《Mite》4.09 - Street Performance



“Can you believe its this kid’s birthday?” Silas grabbed Hunter around the neck and rubbed his knuckles into his friend’s head. Hunter, Jimena, and Silas were still staying at the treehouse. Hunter was the last to get out of bed as he had stayed up so late.

The night before, Hunter struggled to sleep. He hadn’t heard from his mother in a long time, and she had never missed a birthday, even during her struggle with alcohol.

Hunter had tried getting in contact with Michael, but fir the first time ever, the elderly man didn’t answer.

Unsure of what to do, Hunter tried playing Silas’s video games, but it wasn’t enough to keep him distracted. Hunter tried watching all of the movies that Gauzelle watched, but that didn’t work either.

Hunter went outside into the Primal Lands and trained. During his training, Stampy had come to watch and wanted to play.

“How old are you now Hunter?” Stick asked. She was preparing a large breakfast for everyone.


“You’re the youngest then,” said Jimena.

“What did you wanna do today?” Silas asked.

“I dunno. Was thinking we could just take it easy today. Go to the park or something. Don’t feel like doing much.” Hunter swiped a piece of bacon and burned his hands and mouth in the process.

“What’s up?” Stick asked.

“I haven’t heard from mum in ages. I’m getting worried something’s happened. I’m gonna try talking to Michael again, give me a minute?” Hunter excused himself from the treehouse and walked outside.

“Michael? Michael, you there?”

“What’s up kiddo? Happy birthday.” Michael’s jovial tune was as upbeat as usual.

“I need you to level with me a moment.”

“Sure, no worries.”

“You’re super connected and seem to know almost anything that’s going on. Have you heard from my mum?”


“I have.” The jovial tune was now gone.

“What can you tell me?” Concern was laid thick in Hunter’s voice.

“She’s gone missing. I’ve got people-”

“What happened? Where did she go missing?”

“She was seeing Cardinal Knight, and as she was coming back her line with me was cut. I don’t know what happened exactly, but we’re looking for her.”

“Where? Why, who? I want to help.”

“I don’t know. And you don’t need to help, I’ve got people looking for her.”

“Let me help.” Desperation started to rise in Hunter’s voice.

“No. I need you here, your team needs you here. You’re training and improving well.”

“Michael, my team will understand,” Hunter snapped.

“Hunter, listen to me. People are tirelessly searching for her. Your mother would want you to stay here too.” Hunter had never heard Michael use such a serious tone before.


“Your father made me promise. He made me promise to mentor you into becoming the hero you want to be. He made me promise to do everything I could to keep you safe. You’re needed here right now. When I have word on your mother, you’ll know as soon as I do.” Michael’s steady tone cut through Hunter’s desperate frustration.

“I…I’m sorry.”

“That’s okay. I know it’s hard to try given everything going on but have a good day. I got things I need to oversee; sorry I won’t be a part of your day today. Bye.” Michael ended the call and Hunter was left feeling unsure.

Silas, Jimena, and Stick joined him outside.

“What’s up?” Jimena asked.

“Michael just confirmed with me that my mum has gone missing. He didn’t tell me much except that he’s got people looking for her. I offered to help but he said I had to stay here. He said he made a promise to my dad.” Hunter stared blankly passed his team.


The trio approached Hunter and motioned for a group hug and Hunter fell into their arms.

“Its okay buddy, they’ll find her,” said Silas.

“We’ve got you,” said Jimena.

“Take all the time you need,” said Stick. The group stood there for a short while before Hunter pushed himself away.

“Did you want to do anything today?” Silas asked.

“Not really, no. Can we just go for a walk?”

“Yeah, for sure,” said Jimena. The trio of teens left the Primal Lands without eating any of the breakfast that Stick had prepared for them.

The three walked through Athena City with no real goal in mind. Jimena and Silas followed behind Hunter as he meandered through the streets.

“Come one, come all. Having a down day? Need a little pick me up to get through the daily doldrums? Come see the magic and entertainment at the park.” Hunter watched as a woman on stilts called out to the crowds with a megaphone.

“Let’s go see them,” said Silas.

“Could be fun,” Jimena chimed in.

“Okay.” The trio followed the gathering crowds and looked on where there was a small clearing surrounded by a small, temporary fence.

Within the space were a few performers. A trio of jugglers tossed a chainsaw, knives, and bowling pins. A mime pretended to be in a box and a clown tumbled along the ground. In the corner, an ape wearing overalls was lifting a giant barbell.

The lady on stilts walked through the crowd and a large stream of flames burst from her mouth as she turned to the audience.

“We may seem like a normal bunch of street performers, but let me tell you. You’ll be amazed by the things we can do.”

The mime acted as though they had opened the box and stepped out. They clapped joyously and then put out their finger, as though telling the audience to wait. The mime started to climb in the air, as though climbing a rope. Their body actually lifted off the ground.

The audience clapped.

“That’s only the start of our act. Wait and watch as we reveal more things. You will be entertained.” The lady on the stilts breathed fire again, covering the clown. The clown tumbled free, unscathed. “We can do so much more.”

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