《Mite》5.09 - Uh Oh



Hunter, Silas, and Jimena all awoke in the treehouse and came to the kitchen at the same time.

“The Trash Queen is up and about guys,” said Stick. None of them had noticed she had been waiting for them.

“What should we do?” asked Silas.

“I don’t know. I don’t know what the right way is to go about this. I think you still need to be yourselves as heroes, doing what you do, and wait to see if you get involved.”

“But we want to help,” said Jimena.

“I know. But she’s slippery. Just because she’s around, doesn’t mean others should be ignored.” Stick handed them each a coffee. Full cream for both Hunter and Silas and almond milk for Jimena.

“Aren’t there team ups and stuff we can join? Teams that go out there to hunt her down?” Hunter asked.

“I’m not letting you three go on the frontlines unless its really needed. Its way too dangerous. The bodies are already stacking up. She’s ruthless.”

“What’s your role in all this then?” Silas asked.

“I’ll be helping track her down. I’ve dealt with her before. Gone toe to toe with her.” Stick stared each of them down.

“How’d you go?” Jimena asked.

“That’s how I got this scar.” Stick pulled the collar of her shirt down and revealed a gnarled scar of twisted flesh. Right where her throat and chest come together.

“Whoa,” commented Silas.

“She impaled me, and I was a goner. I was dead for a few minutes. It was only because of a few healers that I was able to come back. Much longer and I would’ve been gone forever. And I’m a good fighter.”

“You’re saying we’re not?” Hunter raised an eyebrow but gave a wink.


“You know what I mean. Look, I’ll make a deal with you, okay? You lot continue doing what it is you do best. The moment I hear of help being needed, of a way you can be involved, I’ll let you know.”

“Sounds good to me,” said Hunter.

“You know that doesn’t mean frontline combat?” confirmed Stick. She glared at Hunter.

“I know, I know. What do you two think?”

“Sounds good to me,” said Jimena.

“Yeah, deal. I wish Gauzelle were here though. She wanted to be a part of all this too. She’s been training and working just as hard as the rest of us.” Silas looked at his untouched coffee and finished it off in one go.

“I hear ya. I miss her too, she’s good company. Who knows, maybe she’ll come back just in time,” said Stick.

“Let’s go,” said Hunter. The three of them left the Primal Lands and made their way through the streets of Athena City.

“Have either of you ever thought about our grades, our education, since we’ve started doing this?” asked Silas.

“Nope,” answered Hunter.

“All the time. I try to do my own private study most nights when things aren’t chaotic. But it’s hard,” said Jimena.

“Maybe I should too. I mean, I think I’m failing most of my subjects by now. Do you think they have normal classes at The Academy, or is it all superhero stuff?”

“I have no idea,” said Hunter.

“I’d hate to think that we don’t get some chance to study and learn.”

“I’m sure we will. Or we just get private tutors,” said Jimena.

“We give up a bit, don’t we? Being heroes. I don’t regret it, its just some thoughts I’ve had going through my head, that’s all.”


“What else do we give up?” asked Hunter.

“Well, anything really that can be considered a normal life. And that’s okay, I chose to do this. But life ain’t normal. You can’t even commit to a job like most people would be able to.”

“Ah shit. I forgot to tell Anh I won’t be able to work this afternoon.” Hunter pulled out his phone and started writing a text.

“Wait, why?” asked Silas.

“We’re needed for this, for the Trash Queen. I can’t be at work.”

“Technically, you can. We don’t have to do anything until something happens. You don’t have to do anything, until something happens. We can stay out here on patrol and contact you if something happens,” said Jimena.

“I’m a part of this team. I need to be involved. I need to be ready.”

“You’re also an employee. We don’t need to be a part of everything, its not like we get paid,” said Jimena.

“I think I’m gonna hafta quit then,” said Hunter.

“That’s not fair on Anh. You need to at least do this shift,” said Jimena.

“Why do you both suddenly care about me going to work?”

“Because it’s the right thing to do,” replied Silas.

“Fine. You two coming?” Hunter headed toward Anh’s comic shop.

“We don’t have to,” said Jimena. She winked but both Silas and Jimena followed Hunter to Anh’s comic shop.

When they arrived, Hunter approached Anh who stood behind the counter. Hunter made a quick scan to see there weren’t any customers in the shop.

“Hey Anh, I think we need to talk. I don’t think I can keep working for you after today’s shift. Trying to work here and be Mite at the same time stretches me too thin and being an unreliable employee is unfair on you.”

When Hunter mentioned that he was Mite, Anh had started waving some crazy hand signals at Hunter. However, Hunter had failed to notice until it was too late.

“What? What’s wrong? Is someone here?”

“Hello?” A voice called from the back. A young woman that looked to be in her early twenties came to the front of the shop. Part of her fringe covered one eye and she had a streak of bright pink through her hair.

“Hunter, meet Vanya. She’s our new employee. Vanya, meet Hunter, our other worker here. He only works part time, but he’s been here for a little while now. He knows his stuff.”

“Hi, nice to meetcha. Did you just say you were Mite?”

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