《Arcadias Moon.》to the frontier city-7


We were almost at town and I ask about where we can meet at a later date and do a few experiments for various things.

"Ahh I forgot I'll be staying in the adventurers guild masters mansion. You can come over later he is a friend of my father during his time as an adventurer, and he has a massive underground lab. Sorry you will be getting off here, so I'll return to you to Nii-san, See you later."

"Got it"

Tyrhrung turned back into a sword, then I got out of the carriage and walk over to Micheal.

"Yo I've been freed."

"Yeah and I've been forced to walk outside in armor in the middle of summer while you were in the carriage that had a changing internal temperature where it was like a nice fridge. But I'll stop complaining as we're approaching town and I need to explain why it is a good idea to let a monster in town while it's not a summoned monster or a tamed one to the commander in charge. So wait here." he then sighed and jogged to a commander gathering adventurers,soldiers and knights as quickly as possible.

-Micheals point of view-

I should of gone ahead instead of walking with the carriage considering all towns in this kingdom have a magic tool that detects if a gold class monster comes within a 5 kilometer radius minimum and 100 maximum. considering his strength to kill a top grade silver class monster in a single slash it should of been clear that the said magic tool will react to him. I should of thought this through, he IS a monster even though he acts ands seems human. Or a type of Kijin or Deamon.

I ran to the 'army' that is being built and set up right in front of town and shout to get their attention.


"I'm Micheal Leonheart and I'd like to see who is in charge to discuss the reason that your gathering at the moment."

The unit commander runs up and checks my adventurer card. He is an old man and is wearing a set of armor made of a magic silver alloy of some sort looking like a knights armor with more metal instead of being a 'one piece per part' with it fitted better then normal knights.

"Got it follow me I'll take you to the Margrave. Follow me"

He had me follow as he ran over to the place you'd normally check into the city.

"The Margrave is in here give me your spear and come in."

I give him my spear and enter and bow.

"Sorry for interrupting, I'm Micheal Leonheart, but I have a report on the gold class monster that just approached town."

"You don't have to speak respectfully, it is just bothersome just make your report."

"Yes, like I said I have a report on the gold class monster. The report is the gold class monster is it is not an enemy... and it's my fault that he made to town. Well as I said earlier it isn't an enemy it is a class 1 intelligent monster meaning it can be reasoned with. It couldn't be appraised by the -- skill, but he is a unique type of slime according to himself. I don't know the exact type of slime but it is definitely a slime as it has a core and its body is mailable.

On the way over I have learned about his personality, he is slightly wary of people, building a wall for most people, but he isn't a threat. He actually may be a benefit considering he without hesitation ran to help a carriage upon noticing it and he is really accurate in finding how to handle people.


The biggest thing that tells me he is a benefit and not a threat is he has no 'threat' nothing that causes people to automatically repulse people. Beastmen and elves are much more attuned to 'threat' so they normally be repulsed by just by being near it yet instead of being repulsed they seem to be attracted not by any emitted skill or spell, but by the natural untainted mana."

Seeing my thoughts he seemed to think of something but he seemed hesitant. The Margrave here is named Jake Faress and the reason he was placed on the edge of humanity on a frontier was his hyper rare unique skill of -- allowing the user to practically predict the future of invasions and assassinations all monarchs make sure to have one on their side at all times.

"I see." the Margrave leaned back in the chair and took a breath in. "I can't just let in a monster that is gold class without any reason to just enter town. So tell me how you can bring in a monster and convince the populace."

"Ahh, Simple have him sign up for the Adventurer guild and the Mage guild."

Pausing for a minute Margrave Faress nodded.

"Sure" Taking a breath in "but warn him he'll be under watch the whole time he is in the city."

I smiled and bowed " Thank you"

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