《Mite》5.05 - Two Old Rivals



For an elderly man, Michael moved with a speed that would surprise anyone. He followed down the right where Deacon had said Steamblast went.

“Wow, we’ve got three hundred and twenty thousand watching. People wanna see you in action old man.” Dirk followed close behind, his phone making the occasional noise.


“I thought I’d be seeing you soon.” The gruff voice cut through Michael’s thoughts, and he looked up and was greeted by the sight of Steamblast.

“Hello there, old friend. Decided to get back into the game?” Michael’s grip tightened on his rapier.

“Yeah. After years of retirement, I decided it wasn’t for me. I was bored and basically rotting away. Coming back to this has brought a rush of energy that I haven’t felt in a long time.” Steamblast jumped down from where he had been standing.

“I’m glad to hear all this is doing wonders for you. You know I can’t let you keep doing this, Steamblast.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Excelsior.”

“No way, we’ve just hit over five hundred thousand people watching the stream.” Dirk sounded more excited than ever.

“What’s going on?” Steamblast asked.

“He’s been following me for a little while now. He’s live streaming on his phone. Apparently, lots of people want to see an old man do stuff.”

“Pay attention everyone, because Excelsior is about to get hurt.” Steamblast pointed at Dirk.

“That just got a bunch of likes. Keep it up you two, I’m gonna make money off this for sure. Just, don’t hurt me please.”

“You can make money off that?” Steamblast asked.


“I expect to see some of the money then.”

“Yeah, sure.” Dirk gave a nervous laugh.


“I’m not joking.” Steamblast shot him a look that spoke volumes of his threat.

“Okay Steamblast, I’ll give you some of the money I make from this video. Just don’t hurt me.”

“Oh, so you know my name? Good.”

“Okay, are we done with all this silly talk?” Michael asked.

“Yeah, we are. Are you ready to finally settle this?” Steamblast asked.

“Yeah, I am.”

The two elderly enemies stared each other down. Each one a little nervous to make the first move.

“To the end then?” Steamblast asked.

“I think so,” replied Michael.

The two rushed at each other in perfect timing. Just before they clashed, Steamblast took his last few steps on the wall of a building, he kicked off the wall and charged his foot at Michael.

Michael was ready for it. He braced his legs and twisted his hips. The rapier came up and deflected Steamblast’s foot. The rabbit pivoted in the air and brought his other foot around. With ease, Michael parried the second attack. The second kick had more power behind it and Michael noticed the mechanism that Steamblast wore over his knee.

“Come on, that can’t be all you have,” said Michael. “You’re slowing down in your old age.” A small chuckle escaped from Michael.

“So are you.” Steamblast landed, crouched down, and brought a fist up to Michael’s gut.

Michael twisted away just in time, taking most of the impact. He brought the rapier up for Steamblast’s arm and took a fine slash at the flesh.

Steamblast pulled back and eyed his old rival.

“We’re about to crack, and we have. A million viewers and it won’t slow down.”

“This kid is getting on my nerves,” said Steamblast.

“Tell me about it. He’s been following me for a while.”


Steamblast leapt back into the fray and Michael parried each kick and punch with his rapier. A rush of adrenaline Michael hadn’t felt in years surged through his body. It was all too exciting.

Super-hot steam blasted at Michael. It burned his face and hands and his stumbled a little.

It was all the time Steamblast needed. He brought a foot up and connected with Michael’s chin. Michael soared through the air before he slammed into the ground, hitting his shoulders.

“Is that all you’ve got old man? I’m a little disappointed in you,” cackled Steamblast. He watched as Michael slowly pulled himself up.

“That was a cheap shot. But you were always using those kinds of tactics. No, there’s still plenty of fight in me. Are you sure you want to keep going? I’ve been going easy.”

“Wow, you two are a hot topic. Over two million viewers.” Both Michael and Steamblast ignored him.

The two rivals greeted each other once again. They exchanged furious blows, both forgetting, for a moment, how old they were.

Steamblast connected another powerful kick into the side of Michael’s ribs. A shock of pain burst through his body and Michael knew at least two of his ribs were broken.

Michael slashed his rapier and made two deep cuts on Steamblast’s chest, cutting through the old rabbit’s costume.

“Three million.”

Michael came at Steamblast once again. The rabbit blasted steam again and Michael felt the fist grab his shirt at his chest. Michael was lifted off the ground, his feet dangled helplessly.

“I never thought I’d get to do this to you. Its sad in a way. This means we’re finally at an end. Do you have anything left to say?”

“I do.” Steamblast snapped to attention and saw a bloated ball flying at him with tremendous speed.

Steamblast dropped Michael and tried to brace for the impact but was too late. The puffed-up costumed kid slammed into him. Steamblast was knocked back, his body slammed into a bin.

Steamblast looked up at Michael. Three kids stood around him and they all looked at Steamblast.

“This hardly seems fair. You need kids to come and protect you?” Steamblast pulled himself up. “This isn’t over, Excelsior.” Steamblast hobbled away.

“You okay Michael?” Hunter and Jimena slowly brought him up, one under each shoulder. Silas picked up his rapier.

“Yeah. Thank you.”

“What were you thinking?” Jimena asked.

“Steamblast had me, that’s for sure.”

“Come on, we’ll get you to The Fortress,” said Hunter.

“Well, we peaked at just over four million. This is crazy. You two old geezers should fight more often.”

Jimena shot one of her balls of slime at Dirk’s wrists, he dropped his phone and it smashed on the ground.

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