《Arcadias Moon.》As moons fade -1


"Where is this? I thought I was dead. " I'm in a stone hallway that has no lights but is still bright enough to see somewhat down the hall. It is probably a dungeon. Dungeons come in many shapes and types, but what they all have in common is that they gather miasma and mana from the atmosphere and purify it back into unattributed spirit. They come in five difficulty levels Harmless, Harmful, Dangerous, Disaster, and Calamity, this describes what kind of monsters and traps are within. this dungeon seems to be a lower ranked one it seems, it lacks a high mana density to transform it into anything but a cave. But I'm surprised it hasn't been conquered yet most lower ranked dungeons are conquered practically instantly by adventures because their core can be used as a strengthening item. I should know I've used plenty but it didn't change anything.

"Well I need to stand up............ huh...... ack" Wh...what's wrong? looking down I see that my body is nothing but a little pile of slime. WHAT IS THIS!!!!! I'M A SLIME!!!!!! w...wait wait.......calm down huh calm down. Okay, let's check my status.


Name: Yuuki Age:0 Days Sex Race: small slime Race Level:1 Job:none Sub-job:none Health:20 Magical Power:20 Stamina:50 Strength:5(+15) Dexterity:10(+30) Agility:5(+15) Intelligence:5(+35) Wisdom:5(+25) Endurance:15(+15) Mind:15(+25) Vitality:25(+15) Charisma:10(+5) Luck:5(+10) Skills: body control lv: 5 mana control lv:5 swordsmanship lv:3 martal arts lv: 3 spirit magic lv:1 elemental magic lv:3 craftsmanship lv:5 woodworking lv:5 smithing lv: 3 enchanting lv: 3 magic tool crafting lv: 3 mana detection lv: 7 Intrinsic Skills: physical attack half indomitable preditation tireless body analysis Title: one who is reborn unfortunate one one who lives on death lines human soul intelligent monster named monster one who trains dexterous one ex-adventurer teacher waste of the adventurer guild knowledgeable ???? ???? ???? one pitied by the spirit


What is this status, this is higher than a slime should ever live to be, and more what is with these skills and levels.... and even more these titles. Why do I have so many? I know that no one knows the exact conditions to gain titles, but still who has this many at level one. Well, I wonder what they do?

Titles: one who is reborn a title given to those whose mind has survived death and rebirth Effect: allows you to keep your name one who lives on death lines a title given to those who overcame a challenge that only led to death gain skill: indomitable human soul a title given to those whose mind stayed even though they're body is no longer human increase all stats by 5 one pitied by the spirit a title given to those pitied by the spirits gain skill: spirit magic one who trains a title given to one who trains until he collapses, and starts to train again as soon as they can move again gain skill: tireless body dexterous one a title given to one who has many skills of the crafting system increase dexterity value by 20 intelligent monster a title given to one who is a monster who has much more intellegentence then the average monster of that type

increase intelligence value by 30

increase mind value by 10

increase wisdom value by 10

increase evolution destinations

named monster a title given to a monster that has a name

increase endurance value by 10

increase vitality value by 10

increase dexterity value body 5

teacher a title given to one who has taught many

increase the rate in which students understand what you teach

unfortunate one a title given to one who has lived a life of misery increase luck value growth rate by ??? ex-adventurer a title given to one who no longer has an adventurer license none waste of the adventurer guild a title given to Yuuki due to for many years his ranked has not increased increase luck value by 5 knowledgeable a title given to one who has as much knowledge as a scholar or someone at the head of their field


increase wisdom value by 10

increase mind value by 10

X3 ???? ???? ????

... what is with these titles, why do I know why I got them. Is it the effect of the analysis skill? anyway WHAT ARE THESE OVERPOWERED TITLES!!!

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