《Arcadias Moon.》as moons fade-2


"Okay ...Okay... calm down. So huh I'm stronger than an Iron class adventurer."

The adventurer guild huh I have many good memories of that place, Well I have many more awful memories of there though. Adventurers are a ragtag bunch of misfits 3rd or illegitimate child of lower class nobles, commoners who wanted a chance at wealth, retired knights who want pocket money, and last but not least those who want achievements. They come in the ranks.

Starting with the lower grade adventurers. Iron Grade, those who just joined. They are occasionally called adventurer lite or adventurers in training, they'll mostly do odd jobs and herb gathering requests. Next is Copper Grade these are where your average person can reach with some training. In this rank, you will do mostly do slime, wolf, and goblin hunting requests this rank is a rank where you can earn a "living", well it won't be anything fancy.this is the rank I spent years in. After that is Silver Grade this is a professional adventurer, you will start taking harder subjugation requests and start taking escort requests for peddlers. Their strength is about on par with an orc, and they start regularly partying with a group of friends to go on to a higher rank.

Next, you are going to the middle-class adventurers. Starting of this rank is Golden Grade these guys have reached into the superhuman they can fight with an entire platoon of your average knights and win without breaking a sweat this is the rank where you will start to get solicitations from nobles and merchants as well as some recognition. Then after them is the Platinum Grade these guys will get their own title like Setsuna, Light Blade, Fire Spear in the country they are in. they have the strength of your wyverns the weakest of the sub dragons.


After them are the upper ranks they start off with Mythril Grade your title has started to spread to the surrounding countries you can fight an army of a small city without a major injury. They have truly become super-human they tend to pick a country to work in or retire to a guild as a guild master in a larger city. Adamantine is the next Grade they are like Mythril Grade but even stronger. you can have 5 Mythril Grade work together to fight 1 Adamantine Grade and they will be one-sidedly trampled. Adamantine Grade adventurers can fight a silver lion 1 on1 and have a chance of winning.

This is the top rank orichalcum these people fight on equal terms with dragons. They are the peak of humanity. They are so isolated in strength that no country tries to solicit them as to not incur their anger. they have the power to erase an entire country in a single day. At the moment this rank only has 3 people in it. The high elf Allylize "Princess of the Reflective Moon" is one of the few elves who lived 1000 years and evolved into a high elf. She uses a short sword with ocean, mountain, and moon magic all of which are superior attributes. Next is Randolf "The True" he is the most unique as he is a dhampire of a dark elf and a True Ancestor who is on par with gods. The final is a high human brave named Mayrai that was summoned 200 years ago and her title is as you can guess "The Brave". She has a personality that is the most volatile of the Orichalcum Grade adventures as she will take any woman who catches her interest and "corrupt" them in her own words, well there is an upside as long as you don't touch what is hers, you won't touch her inverse scale.


"-one who lives on death lines- is considered a hero title every mythril grade adventurer has it. -dexterous one- is a title all people in the production system want. wow."

Hmm... what should I do next? I'll head further in.

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