《Mite》4.23 - Wind Down



With Freja having defeated Lena, the team decided they needed to rest up before the finals the next day. They found a small hotel in Twinderbark that wasn’t too far from the arena and holed up for the rest of the day.

“We did it,” said Silas. There was a hint of pride in his voice. “We’re a bunch of newbies but we made it to the next round.”

“Don’t forget who did the actual fighting,” teased Freja.

“I will tomorrow. I don’t think my powers would have been very useful in any of those matches today.”

“Its okay Silas, she’s just teasing,” called Jimena from the lounge. She had finally come to and sounded groggy.

“Look who’s finally awake,” said Hunter.

“Hey, I had to rest. I won my fight.”

“What makes you say I didn’t?”

“I stirred and watched. You did good, you just didn’t win.” Jimena gave a quiet chuckle.

“I told Stick where we are, she should be here any minute,” said Hunter.

“I should probably leave then, right?” asked Freja.

“No. I’ve already told her about you. She doesn’t mind at all. None of us do.”

“You’re an honorary member of Justice Punch,” said Silas. “You get a jacket. When we get the merchandise going. They’ll have to update your trading card too.”

“Aww, thank you. Who woulda thought that a bunch of kids I fought a few months back, would accept me into their team?” A hint of genuine admiration laced her voice.

“A bunch of kids? We’re all sixteen now, I doubt you’re much older than us,” said Silas. He already had his phone out and was sending an email to the company that made the trading cards.


“I’m nineteen. I’m legally recognised as an adult in some parts of the world.”

Not long after, Stick joined them in the room. They got room service and ate and laughed together. Stick didn’t reveal much about her day, but that was nothing new to Hunter and the team.

Stick, Freja and Jimena retreated to their room for the night and Silas and Hunter made it to theirs.

It was a small, cramped room with a bunk bed built into the wall. Silas jumped up onto the top bunk and Hunter dropped onto his bed.

“Do you think we could win tomorrow?” Silas asked.

“I don’t see why not.” The self doubt that had gripped Hunter since entering the tournament had subsided to almost nothing.

“Do you think Gauzelle will come back soon?”

“I dunno.”

“I hope she does soon. I miss her. She’s like the big sister I never had. Smart ass.”

Silas quickly fell asleep, and Hunter lay there, his thoughts racing a million miles a minute. Deciding he wasn’t going to settle, Hunter pulled himself out of bed and went back out into the tiny kitchen and living space. He was surprised to see Freja there.

Freja sat at the small kitchen bench with a cup of coffee between her hands. She noticed Hunter and gave him a friendly look.

“Can’t sleep either?” asked Hunter.

“Nah. Jugs’ freshly boiled if you want a coffee. Trouble sleeping too?”

“Most nights. After today and thinking about tomorrow, there’s too much stuff going on around in here.” Hunter tapped his head with his index finger.

“I’m surprised you guys so readily accepted me into you team. We haven’t had the best past.” There was a hint of shame in her voice.


“Jimena trusted you, that’s all I needed. After seeing your fight, I think Silas is all good with ya too.” Hunter finished making his coffee and stood, leaning against the fridge.

“I’m sorry.” Freja refused to look at Hunter when she spoke.

“For what?”

“You know what.”

“Look, its fine. Its in the past, don’t stress. I’m sorry we beat you what, two or three times?”

“Yeah, all right. Apology accepted.” Freja smiled.

“Why the change?”

“I’d been a bit of an asshole for a long time. Not the best daughter growing up, that goes to Elodie. I think helping Jimena with the vampires kinda made me see the suffering some people go through, and I liked being on the other side. A change of scenery helped. Athena City is…”

“Full on?”

“Yeah, that’s it.”

“Where are you from?”

“Haven Ponds. You from Athena City?”

“Yeah. Sixth generation.”

“Why do you do what you do? Why are you a hero?”

“I want to help people. I want to stand up for them and fight for them. I think a small part of me likes the celebrity treatment that heroes get. I wanna make my dad proud.”

“There are plenty of ways you can do that stuff without being a hero. Make your dad proud?”

“There are many ways of doing things without being a criminal too.”


“My dad was a hero. He was framed for betrayal and murdered on international television. I want to find out what happened. Make them pay. So I guess revenge is in the mix too.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that.”

“Its okay. Why did you do what you did?”

“Overbearing, controlling mother. Compared me to my perfect sister, all the time. Guess I was just lashing out. Then Cardinal Knight got me to team up with those others to bring you down.”

“Did she say why?”

“Nah. Just seemed angry all the time.”

“You reckon you’ll stay here at the Elder Tree?” Hunter asked.

“I dunno. I do want to visit Grand Tunnels at some point.”

The two chatted for a short while longer before they decided to retire for the night. They found they had quite a lot in common and enjoyed each other’s company.

“Hey Freja, thanks for fighting with us.”

“Thanks for letting me.”

Hunter crawled back into bed and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Freja fell to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

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