《Arcadias Moon.》in the city-1


After getting comfortable sitting across from Cecily she seems confused for some reason. "Why isn't Onii-sama joining in with you?" "He seems to need to talk to the Margrave for a bit. He'll be a while." "Uh-huh, He is like that, very detail oriented that is why he is trusted and put on the frontier." She leans out the window and shouts forward toward the driver, which is a old dwarf grandma, who has a magic rifle to make sure to get rid of monsters at the level of goblins and wolves with a single shot for average people. "As soon as possible please take us to Uncle Falium's mansion." "Yes my Lady!" The carriage started moving forward as Cecily pulled her head in. "Now that we're moving I have a warning Uncle is a bit weird so don't be surprised." "what do you mean?" "Well...you'll see." "D.E.T.A.I.L.S. What am I getting myself into." She had a smile full of mischievous spirit "Well wouldn't you like to know." Tyrhrung is sitting beside me with her head on my lap with a huge smile watching me be toyed with no way to resist. "Uuu." "Haha" Cecily almost fell off her seat laughing. Before anything more happens I change the subject. "This carriage is a magic item right?" Seeming to miss that I was changing the subject. "Yes it is it isn't the best carriage we own but it is my favorite. It is made of treant wood it has various durability enhancements, but the main reason is I'm the one who made it." "Ehh. You made it, you must have a decently leveled woodworking skills and enchanting skills." "Yup I also have the smithing and alchemy skill which let me build the whole thing under supervision but the whole thing was built by me. From each ball bearing to the roof." "By the way, who is the lady that is the driver?" "Ahh I never introduced her but she was the last head maid. But before that she was a gold grade adventurer with her husband. They sent him over a few weeks ago to buy and set everything up here for retirement." "Ahh I should congratulate her then before leaving." A shout from outside the carriage came in as it stopped. "My lady, we are here!" And then a old lady opened the door and spoke. "Ahh lady feel free to visit me, I'm off to see my husband!" As she ran off she was replaced by a large man who was wearing a robe and carried a Hammer? It looks like a staff with a large chunk of a spirit stone attached to the end. He then sprinted right at me and he screamed "Cecily-chan watch out."

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