《Arcadias Moon.》to the frontier city-3


A couple hours later we are all sitting by the fire just drinking and talking how they're going to spend the money they got from this request. "I'm bored they seem trust worthy you let me out." I heard Tyrhrung complaining "Are you sure? There is no taking it back." I tilt my head as I respond. "Uuu, I guess I can wait." she seems upset but she doesn't seem impatient. "sorry" I whispered. I hear a pair of foot steps make their way over and I see Mile and Gail. "Sorry are we interrupting?" Mile asked but for some reason Gail quickly nodded. "She doesn't speak much." Gail also nodded here. "So what are you doing here?" I tilted my head curiously. "We wanted to look at your short sword since we use short swords and daggers." I used gist to ask Tyrhrung if she was okay with it and she responded positively. "Sure. You can also swing it a bit." I hand them Tyrhrung with a bit of a bitter smile as I could see they stopped listening after 'sure'. "Oh its quite high quality" "Un...un" "it has great balance" "Un...un" "the handle seems to change shape to make it feel like I have wielded it for years." "Oh" After watching them just look, and complement it I raise my voice to get their attention. "You can swing it their are trees all around us!" "Can we? What if we chip it? It seems really expensive." Mile has a bit of worry in her voice. "Trust me it won't chip so easily." "Okay!" The amount of exactment in her voice make it seem like the worry never existed. As she turned around I notice that both Mile and Gail have long cat tails and under the hoods they were wearing earlier they had small cat ears. The color of said appendages are the same as their hair. As they make their way to the edge of camp to test out Tyrhrung Micheal called out. "If your going over their can you get some fire wood?" Everything he said seemed to vanish into thin air to those two so I responded in their stead. "Ahh, They're too exited to hear you so I'll make sure we get some." "We have some time with the fire wood we put in there yet, so you can take you time. Just make sure you bring some back with you." "Okay." I jog over to catch up, and what I see is a horror show. "What happened." I exclaimed my face had my mouth hanging wide and my eyes wide open. What I saw was awful almost twenty trees in a pile and two tails sticking out the pile. The trees looked like they were thrown at chainsaw attacked to a celling fan. I didn't even lag behind a full minute. "What the hell happened here?" that's is when the tails went completely strait as if they were caught doing some thing they weren't supposed too. After a few seconds the tails sunk into they pile as if to pretend they weren't caught. I walk over put both hands into the pile and pull out the two cats. They look at each other for a moment then me and instantly exclaimed. "ah We are sorry!" "It's okay so mile please explain what happened." "well, first as we walked over I used the Laido draw style slash into a tree and nothing happened so I tried a few more times and the I let Gail try and after a few more swings we messed up on edge alignment and bumped a tree and the they hit each other a became a giant set of dominos as they were falling I took Tyrhrung and slashed the trees some more before we got squished then I heard footsteps an pushed us into the pile and then we were pulled out and that's why we're here." Wow she said that in one breath. I carefully take Tyrhrung as I do their ears and tails drop. "Take a breath and its okay I'll let you grab some of it and take it for the camp. I'll store the rest." "Okay. ah, Once we get back too town will you join our party its always been the two us but we occasionally make temporary parties like this one for dungeon dives. We're both silver class adventurers." "I'll think about it." I let them pick up some wood then stored the rest and joked with them on them way back with how they ended up like this.

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