《Mite》5.14 - An Old Ally



The main colour of the power suit was silver with accents of deep purple on some of the plates and the helmet. It looked sleek and made Toastar’s look like a real mess.

The power suit walked out of the exploded building and scanned the streets. It spotted Hunter, Jimena and Silas and took a few steps toward them.

The three teens readied themselves for another fight. With javelins, slime balls and inflation at the ready, nerves clung at their minds.

“How are we supposed to fight that?” Silas asked.

“The same way we fight everything that has powers,” said Hunter.

“Yeah, but look at it.”

The suit took a few more steps toward them. The shoulder panel lifted up and the same little rectangle from before popped up. Again, little rockets buzzed forth and twirled around before exploding on the ground around them.

“You aren’t my quarry tonight. Step down and I’ll leave you be.”

“Why did you blow up the building?” Hunter asked.

“I’m hunting someone down. Someone dangerous.”

“You’re happy to put others in danger to do so?” asked Jimena.

“Yes. The one I’m after is too dangerous.”

“Are you a hero or a villain?” asked Silas.

“Neither. I do what I must to stop who I need.”

“So a vigilante?” said Hunter.

“Is it that simple?”

“I reckon so. Now, we can’t just let you go after blowing up that building. You need to stop. We will stop you.” Silas bounced a little toward the powered suit.

“This is your last warning. Let me through or I will put an end to you.” A panel on the other shoulder opened and another little rectangle popped up.

“Ho ho! This certainly looks like something bad is happening.” Hunter recognised the voice and looked up.


Sure enough, the oversized, burly man in a tight police uniform jumped down from a building. In his hand was the traffic light pole.

“Please, you aren’t my quarry tonight. Leave me be to hunt my target.”

The man placed the traffic light on the ground and the pole transformed into a woman. Her muscles weren’t quite as big as her brothers’, but she was just as tall.

“We are Traffic Control. We saw what happened and we can’t let you get away with what you’ve done.” The man quickly cycled through a few power poses, showing off his size. He ended with a pose on his knees, showing off his back and arms.

“What. What are you doing?” asked the suit.

“What I must. Upholding justice and showing my body.” The man thrust his chest out and put his hands on his waist.

“We can do without the poses Jamal. Please, this is a serious situation.” The woman massaged the bridge of her nose and took a few steps away from her brother.

“But boss, you know I can’t help it. To uphold justice is my drive, but to show my body is my passion.”

“Everyone can see your body. You don’t need to flex it.”

“They can see it, but it doesn’t mean they can see it.” The man guffawed as he struck another pose.

“What’s going on?” Jimena asked.

“Traffic Control. Its what they do. I don’t know if it’s an act or what,” replied Hunter.

“Must you always laugh in such a ridiculous way?” asked the woman.

“I can’t help what I do. It’s my lifeblood.”

Without a word of warning, countless rockets whizzed around and impacted against and around Traffic Control. Hunter, Jimena, and Silas jumped back to avoid being hit.


The man flexed as he was hit and his siter just stood there. Their bodies were untouched when the smoke dissipated.

“You are so annoying,” cried the suit. The suit started to lift off the ground. “But you aren’t my quarry tonight.”

“Come one sis, we can’t let this one get away.”

“I wasn’t planning on it. But you were too busy being a buffoon I didn’t know when I could cut in.” The woman turned back into her traffic light form and the man grabbed her.

Traffic Control took a running start and jumped with all his might and caught up with the suit that was trying to fly off.

With a loud, impassioned cry, he swung the traffic light down and clobbered the suit out of the sky.

The suit flew back down to the ground and Traffic Control arced down behind it.

“You are under arrest. We are Traffic Control. Don’t try and get away.” The traffic light was set down and morphed back into his sister. The man put his foot on the back of the suit.

“That’s weird, right?” asked Jimena. “Who acts like that? Is it all a show?”

“They do. And I don’t think so,” replied Hunter.

“In the nick of time though. I didn’t want to face that suit,” said Silas.

The teens continued through the streets of Crooked Downs. Dead bodies littered the streets, and it took all they had to keep going.

They caught up with a wave of civilians who were stopped dead in their tracks as a trash golem that stood close to twelve feet in height stared them down.

“This is getting tiring fast,” said Silas.

“I could do with a short rest or something,” said Jimena.

“Haha, I get it,” chuckled Silas.

You guys ready?” asked Hunter. He approached the golem and the other two dashed forward to keep up.

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