《Mite》4.05 - Mattress Heaven



Hunter, Jimena, Silas, and Stick had been training most of the morning. The absence of Gauzelle had felt weird for everyone.

“Hey Stick, what’s the point in us going to The Academy? We’re old hats at this whole thing. Is it really needed?” Silas asked.

“Anything anyone has done before going to The Academy counts toward very little once you’re within its walls. It may determine a certain class you sit in but not much beyond that.” Stick had called for a stop on the training, the three of them had gotten a lot better at fighting in sync that it took a little more effort to stay ahead of them.

“Its important we go. Proper training and we become sanctioned heroes,” said Jimena.

“And what does that bring exactly? We’re already heroes. Are their like secret clubs or places we can go when we become sanctioned?” Silas asked.

“Actually, there is. There are perks to being sanctioned. You’re more likely to get your sponsorship deals for one. But there are places you can go that unsanctioned heroes can’t.” Stick twirled her staff.

“Seriously? And what sponsorships have you gotten, Stick?” Silas asked.

“I haven’t done any.” There was a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

“We’ll see about that.” Silas pulled out his phone and started to search for videos with Stick.

“Oi, no you’re not.” Stick leapt forward and knocked Silas’s phone out of his hands. She sent it flying up and vaulted after it with her staff. She kicked it away just before one of Jimena’s slime balls hit it.

“Oh c’mon. That’s my phone.”

“You don’t really need it right now.” The phone sailed through the air. Silas inflated himself and kicked off after it.


“Hunter, help.” Silas had almost reached his phone, but he failed to see Stick was running along underneath. Stick threw her staff up and knocked the phone away before Silas was able to grab it.

“This is training, is it?” taunted Silas.

“Yep. You may need to keep a small object out of someone’s reach.” Stick gave a wry smile.

“This sucks,” complained Silas.

Jimena traced the phone and shot one of her slime balls at it. The slime enveloped the phone and sent it soaring where it collided with a tree and stuck to the trunk. Jimena ran toward it; she was far ahead of where Stick and Silas were.

Hunter watched on, amused. His mind had been racing in multiple directions all morning. Was there something different he could have done with Gauzelle? Where she could feel comfortable learning about herself and still be with the team. Was there any point in going after the Trash Queen? They were nowhere near ready. She had killed a few heroes and they were still in training.

Hunter had been so caught up in his head he failed to notice Silas was heading his way. Silas tried to change direction, but it was too late. Silas collided with Hunter and the two tumbled onto the ground.

“I’ll just use a different phone.” Silas put his hand out to Hunter and Hunter handed his phone over.

“That’s cheating,” said Stick. She had reached them and scooped Hunter’s phone with her staff. She flicked the device into her hand and continued on after Silas’s phone.

“Too late Stick, I’ve got it.” Jimena returned with Silas’s phone in hand, a video had been paused.

“C’mon then, let’s give it a look.” Silas raced over to Jimena. Stick and Hunter shared a glance before they joined the other two.


The four of them watched a tacky old video of Stick walking around a mattress shop. Stick was yelling at the camera about how comfortable the different mattresses were. It would cut to her laying on one, then she would be standing next to it, talking about what made it so great.

A couple pretending to be interested in a horrible looking mattress were approached by Stick who then showed them the mattress shop she had been yelling at. The couple walked toward the shop, covered in smiles. Stick yelled at the camera once more, confirming the name and the location. Large yellow words flashed on the screen and the ad was over.

“That was ten years ago, and I had just started. I needed the money.” The embarrassment had returned to her voice.

“That ad was brilliant. I feel like buying a mattress now.” The sarcasm in Jimena’s voice was as thick as butter.

“Is it still there?” Hunter asked.

“No,” snapped Stick.

“Yeah, it is. Wanna go check it out?” said Silas.

The three teens made their way to the mattress shop with Stick protesting behind them the whole way.

The team arrived at the mattress shop in question. It was a corner building at the end of a row of buildings. The backs of high-rise brick buildings surrounded it on three sides. Mattresses were out on bases along the front windows of the building.

Large sun-faded flags waved in the wind and the team noticed some had pictures of Stick.

There were cardboard cut-outs of her jammed in every window. They had clearly seen wear and tear. Some had been folded so much they were held together by tape where they had started to split.

“Looks like you were the only ad they ever paid for,” said Silas. They entered the mattress shop and were bewildered by just how many mattresses could fit in a single shop. More banners and signs of Stick filled the room.

“Hi, welcome to Mattress Heaven. Can I help you with anything today?” An elderly looking honey badger had approached them from seemingly nowhere. They wore a moth-eaten green jacket and a small pair of glasses that had a chain looped over their neck.

“We just wanted to know if Stick’s advertisement all those years ago was successful.” Silas gave a nod to Stick, and the badger’s face lit up.

“Oh of course, I still use that ad now. Money well spent.”

“Did you want a new one?” Stick started to protest but Silas talked over her. “But you’ll have to include us.”

“Seriously?” asked Jimena.

“Why not?”

“And who are you three?” the badger asked.

“We’re Justice Punch.”

“Never heard of you.” Silas proceeded to explain the team and even showed the trading cards.

“Silas, you can do the ad yourself with Stick if you want,” said Jimena.

“Guys, I don’t need the money.” Stick was clearly agitated.

“But we do,” quipped Silas.

A new commercial was filmed that day and circulated on the airwaves. This one featured Silas complaining about his back from all the superhero stuff he did. Stick showed him the way to Mattress Heaven and Silas was shown happily falling asleep on a bed.

The four of them had watched the commercial together and Stick left the room looking mortified.

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