on the continent, wishing not to have a mass killing by mother nature decided to keep the peace. The 10 year cycle started to slowly fade away, and not in the modern times it would be very rare for it to happen.

Don't be surprised, this year is the year. The last one that happened was 60-70 years ago, I dont keep track. It caused a flood which caused everyone to fight over food, which made things even worse, and on top of that, mother nature gave us forest fires and we died down the fight. Many authorities insist it won't happen this year since we haven’t done anything wrong in the past decade. But the others said it might actually happen, since mother nature has to have a limit to its patience.

I do agree with Mother Nature. I mean like we were damaging nature and I guess we need a warning sign-- just a minor one, not a big one that would cause ten thousands of deaths.

The religious side says it's God’s power so that God can cleanse the Earth and wipe the bad people out. The non-religious say that's crap, and say it's alien or whatnot.

It was a bit of too much mystery.

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