《Mite》4.24 - Unfolding Stories



Virgil sat in his father’s abandoned warehouse. He had stolen bits and pieces from all over.

Some furniture, to give it that homely feel. He had stolen a new t.v. and the latest video game console. Kitchen appliances and laundry needs. He’d set up his new home and the warehouse and it felt right.

“Hey Pierre, have you heard from Gina and Shiro yet?”

“No sir, not yet. Shall I try contacting them again, or just leave it for now?”

“Just leave it, they should be replying any moment now.”

“Yes sir. Would you like me to prepare you a meal?”

“Yes please. Thank you.” Virgil had always treated Pierre with a lot of respect. The two were close and the treatment was mutual.

Virgil’s plans were to become a big enough gang to rival his father’s. To be recognised by the likes of Puppet Master. To be taken seriously once in his life.

Then he was going to kill his father.

An ad popped up that had voices yelling at him about buying a new mattress. Some kid was saying how he needed a new one. The kid looked familiar. Virgil sat for a moment and realised it was that kid Silas, from detention.

“Silas is Balloon Boy?”

“Your dinner is served,” said Pierre.

“Thanks.” Virgil sat down at the oversized, glass-top table. Dinner was some kind of cheesy pasta. It was a gloopy mess, the way Virgil loved it.

“How many have we got working for us now Pierre? It was three, wasn’t it?”

“Four sir. The fourth member joined yesterday. All homeless people, like you requested.”

“Too many people ignore them. They go unnoticed. Can you invite them all back here? I want to give them some food and somewhere warm to stay. I need to have a meeting with them all.”


“Yes sir, not a problem sir.” Pierre left the table and walked out onto the streets of Athena City.

“Hey Virgil, you wanted to see us?” Virgil looked up and standing there with smiles on their faces were Gina and Shiro.

“Hey, long time no see.” Virgil stood up and gave them each a hug.

“What do you think of my new place?”

“It looks pretty sweet,” said Shiro.

“We moving in?” Gina asked.

“Only if you want to join me in setting up my criminal network. I’m going to take my father down.”

“Oh him? You can count me in,” said Shiro.

“I’ll help out,” said Gina.



“Salek, its here.” Holokai and Salek sat around another one of the fires that they set up each night.

“What’s that?” Salek watched as the phantasmal shark pulled and snapped at the air. Its like it was trying to separate itself from the boy. It thrashed and gnashed its teeth. It looked right at Salek; a feeling of dread poked through the back of his mind.

“The thing I told you was after us. We can feel it. Its here. Its after us and it wants to kill us.” Holokai stared into the fire. Seemingly unaware of the shark’s strange behaviour.

“What are you going to do?”

“We’re going to stay and fight. We’re sick of running. We’ll know what it is the moment we see it. We’ll kill it if we have to.

“Hopefully it doesn’t need to be solved with violence. There’s enough of that within the walls of Athena City. And there’s going to be a lot more bloodshed soon.”

“Why do you say that?”

“A foul creature stirs within the back alleys of this city. I’ve seen it a few times myself. Lives will be lost, many already have.”


“What about all the so-called heroes of Athena City? Surely, they would have something like that under control.”

“They try, but many of them are too busy with their heroics that they don’t notice. The few who are, aren’t getting very far.”

“Its to do with those creatures we keep running away from, isn’t it? That nest you found. Maybe you should tell the heroes the next time we come across one.”


Michael had taken Gauzelle to a grand castle on a small island.

The castle looked like it had once been ripped from the pages of a fairy-tale book, but now looked like it hadn’t seen any use or life, for decades.

Towers crumbled and the wall had mostly collapsed and was grown over with thick, green life.

“Where have you taken me old man?” Gauzelle could feel the spike of anxiety piercing through the back of her mind once again.

“I believe this person will be able to help you.” Michael tottered up the overgrown pathway and made his way to the large, rotten doors. A brass knocker that had lost all its shine lay on the ground.

“You have a lot of connections, don’t you?”

“It pays to know a lot of people and to know a lot of things. Don’t forget, I was one of the greats and was around when a lot of this stuff started.” Michael pushed and pulled on the door, but of course nothing happened.

“This castle looks way older than you.” Gauzelle unravelled herself and slid under the door. “I’ll push, you pull.” With the combined effort, they got the door open.

“Ah yes, but the person inside isn’t too much younger than myself. I fought her many, many times.”

“You brought me to someone you fought against back in your heydays?”

“We’ve become friends since. It’s okay, you’ll like her.” As they walked down the hallway, Gauzelle noticed the elaborate portraits that lined the walls down both sides.

“Why do you say that?”

“Just a feeling.”

“Have I ever heard of her?”

“Oh, I suppose that’s possible. She hasn’t been actively doing anything for close to thirty years.”

“So, who is she?”

“Long time no see Michael. I thought you’d be coming to see me soon. I see you’ve brought a friend with you.”

Up on a colossal throne of opal sat a woman in grand, silver amour. She stood and descended the stairs, showing a deep, scarlet cape behind her.

“Hello, Xera.”

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