《Mite》4.11 - Enter Turbo



Anh closed up the comic shop for another night. He had just finished three interviews back-to-back and was exhausted.

He was more than happy to provide Hunter a job, but he knew the kid couldn’t be as reliable as he had hoped. Anh understood Hunter’s commitments, but he needed more help.

Anh walked the streets of a bustling city. People were constantly walking into each other and around each other.

Anh looked up at a noise and watched as Copter flew through the streets cackling away. A bell dinged and Anh stepped out of the way just as Rush zoomed past on his bike.

Anh had aspired to be a hero, but it seemed as though it was something that wasn’t meant to happen for him. Those dreams were put on the shelf, and he pursued owning his business and living a quiet life.

A cracking explosion rocked through the night air and Anh watched as a car flew up into the air, engulfed in flame.

Screams exploded through the streets and a panicked rush swept over the crowd. People stampeded over each other, their own safety above everyone else.

Anh stayed where he was, and he watched in fearful awe as another car exploded. This explosion was bigger than the last.

“Hey Hunter, I think you better come check this out, now.” Anh sent a short video message with his phone, capturing another exploding car. Anh scanned the dispersing crowds and could see bodies were lying on the streets.

A figure walked against the crowd along the road. They wore a leather jacket with one sleeve ripped off. Black skinny jeans pinched the legs, and they had an oversized, aggressive looking pompadour.

“Time for Turbo to take back what’s his.” Anh watched as this Turbo touched another car and it exploded.


“Hunter, come. Now.”


Hunter, Jimena, and Silas were at a noodle hut. A small building that could barely fit the equipment and single cook inside. Hunter had read about it months ago and had wanted to check it out ever since.

Hunter’s phone buzzed and he saw it was a video message from Anh. Hunter loaded the clip and watched as a car exploded.

“Hey, check this out.” Hunter showed it to his teammates. Moments later, a second one from Anh came through.

“Where is he?” Jimena asked.

“See the neon sign for that gaming bar right there?” Silas pointed at the screen. “That’s not too far from the comic shop where you work.”

“That’s at least a good fifteen minutes from here. We’ll never make it in time.” Hunter felt a knot of anxiety begin to grow in his stomach.

“I’ll race ahead, you two figure out a way.” Silas kicked off the ground and sped through the streets.

“You looking to head somewhere?” Jimena and Hunter turned to see a woman leaning against a red taxi. She wore a short, open leather jacket with a red tee shirt underneath. She wore chunky, combat leather boots and a pair of purple sunglasses. She had a pipe hanging from her mouth in the style of those old detective movies and multiple piercings covered one ear.

“Yes. We need to get here,” Hunter showed the still screen with the game shop sign. “Do you know it?”

“Course I do. I can get any hero where they need to be before the business is done.” She opened the door and motioned for the teens to get into the back of the car.

The driver was already in her seat with the engine running before Jimena and Hunter were even ready.


“Hold on tight, we’ll be there in a flash.” With a roar of burning rubber, the taxi bulleted down the winding streets of Athena City.

When the car approached a turn, she whipped the car with such savage grace that Hunter and Jimena were tossed around in the backseat like beans in a can.

“Do you always drive so rough?” Hunter asked.

“To get heroes to where they need to be in a flash, I drive with purpose. If you have a problem with it, I can pull over.”

“No, please. Keep going.”


Silas bounced himself off one last building and careened into the unfolding chaos that was triggered by Turbo.

Cars were tossed all over the street, wrapped in flames. Silas could see many people were scattered across the street and his heart hurt. He knew many were dead.

Silas spotted Anh and sent himself in that direction. Anh was hiding behind a small bin, his arms over his head.

“Anh, Hunter and Quagmire are on their way. Where’s this bad guy?” Anh looked up at Silas.

“I don’t know. They disappeared into a building; I think.”

“You need to get out of here, its not safe.”

“It’s not safe for anyone. Cars are exploding, people are dying. You will need help.”

“I hope we’ll get help.” Silas surveyed the street and clocked Turbo. Silas rose from where Anh was and slowly approached the cause of the destruction.

“You need to stop now.” Silas’s voice faltered more than he had hoped it would.

“Oh? But I don’t want to. Its just starting to get fun.” Turbo approached a car and placed his hand on the hood.

The engine roared to life and sped toward Silas. Silas inflated himself and was sent flying when the car collided with him. The car crashed into a building and exploded. Silas bounced himself back and looked at Turbo.

“What you’re doing is wrong. You need to stop it.”

“You’re full of conviction you are.” Turbo started to laugh.

A red taxi roared around a corner on two wheels. It came up behind Turbo and passed him. As it passed, Turbo touched the hood.

Silas watched in horror as the taxi exploded in a fiery mess right before him. Silas dropped to his knees.

“Was that meant to be a threat?” Turbo asked.

“You killed my friends!” Silas kicked himself at Turbo and rammed into his target. Turbo and Silas rocketed and slammed into a telegraph pole. The pole snapped and pulled wires down with it.

Turbo began to laugh, and Silas wiped his brow.

“Hey Balloon Boy, you all good?” Silas looked up and saw Jimena, Hunter and a woman standing on the other side of the street.

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