《Mite》4.02 - Unfolding Threads



For the first time in a long time, Salek’s family slept soundly through the night. They had felt safer than they ever had before with their new member watching over them during the night.

His name was Holokai. He had spent the whole night hunting the creature that had attacked Brionni.

Holokai had tracked it back to a nest of sorts. Tucked away in a convergence of alleyways was a place filled with all sorts of rubbish. Plastics, green waste, scrap timber.

Holokai snuck up behind the creature and unleashed his spectre. The shark made quick work of the creature. The teen returned to Salek and reported on what he had found.

That day, while the newcomer was still asleep, Salek and Mallow scouted around to find the nest Holokai had found.

The two observed from a rooftop and watched as dozens of the creatures, varying in all shapes and sizes, entered and exited the nest.

Upon returning, Salek instructed everyone they had to pack up and leave. He knew what that nest meant and who had made it.

“We can fight it off,” said Holokai.

“I know the foul person who is behind in creating such a place. No, we need to stay safe and get away.”


“You guys never thought that other dimensions exist out there?” Silas scoffed at his teammates. He was still at The Fortress and Gauzelle was still at the treehouse.

“Never gave it much thought,” admitted Hunter.

“We’ve had invasions from aliens from Dimension X. That was only ten years ago.” A mocking tone burned through Silas’s voice.

“So many weird things happen all the time, you just start thinking its all a normal part of our world,” said Hunter.

“What did Michael say?” Silas asked.


“Not much. He was going to get in touch with some old contacts and figure out what was going on,” said Jimena.

“How’s Gauzelle doing?”

“She’s still pretty quiet. Stick says she hasn’t gotten off the couch in three days. Doesn’t respond or even look away from the t.v.”

“What about you, are you doing okay?” Hunter asked.

“Yeah. Just testing the limits of my powers with my parents. I’ll be back again soon.” A voice off screen called out to Silas. Silas waved at the screen and Hunter’s communicator flicked off.

“So, what do we do?” Hunter asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe we just patrol the streets?” said Jimena.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Hunter and Jimena watched the uneventful flow of vehicles and people below. They stood in silence, not really knowing how to talk to the other.

“Does your family know about you being Quagmire and all?” Hunter asked.

“Yeah, my aunt noticed I was always ducking out. I confessed to her I was a hero.” The two stood at opposite ends of the roof.

“Oh cool, how’d she take it?”

“She was pretty happy about it. I think she was kinda proud of me. Not sure if she’s told my uncle yet.”

“Fair enough. So, ummm…”

“What happened to my parents?” Jimena could sense the question that Hunter failed to hide.

“Yeah, if you don’t mind me asking. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I totally get it.”

“No, no. Its fine. My parents were vigilantes. Their lives were in grave danger, and they left me to my aunt and uncle. They were trying to bring down a powerful drug lord and they were killed in the process.” They continued to stand at opposite ends, looking at the street with burning intent. Willing for something to happen and distract them.


“That. I’m sorry to hear that.” Hunter’s throat went dry.

“Its okay. My aunt and uncle didn’t even want to tell me what had happened to my parents. Must’ve thought it would put me in danger. I had to find out on my own.”

“Is that why you fight?”

“Yeah. To avenge my parents and hope no other child is orphaned by violence. Why do you fight?”

“To discover the truth about my dad’s murder. Most of the press said he was a traitor to Athena City, but I know that’s not true. There’s just no way he killed countless innocent people. He was framed.” Hunter’s fists were clenched.

“We sound like a pair of cliches,” Jimena gave a faint laugh. “Spurned to fight the good fight because of our own tragedies.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“What will you do if you prove your father’s innocence? Will you keep being a hero?” Jimena asked.

“I don’t know. What if you take down the drug lord, will you?”

“I’ve never given it much thought. Everything’s just happened so fast and blurred together, I kinda forgot why I became a hero in the first place.”

“Yeah, I get ya. It never seems to stop.”

“Have you heard from your mum lately?” Jimena asked.

“No, I haven’t. I’m a little worried. I can’t seem to reach her on the communicator. I should probably get Michael to look into it.” Hunter tried to get in touch with Michael but there was no response.


Gauzelle sat for hours watching movie marathons on multiple channels. She flicked through the unfolding horrific chaos without much enthusiasm.

An unsettling burning played at the back of her mind. She had felt it ever since she visited the hospital with Michael.

She was going to have to sit the old man down and try and get some answers out of him. He figured something out at that hospital but continued on like nothing had happened.

He had promised he would help her figure out her past.

Are you sure you want to go down that rabbit hole?

Gauzelle jumped up out of the couch. The burning feeling in the back of her mind subsided to almost nothing.

“You okay Gauzelle?” Stick was staring at Gauzelle with narrowed eyes.

“Yeah, I think so. I need Michael to help me get in touch with some experts. I’ve got some questions that need answers. He brushed me off last time.”

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