《Arcadias Moon.》as moons fade 6


First we must understand how -- works as a skill.

I activate -- to create iron.

"Ugh" I feel like I'm going to vomit. The amouont of stamina and mana isn't that much but, the speed it's pulled is more rapid than a fire ball spell while sprinting full speed as a toddler.

"Well I understand how -- works now, so lets try magic iron next."

Now that I'm used to it it's not that bad. the amount of mana is much more extreme but the stamina amount is a boat load more but it is not as bad as the mana. it look like the amount of health is deacreasing as well.

"Well it dosent matter lets use -- to refill my mana and use -- to recover my stamina, at the same time i use -- to heal my health."

After twenty minutes my entire status is refilled.

"Well I'll make more magic iron but I'll put atributes in it after I make it."

Two hours later

I change the shape of the ingots into a blade, hilt, gaurd, and handle.

"I'll take a nap after I finish the next step"

I take a breath" huuuuu"

"Okay, lets start !"

I pull a large chunk of my body off and I then fixed the missing part using --.

"Ow Ow Ow"

Next I put a peice of the slime jelly around each of the ingots I creted


The ingots start to glow brightly, and after it stops all the different elemental magic irons are dyed slightly blue.

"huhuhuhu...that's a nice hue it is much better then when I was a human."

I'm going to go take a nap for a few hours.

The sword plan I'm going make a short sword, that is also devil sword using my own body using a blade made with a six plate layer system. Each layer will be using 2 plates with each layer using different enchantments to enhance them. Then they will be layered with the mana flow direction flipped. The two center plates willbe the first layer and be made into a extremely strong core. It is made so that absorbs the shock that would go to the arm by using enchantments of , , and . It will use water attribute magic iron. The next two plates, the middle layer, will be made to maximize the durability using earth attribute magic iron and will have and running in parallel with a to increase effects of slashing and to make the blade less likely to chip. The last layer will be made using two plates made with fire and wind attribute magic iron with , , and .


The rest of the sword will be made to protect the user. The gaurd will use fire and earth attribute magic iron with the enchantments of , , . The handle will be made using magic iron filled with earth, water, and wood magic to make it like a wooden handle. It will have the enchantment of , , to make it easier to swing and have less recoil. The last part is the hilt will be made of wind attributed magic iron with the enchantment of , , .

A devil sword is a magic sword that is living making it easy to change and upgrade. Created using the material of a living being. they are pretty rare as they can only be used by the person who made them and the person who donated the material with few exceptions. Honestly I would use more advanced techniques if I had the materials and equipment.

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