《Arcadias Moon.》side chapter 1- Memories from the Moon 1 part 1



It's cold


I look up and see 20 others who are just like me. We are wearing the same used super sized teeshirts none of us have shoes or even socks. the walls have holes the door dosen't fit it's frame. we consist of 15 boys and 6 girls, we do anything we need to do to survive, but we don't steal or break the law so we all don't get all the rest of us beaten. we are better than other orphanages as we aren't starving and we have sheets to cover our selves with.

There is one adult with us she is a younger woman wearing dark brown robes that are made with monster leather. She is Sister Gaia she goes and hunts wolves and lower class monsters and she is a Silver Class adventurer. She could probably do better for her self if she abandons us, but she stays here with us doing her best. So we take odd jobs we can to help support her.

"Huhuhu... it's okay we'll eat after everyone gets up" said an angelic voice right above me. I look up to see bright glowing hair on a simple yet beautiful woman with a smile that would shake anyones heart. bump..bump..bump.....bump..bump. I hope this time never ends. I hope we never go back to how it was before she came here.

"AI!" from his voice no one would know what is going though his heart, he was just another child to the rest of them.

After 15 minutes everyone woke up up and had breakfreast. Then he did his chores of taking care of the animals in the shed. Which were large herbavorous monsters called steel cattle their bodies can't be cut by mass produced and less well crafted weapons but they don't take much maintenance and they're more docile than normal cows and produce double the milk.


"Are you finished Yet." shouted Sister Gaia.

"Just finished" I replied.

I run back inside so I can see Sister Gaia off to her adventurer duties.

"Yeah I'll see you later and when I'm back and I'll be a Gold class adventurer" Sister Gaia said as she went out the door. "You dont need to worry I'll be home in time for dinner, and then life will be better for us."

I replied "I hope you have a good day,stay safe, and succeed in your promotion"

The rest of the day passes as it does normally. Around dinner time Sister Gaia returns home looking happy yet at the same time slightly sad. I wonder whats wrong?

a brilliant smile comes from her when she enters.

"I have good news and bad news. First I'll say the good news 20 of you will be adopted by various adventurer's their home are nice and warm and you'll get to your stomach is full. But the bad news is the orphange will be shut down so we must choose who will become an adventurer and come with me."

"I WILL!!!" I shouted before anyone could even react.


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