《Arcadias Moon.》en medias reis, in the middle of things (Prolouge)


It's to late, I'm finished, I've lived a life a reget. I spent my entire life trying to be a hero, fighting monsters time and time again. No matter what I did my status didn't increase, my skills wouldn't increase, my level dosent rise. Now I'm surrounded, everything is in slow motion, I'm wounded, bleeding, life falling out of reach........but......


..... even though I've been told I wasted my life, I'm smiling. ME, Yuuki, the waste of the adventurer guild the person who has been copper rank for years, is dying in a hopless battle am laughing. My hands have long since gone numb, my body is cold and hard to move.... but i keep cutting.

after 1 hour

"HAHAHA I've won after such a lost cause I have won... though im not going to live to tell the tale." FWOOSH a large shadow covers this little field, wind blows like a tordado, while a chill goes down my spine.

"Bullshit after that a fucking dragon HA HA H..cha cha cough...HA HA I never get a break. Well it not a bad way to go out" I stand up "COME AT ME!!!!! IF IMA DIE ....I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU FEEL HELL!!!!!!"

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