《Mite》4.08 - Things In The Shadows



“What is it you run from?” Salek, the elderly lizard was standing near a fire that burned away in a metal drum. His flock were down for the night. They had relocated and now used an abandoned basement carpark for an incomplete construction site that showed no signs of ever being completed.

“I still don’t exactly know. But this thing that’s with me, it has a desire to survive. It wants to stay low and safe, and it guides me.” Holokai stood watch over his newfound family. Whenever he would try to settle, it never lasted long. His eyes looked tired and his face a little gaunt.

“Where did it come from?”

“Another world. Another dimension. It was being hunted there too and it escaped through a rift and found me when I was born and bonded with me.”

“Where’s your family now? Your birth family?” Though Salek was glad to have the company and muscle of this new member, he worried that another family was missing their child.

“I don’t know. I’m not from Athena City. My parents moved around a lot, but we escaped to here. There’s so much going on here we thought we could blend in.” A phantasmal shark’s head stretched forth from Holokai’s own and snapped at the air before retreating back into the teen’s body.

“Why did you leave them?”

“To keep them away from danger.”

“Did anything happen while you were with them?”

“No, but we could sense it. Its like being poked with a red-hot metal spike right through my stomach. It becomes unbearable and we have to move for it to go away.”

“And do you feel it now?”

“Yeah, it started to come back. It stabbed me real hard about three or four days ago. Its never hurt this much before. We think something’s coming to get us.” The shark swam out of Holokai’s body and circled his body.


“Do you think you’ll leave us then? Leave the city?”

“We don’t know. We’re thinking of staying this time and fighting whatever shows up. Hopefully we can put an end to it once and for all.”

“Well, we’d be glad for your continued company. If there’s anything we can do to help, let us know. My days of fighting are long behind me, but Mallow is capable.”

Holokai stared into the fire, silent. Salek eventually went to sleep as well but Holokai stayed awake.


Jimena, Hunter, and Silas were walking the streets in their normal clothes, no costumes were hidden underneath.

“Mum reckons she's found a way to help alter my powers, so my skin is a little more resistant to being pierced.” Silas carried an oversized shake in his hands.

“That’s good. What about when your head gets hit though?” Jimena asked.

“I think I’m just gonna have to wear some kind of helmet. But I think it’d look kinda funny when I inflate up and there’s this little helmet just sitting there.”

“But if it keeps you safe, does that matter?”

“I s’pose not. Hey look, something’s happening over there.” Hunter and Jimena looked to where Silas was pointing.

A young girl was running through the streets. By her side were two dogs, one dog was running and the other was gliding. Chasing her through the streets were the man and woman in suits Hunter had run into a while ago.

“Those are Clandestine people; I was telling you about them. And that looks like the girl I came across too. The dogs are new though.”

“Should we go check it out?” Silas asked.

“That’s the kinda stuff that goes way over our heads,” said Jimena.

“You’re right,” said Hunter.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t check it out.” Jimena was already running after the strange looking group. Silas and Hunter were hot on her heels.


They weaved and dodged through the crowds, most of them not even noticing the racing teens.

They rounded another alley and came to a stop. There was a dead-end ahead. The girl was facing the pair of suits. Her fists by her side were shaking. The two dogs growled.

The one on the ground was larger and black in colour. It took an aggressive stance and Hunter and the other two watched in awe as the dog started to grow in size. Muscles bulged and its body contorted until it was the size of a tank. It continued to growl, a noise that was deep and booming.

The other dog, a spotted kelpie, floated around the girl, its eyes glowed white. It snarled at the suits as well.

“Just leave us alone. We don’t want to go back.”

“But you must. Its what’s best for you. Best for all three of you.” The woman had conjured up the giant purple hand and was slowly advancing on the trio.

“Hey, we got company,” said the man. He was now facing Jimena, Hunter, and Silas.

“Yeah, I know. I noticed them ways back but didn’t want to lose sight of the girl.”

“I think you three need to leave, right now. This business has nothing to do with you.” Electricity arced between the man’s fingers as he approached the teens.

“Let that kid go,” said Hunter.

“Like I said, this has nothing to do with you.” A large ball of slime smacked him straight in the face. The electricity disappeared and he wiped his face. “Well, it has a little something to do with you now.” A sinister smile crept along his face.

Hunter released the dust in his flasks and Silas started to inflate himself.

“Oh ho, you all have powers. This should be interesting.” He pulled his hands apart and electricity arced between his hands like a spiderweb.

“Hey, Rainer, we’ve got a little trouble on this side too.” The man turned his head and the teens looked over to the girl. The dogs hadn’t done anything yet, but there was now another being there.

This being was made of dark rock and in between the cracks, a red-hot glow lit up the body. In one hand was a giant hammer and in the other crackled a fireball.

“Hey, we’ve heard about him,” said the man. “He escaped with that other one.”

“You mean me?” Everyone looked up to see squatting on the wall of the dead-end was a scrawny looking man. He had shoulder-length, greying hair and he was aiming a heavy crossbow.

“This isn’t favourable,” said the woman.

“No it ain’t. I suggest you two back off now before anyone gets hurt.” The two Clandestine members ran out of the back alley.

“Thanks for helping with the kid, but we’ll keep her safe.” The two dogs settled, and the rock man let his fireball fizzle out.

“How do we know that?” asked Hunter.

“We’re family. Thank you, but we’ve got her from here.” The hulking rock scooped up the girl and put her on his shoulders. He leapt and cleared the wall in a single bound. The two dogs followed behind.

“That was weird,” said Silas.

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