《Mite》4.19 - The Super Warriors vs Night's Children: Final Match



It was the final match before Justice Punch and Loose Change were meant to come onto the stage. The fights had been intense, exciting and over the top.

Hunter had watched the match with the large, floating cauldron. He learned that cauldron was named Grand Hotpot. The match was over within moments as Grand Hotpot’s opponent had no idea on how to handle the cauldron.

The team with the giant Guul hadn’t fought yet. Hunter was growing anxious to see them. He wanted as much information as he could get before, he had to take them on.

All of Justice Punch waited up on the mezzanine and watched all of the matches take place below. Each one studied the fighters in their own way.

The current match between Super Warriors and Night’s Children below had been an interesting one. Both sides had won and lost, everything hinged on this final round.

The Super Warriors were an interesting team. They all worse a singular, bright colour. Helmets encased their heads, each with a slightly different pattern. Each costume had a shape on their chest, and they all called out their different attacks.

Night’s Children was the team Hunter had noticed before with the eye-shadow and pale faces. They all had black hair, and all barely spoke to each other, nor did they say anything on the ring when the Super Warriors spoke to them.

The final fighters for each team approached the slate. From the Super Warriors, the fighter was dressed all in red. Their window on their helmet was a narrow rectangle and a star was a symbol on their chest.

The fighter from Night’s Children was tall and lanky. His fringe covered one eye and his black clothes were ripped in different places.

“Well folks, the matches between these two teams have been absolutely riveting. Seeing powers and techniques I’ve never seen before. And I’ve seen plenty, I’ve been a tournament announcer for years, even before this one. Are the two fighters ready?” The Super Warrior struck a pose. They crossed their arms over their chest and brought them down again. The fighter of Night’s Children swept his fringe from his eye.


“Go!” and the crowd once again went wild and joined in the hype. It was hard to read the room and pick the favourite. But it was obvious they all wanted to see a fight.

The Super Warrior flourished a few more poses before running toward their opponent. Their opponent stood there with his hands in his pocket.

The Super Warrior came in with a punch and the member of the Night’s Children raised his leg, blocking the attack. The Super Warrior quickly ducked and swept at the feet, only for the other fighter to jump back and dodge the attack. His hands remained in his pockets.

The Super Warrior ran and leapt with their foot out. They shot at their opponent, looking like a charging lance. The fighter in black dodged, jumped a little and brought a knee up to their opponent’s stomach. His face sullen the whole time.

The Super Warrior picked themselves up from the slate and waved their body with wild movements.

“Star Shower!” The Super Warrior roared. The star on their chest glowed and countless glowing stars shot out from their chest. They flew at the fighter clad in black.

The fighter of the Night’s Children brought his hands out of his pockets and raised them up in front of his face. The stars slammed into his arms and disappeared on impact.

“Ouch,” said the fighter in black.

“Star Shower!” The Super Warrior’s voice and tone was exactly the same and more stars flew out and hit their opponent.

“Is that it? How disappointing.” The fighter in black rushed his opponent, this time with his arms out of his pockets.

The Super Warrior ducked and swept with their foot. The fighter in black leapt up to dodge the attack but this time the Super Warrior was prepared. They kicked off the ground to leap up after their opponent and kicked his back.


The fighter of the Night’s Children’s body spread like a star as he snapped forward from the impact.

“You need to give up. I fight for a reason. I fight for a cause. I must win and I don’t want to hurt you anymore than I need to. Please, forfeit the match.”

“Huh, seriously? You think I’m gonna give you the victory that easily? Dream on.”

“Okay. I didn’t want to use this attack, but I think I need to, to ensure my victory.” The Super Warrior flourished a few more poses before crossing their arms in front of their chest again, raising their arms above their head. “Star Beam!”

The star on their chest glowed with a blinding white light. Most of the crowd had to shield their eyes as did the fighter of the Night’s Children.

“Well its my turn then too!” The fighter in black crouched and swept the fringe away from his eye again. Most couldn’t see, but his eye glowed green. Energy crackled around it.

“Please, I didn’t want to end it this way. You still have time to forfeit.”

“Spare me the bravado.”

A bright, white beam of light in the shape of a star, burst forth from the chest of the Super Warrior.

Green and black energy crackled and arced from the eye of the fighter in black. The two attacks met in the middle and exploded in a blast of light.

“I will win,” said the Super Warrior.


It was impossible to tell which attack was going to win. One moment, the star would push further toward the fighter from the Night’s Children. And when victory seemed to favour the Super Warrior, the green beam would push back and draw closer to the Super Warrior.

After what felt like almost a minute, the Super Warrior’s chest glowed brighter, and the Star Beam grew more intense. A new burst of energy followed along the beam, and the star finally overpowered the green energy.

Everyone looked away as the star enveloped the fighter in black. The light died down and the fighter in black lay face first on the slate.

“Wow, what an amazing fight! One, two, three, four. Five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. The match goes to The Super Warriors.”

“We’re next,” said Jimena. “Ready?” They all nodded in unison.

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