《Mite》5.08 - In The Shadows



Jake had decided he was going to live with Lena a few months ago. It was a decision he didn’t regret.

Stealing things and staying up all night were a lot of fun. Jake refused to go to school anymore too.

None of his old schoolmates had ever bothered texting him. Nobody wanted to see if he was okay or even what he was doing now. Lena had explained they had never been real friends to begin with. But it hurt just the same.

Jake had checked on his parents once since being gone. He watched through the windows.

They were hard at work and when they did go to bed, they didn’t even check Jake’s room. Jake was used to being ignored when he was home, but to see they once checked in on him nor text him, broke his heart.

One night, when Lena was out, like she was most nights, Jake inspected the power suit she had used when she attacked the school.

He hadn’t seen her use it since that day and he had never asked her about it. It was kept in what would have been a janitor’s closet.

“Its pretty cool huh?” Jake jumped at his sister’s voice.

“How did you get it?”

“I stole it, like everything else in this place.” Lena raised her arms and spun around, as if to show it off.

“From where and why?”

“Stole it from some ship at the docks. It was just sitting there, not being used. I guess it was used for dock work. And as to why, little brother, because I could. I wanted it. I haven’t used it much, but it’s always been fun when I have. What’s with so many questions?”

“I think I want one myself.” Jake felt a surge of confidence as he ran his fingers over the surface.


“Are you sure you’d want one the exact same as mine? Then there’d be two Crushers. Maybe Crusher and Basher? Though Basher doesn’t really have a good ring to it, does it?”

“Nah, not the exact same as yours. I want a power suit though.”

“Hmm, we just need to decide where to steal one.”

“Maybe we can make one of our own. That could be cool.”

“Not bad, little brother. Could be a lot of fun. I’m down for it, for sure.”


Salek, Holokai and Mallow were awake and watched over their family as they slept. Their family had grown in size to close to fifty people.

“I’ve warned some people about the Trash Queen. As long as we stay vigilant and careful, we should be okay. She often sticks to the back alleys before it comes down to a big showdown. When I say we move, we move. Otherwise, we’ll be slaughtered.”

“Is she really that dangerous?” Mallow asked.

“Yes. We could sense it. It was the shark that made me run away. And she’s never been scared before,” replied Holokai.

“What is she exactly?” asked Mallow.

“I don’t know. She’s some kind of force, some entity. She’s always bad news when she appears, and people die. Many people.” Salek looked into the drum of fire, and he was worried.

“How long has she been around?” Holokai asked.

“She’s attacked Athena City for years. She seems a little stronger each time. A little more forceful. The first time I remember her appearing was close to fifty years ago.”

“That nest we found a while ago. Where those things were coming from. Are they like, her home or something?” asked Mallow.

“I don’t know. She’s been around for a long time, but very little seems to be known about her. The Reaper of Athena City.” Flashes of distant memories rose and fell through Salek’s mind. He had lost so many people to the Trash Queen. He felt useless every time. Their deaths were his responsibility.


“We’ll be able to protect us,” said Holokai. It was like he could sense what Salek was feeling.

“I know the three of you can protect us. But it’s not protection I want for us if we ever come across her. We need to move. Be gone, whenever she comes around. I truly hope we never have to come across her.”

“Its okay Salek. We can do another perimeter search if you want,” said Mallow.

“No. Stay close this time. I’d rather you three be here if something were to happen than to be out there. I’m not the fighter I used to be.”

“Used to be? You used to fight?” Holokai asked.

“Of course. I wasn’t always old and decrepit.” A soft chuckle rose from Salek.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”

“No, I’m not. I was never a hero or anything, but I could fight. Entered a couple of world tournaments too. It was a lot of fun.”

“Did you hear that?” Holokai snapped to attention. The shark swirled around him, she anxiously bit at the air.

“Mallow, help me wake up our family. Holokai, are you both ready for a fight?”

“Yeah. We are.”

Two trash golems rushed at Holokai from the dark. He made quick work of them. Still, he could hear something else in the shadows. Fear drove a hot spike through his body.

“I’ve smelt you before.” The voice was cracked and had a menacing flavour to it.

Holokai readied himself. He could feel the shark was anxious. She snapped and snarled and pulled at him.

“No, we’ve got to hold her off. Let the family get away. We’re the best chance they’ve got at getting away.”

The Trash Queen approached Holokai. Holokai’s whole body tensed and his felt weak at the knees.

“Are you afraid? You should be.”

Before Holokai could respond, the Trash Queen’s lance had punched through his shoulder. She raised him off the ground and she cackled.

Salek jumped into the fray. He landed a kick right on the Trash Queen’s head. The lance dropped and Holokai slid off the weapon.

“Go, you two. Get the family far away from here. Protect them.”

“No. I’m stronger.”

“Holokai, go!” Salek screamed with a ferocity Holokai had never heard before. Holokai watched as the Trash Queen readied herself for an attack. “Go!”

Holokai turned and ran, tears burned.

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