《Prevented My Empire From Falling》Prologue 0 before everything happened


I quickly sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as my eyes adjusted to the bright room. Dang I slept out again.

"What's the time?" I asked , putting aside my backpack.

"13:59. You are lucky that this is our last lesson eh? If not you would be in detention if i hadn't woken you up. Consider yourself lucky." Lavena said.

"Yeah, yeah thank you. I owe you a packet of crisps." I said half heartedly.

Lavena looked happy as she adjusted my hair.

Rian, the guy who was by the door looking out for the teacher, announced: "Teacher's coming guys!"

Everybody took their seats as they put their phones away.

Teacher came in calmly as always and greeted us.

"Good Morning class, today we will not have a full 45 minute lesson so you can go home," the class all did a "YES" pose. "Because today we will have a meeting among the teachers. " he continued. "Anyways I would also like to announce that there will be a new girl coming to our class, officially from tomorrow. I'll go get her now." Mr. Camri as he exited the classroom.

Everybody murmured, "what kind of girl is she?" "I hope she's pretty." "I hope she's not pretty." And the usual like that. 'Just be patient. Sheesh' I thought.

Nevertheless I turned to my friends who were talking about the new girl.

"Could it be the girl who we saw yesterday?" Jessica asked.

"What girl?" i asked.

"The girl we saw by the reception office. Don't you remember?" Sara asked..

My mind raced furiously trying to remember. Since I haven't been sleeping these months, maybe my memory has short cuirted.

"Ah she wasn't there remember? She was at the meeting or something." Lavena said. There were some ohh and ahhs. 'I did a carry on' gesture.

"So, we saw the girl there and she had dirty blonde hair. It was really beautiful though. It had strands of gold-ish and blonde and really light brown. I wish I had her hair. I wonder if she bleached her hair?" Jessica said.

The teacher entered the classroom with a girl behind him.


The class quieted down.

"So her name is Callista Amargo. She came from the Academy Of Loreal so treat her well!" the teacher said.

Excitement filled the room. Her hair was truly amazing. Various colors are all very flawless, and bold. The class murmured among their neighbours. This is interesting. It was worth talking with your neighbour.

"So, does anyone want to show her around the school?"

I could feel the stares from the class behind my back. They definitely wanted me to show her around. What a tiring job.

"No one? Then Reyna, as class rep please guide her around. But not too long, we are going to close the gates early today." Mr. Camri said a little sadly as if he was sad that no one volunteered to show her around.


"Ok. i will." I sighed, not enthusiastic.

"So this is the room where we have our English classes." I explained some other minor things like how to open the locker with your student card and the wifi password and stuff like that. She hadn't said a word at all.

"Any questions? If you don't then I have to get going. I can tell you my number now or tomorrow which one would you like?'' I asked.

"Tomorrow is fine." she answered.

Finally! I turned ready to leave. She grabbed me by my wrists.

"Wait. do you remember me?" She asked. She looked up and took my breath away. Oh how beautiful she was. Her green eyes, so startling I nearly dropped my phone. Hey eyes shone wanting my attention like a puppy's. Those startling eyes triggered some childhood memories....

"Are you my cousin?" I asked out of a sheer guess.

Her face brightened up which probably meant I hit the mark.

"Ooooh ok! Wait, how's your body? I mean did that accident hurt you anything permanently? And why are you here? And where were you? '' Dozens of questions flooded into my mind quicker than I could speak.

She looked at me like: You haven't read the fashion magazines have you? I got those looks many times from my friends.

"Im fine. It left me with a weak body, but I have always been weak so it's not much of a difference. I moved out of Loreal because well, mostly because I needed a break. You know the school there is really stressful and stuff."

Wow, I couldn't believe it. My cousin, who was badly injured by a car accident when we were kids, and she suddenly disappeared, became a well known model, and she went to the L'oreal Academy. It was basically where all the smart people went and also where famous people went. There were many departments there, modeling,fashion,many different types of sports, economy, royalty and many more. And then she suddenly appeared. Wow. and i'm her cousin!

Suddenly my alarm went off.

"Oh do you still go to the sports clubs?" she asked as she read my alarm label: GO TO


My face flushed. "Yeah. I've been doing good." I said.

"Well i guess you have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow!" She said as she gently pushed me away.

I waved back at her dashing through the hallways as I got my bike keys out.

I arrived just on time, which was a thing I wished was true. I quickly tied my horse by the stables and got to the training grounds as I hurriedly slid in my positions as they were calling the last name on the attendance list.

"Late again Ms. Amargo!" the teacher shouted.


"I am sorry Sir." I apologized. The others snickered.

The teacher sighed. "You'll run 2 extra rounds tomorrow. You better come early tomorrow!" he said.

"Yes sir!" I answered as I felt a surge of relief. At least he wasn't going to kick me out.

"Now go run five rounds. When you are done then you can choose whichever partner you want, and just duel. Today I have a meeting with the council so I'll get going now."

"Yes sir!"

We broke formation and started running.

"Why is she always late?" one of the guys complained.

"She's probably busy picking out her clothes or doing her hair." the other snickered.

"Why is she even here? She isn't that good." the other said.

Dang of course, i am good, it's just that i don't want to stand out yet. Do these guys even understand how lucky they are? If i wasn't told to not stand out i would break their swords in half just by the practice rounds.


It was Jason Carsein, the captain of the swordsmanship junior training department.

"Hey, Jason whats up?" I asked.

"Can you slow down? And it's not Jason. It's Aeson." he said, panting.

I was dumbfounded. Why should I slow down to be with those nerds wasting their breath on a 'worthless' person like me? But then I realized that I had already run 16 seconds away from them. I slowed down a bit.

"What the heck is that stamina of yours?" he complained before he took a deep breath to steady his breathing.

I scoffed trying not to smirk at how funny it was. He's one of the popular dudes who's popular with girls,which in the girls eyes he looks the strongest and coolest because he's the captain of the junior department but, look at him, breathing hard his hair ruffled, who can't even keep up with a girl.

"Anyways, I wanted to ask when are you coming back?" he asked, avoiding my eyes.

My steady jogging slowed down as I thought of that. I haven't thought about it for many years.

"Don't know. When will I be stronger?`` I said not really thinking.

Jason muttered under his breath like : dang you know you are already stronger than an average male you know. I understand that i was a little more powerful than average girls but i had to be even more powerful in order to--- inherit the throne

--- become the #1 in the academy

I suddenly stumbled by a sudden gush of memories and ideas flooding into my mind. Jason grabbed my arm before I could hit the ground. I quickly regained my footing.

"Hey, you ok?" his face was full of concern. Since I never really show my feelings I guess he was caught by surprise. Wait, something just changed. And what's this sense of deja vu?

"Uh, I'm fine , thanks." I stammered.

We quickly ran over the finish line and got our sticks.

"Hey let's make a rule."

"What kind of?" I asked as I chose a wooden stick.

"How about we can only use our non-dominant hand," he said.

"What does the winner get?" I asked.

"Let's decide on that after I win." he said.

"I have no idea why you are so confident today, but we will find out since i will win." I countered.

He just smirked as he took his position.

As soon as our swords clashed I could feel his strength. Maybe it's because my left arm is more sensitive? He suddenly pressured me, so I backed up till the edge of the training circle. I overcame my shock to how strong he was, and tried to flip his sword out of his grip. But he somehow managed to keep hold of it.

How-? Of course! That's it! As he was about to hit me full force, I imagined him as if he was a bull. I jumped to the other side and quickly changed my sword arm. And took him by surprise and kicked his sword away. His sword skittered on the ground as I held my sword up to his throat.

He breathed hard as he did a give up sign. I lowered my sword. I wiped my sweat off my face and suddenly felt dizzy.

My right arm felt light and I realized I was holding a wooden stick and not a sword. Hm, that's weird. Then I felt it again, the deja vu. It felt like I saw this in a dream once. Or did it actually happen already?

"Bro, you are way too strong even in practice." Jason said as he retrieved his stick.

"Well it's because you cheated. I just returned the favour." I countered.

Jason stood there speechless as if i wouldn't have noticed that he changed his sword arm. Just because I was busy blocking myself from his blows didn't mean my head only thought of blocking. Of course I thought of how in the world he was strong as I thought of his vital points.

I smirked.

"Anyways you owe me one packet of... Skottles will do. I'll see you tomorrow!" I said as I calmly walked out of the training room like some sort of superhero from the Marble series.

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