《Mite》4.06 - Some Conversation



Hunter closed up the comic shop for another night. Anh had to leave early for family matters. They had agreed finding a third worker would be the best because Hunter never knew when he was needed as Mite.

The night life had taken over Athena City, which was a lot like the day just with more lights.

Hunter walked through the streets. His glance would flick around at different noises as heroes, villains, criminals, police, and people would fly in and out of everything. Hunter kept to himself as he just wanted a day of quiet.

Being Mite had been draining as of late and he knew he was in it for the long slog once things started stirring with the Trash Queen. Not long after that was The Academy and who knew where it went after that.

He was tired and worried about his mum. He hadn’t seen her or heard from her in a while.

“Michael, has anyone found my mum yet?”

“No, sorry. We’re trying, we really are. I’ll let you know as soon as I’ve learnt something.”

Hunter continued to push through the streets, overhead he watched as Copter flew by, cackling. Not far behind him was Button Ball on his hoverboard. It seemed as though somebody else had made Copter their archenemy.

“C’mon kid, you’re way too clumsy on that thing,” called Copter. People below looked up and scattered. Some pulled out their phones and started filming.

“You will go to prison.” Button Ball zoomed toward the elderly crook, but Copter immediately rose higher and took off again.

“You look like you could use some company.” Hunter whirled around and was greeted by Jimena.

“How’d you?”

“I know where you work, I waited for you.” Jimena fell into pace next to Hunter and they continued to walk.


“Where’s Silas?” Hunter asked.

“Back at the treehouse playing videogames or something. He seems to be doing a lot better since that giant chicken with Flink.”

“Yeah, I noticed that, that’s good.”

“What about you? You’ve looked like you’ve been slowly burning out since Flink. And I can tell on your face you blame yourself for Gauzelle leaving.”

“Well it kinda is, isn’t it? I obviously didn’t say enough of the right things to her and that’s why she left. She should’ve felt like she could include us on her journey.”

“People need time to work things out on their own. I’ve already left and come back.” There was a hint of embarrassment in Jimena’s voice.

“And that was my fault too.”

“Yes and no. We butted heads, but I still acted like a jerk. You can’t hold yourself responsible for how others behave. I chose to leave; I didn’t try to see where you were coming from.”

“I failed to try and see where you were coming from too. It was my way or none at all.”

“Okay, maybe we’re both to blame a bit for that. I’m trying to say I’m sorry.”

“Its okay. You’ve already said so.”

“No, let me say it properly. I’m sorry I was hot-headed and left the team.”

“I’m sorry I was a stubborn jackass.”

“That’s okay. We’re going to have different opinions, but we’re a team. We’re going through this together.”

The pair grabbed some street food at a van that had a large line. Neither spoke to each other as they waited in line, letting their words sink in.

“Do you think we’re doing the right thing, wanting to go after the Trash Queen?” Hunter asked.

“I dunno. I wanted everyone to immediately take me seriously when I stepped onto the scene. To know the name Quagmire and to know I meant business. But now, I’m not so sure.”


“Why’s that?”

“Well, Stick said our previous achievements didn’t really matter within The Academy, which isn’t what any of us thought. And secondly, I don’t know if we’re ready. I’ve left once, Silas retreated for a while and now Gauzelle is figuring her stuff out. I think we need some more time to not just be a team but be friends.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Hunter had finished his food without realising.

“I get it, you’ve got a drive to prove yourself too. But we’re still so new at this. We don’t want to sabotage it from the start.”

“No, you’re right. I don’t even know your favourite colour.”

“Its apricot. Not too fond of the fruit, but there’s just something about that colour. What’s yours?”

“Don’t have one.” Hunter started scanning the streets.

“You don’t ha…hey, just switch off for a sec. What did I say?” there was a tone of annoyance in Jimena’s voice that Hunter hadn’t heard before. It was sharp, pointed.

“I’m sorry, just a habit I guess.”

“Hunter, I suck at small talk. I don’t do well with conversations in general. Its very hard for me. But, you need to know, this team is the second most important thing in my life, and I want to see us succeed.” Hunter snapped to and could see the look of concern in Jimena’s face.

“Sorry. I don’t have a favourite colour, but I have a favourite band. Steal the Sky.” Hunter’s face changed to that of a goofy grin.

“Never heard of them.”

“Most people our age haven’t. They were a massive alt-rock band when my parents were growing up. There were seven members and their last show got shut down by the police. They haven’t performed as a whole band in over twenty years.”

“That sounds cool. You’re gonna have to show me some time. Show the whole team.”

“Yeah, I will. When Gauzelle gets back.”

“For sure.”

The two continued back to the treehouse in comfortable silence. Silas was playing videogames on the couch and Stick was asleep at the table, surrounded with paper.

“Come on ya old fart, its time for bed.” Hunter and Jimena helped Stick away from the table and led her to bed.

“Room for two more?” Jimena asked Silas as she and Hunter returned to the couch.

“Yeah. We’re fighting off a horde of ravenous, flesh-eating rabbits. Nasty little buggers.”

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