《Arcadias Moon.》as moons fade- 4


"what do slimes eat?"

There are three needs food, shelter, entertainment. The dugeon is shelter "entertainment" is finding out how i can survive and evolve. What i do after is up to my disire. Well lets try eating bugs.

Uugh it taste bad and though it is disolved i feel more food but i can tell it converted with 99% effecintcy into mana. Due to mana detection, I undertand the body of a slime is a semi-spirit state consisting of water and magical power. I wonder if I can eat mana as it is. Well no discovery was found from doing nothing.


gained skill

gained abnormal status --

"Ugh... I feel like vomiting and my body is melting. Well any way it worked."

Oh Shit! my body is melting OOOoooooohhhhhHHHH hold together!

Whew I'm glad that I had theskill. Hmm I wonder with the body control skill if i could take a human-ish figure.

"Oooh it worked, well its not perfect i look like a child spirit race of water."


gained intrinsic skill --

spirit race and the spirit are two difrent things the spirit is the natural form of mana that is flowing around us in its most pure form. While a spirit race is a group of the spirit that gathered and formed a will or was created by an union of spirit races. A spirit race is diffrent from the other races as the do not need to sleep, eat or reproduce if they do its only because they found it intresting or entertaining. but they have ranks. At the bottom is the non-human spirits they are the weakest and can be found any where, though dont think it is not powerful it is as strong as a silver class adventure. After that is the lower spirit it is stronger then the non-human spirit but it is on the lower end yet, it looks like a toddler and tend to be mischievous. then is the intetermediate spirit it looks like a 10-13 year old child they are also called child spirits as they tend to be moody and hard to please but they are strong enough if you contract one you'll be invited by the country and large buisness' endlessly and be auto premoted to mythril rank. after them is the greater spirit looks like a teenager but it can supress its power to look like any other level to blend in. It is the type to rarely make contracts but can give its protection as well as level 1 -- skill to those he feels like it. the strogest spirit race is the Spirit King that number only six one for Light, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and darkness respectively they have absolute authority on the spirits ranked lower then them. Onething spirits all have in common is that they true to their desires.


Though there are execptions for example there is a ice elemental greater spirit who named himself Kaori, is able to willingly to ignore their orders. 800 or so years a go the Fire Spirit King was in the north icy feilds and they met each other and the fire spirit king ordered Kaori told the Fire Spirit King that he refused and to leave. The Fire Spirit King took offense and then bellowed and attacked Kaori. You would think the Fire Spirit King would come out on top due to elemental affinity and rank, but Kaori blocked by creating two thin barriers of ice and freezing all partiles and atoms inside as to incease their weight to sink them to the bottom of the barriers to create a vacuum to block the heat and flames as well as so when a whole was melted in one layer air would rush in and blow away the fire. After blocking the flame released by the Fire Spirit King, Kaori released a barrage of hell ice spears thar were as sharp as dragon fangs that the point had mana foucused on a single point as to peirce anything subugating the Fire Spirit King of that time.

Well I'm able to gain skills now, so let's get some skills I wanted while I was Human. first is focusing on our mana and mind and moving it around our body. After geting used to that I cover my body in a consistant layer of mana, then I introduce various elements. About twenty minutes of practicing.


gained skill --

gained skill --

gained skill --

gained skill --

skill -- gained proficency to become --

"Uhuhuhuhuhu..... lets gain all the skills I can while I have time before I go on a goblin hunt huhuhuhuhuhu."


Next let's focus on the cell and the body, bring out that strenth and channel it from our core to our arms and then to our legs. Move slowly first to get the feel of how much I'm strenthened. After getting the feel for it I speed up. Then I put the power outside my body covering my body like it is light armor and then continueing to train.


status abnormality cured

"uoh oh oh.....Oww I was suprised I never heard that while I used to train"

Now my ass hurts how could I who was an adventurer for many years get sso suprised that I trip and fall.


gained skill -lime lv5>-

gained skill --

gained skill --

gained skill --

skill -- reached it's maximum value of -- and has evolved into --

intrinsic skill -- has strenthened due to the evolution of -- skill

Lets check how I look now.

"water mirror"

No, It's like me while I was in my childhood. Uuuuuuuu I had long black hair and facial features that could only be called feminine and it looks like I'm wearing an oversized teeshirt and large soft leather pants tied down at the ankle while not wearing shoes. what should I do now? I'll rest for now and then I'll do the [Slime Strenthining Plan] I probably have one week to become strong enough to clear out my not-so-nice neighbors.

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