《Mite》3.26 - Justice Punch



“Michael, how can we get better? How do we keep improving, so we can close the gap between us and these villains?” Hunter, Jimena, Gauzelle and Silas were all at the treehouse with Michael and Stick.

“You keep training. Not just alone, but together,” said Stick.

“How do we make our powers stronger?” Jimena asked.

“Powers don’t always evolve. Some never become more than what they were at the start. Sure, someone can always perfect the use of their powers. But there are those who never increase in power.”

“So what’s the answer then? What if we can’t get any stronger than what we are?” Silas asked.

“Strength as an individual, and as a team, isn’t just some measurable number of things one can and can’t do. Its how to prepare and adapt for any circumstances that may be thrown at you. Knowing how to control, act and react.” Michael hadn’t made milkshakes for anyone.

“If we can’t even take on someone with three robots, how do we take on the Trash Queen,” Hunter was pacing the room.

“I tried to warn you about that. But you insisted on being able to prove yourself and your team. Remember what I said if you weren’t capable?” Michael looked directly at Hunter.

“Well that depends on what Stick thinks. She has to assess us.” Hunter now looked at Stick.

“I think this team shows a lot of potential. But you’ve got a long way to go before I can even think about putting you forward to help with the Trash Queen.” Stick looked to each one of them in turn.

“What’s happening with her? Any answers?” asked Gauzelle.

“She’s on the move. She’s proving to be more difficult than ever in tracking down. Her golems are appearing more often, so she’s getting ready for something,” said Michael.


“What do we do before then?” Hunter asked.

“You keep being heroes and you keep improving,” said Stick.

“What if we aren’t ready in time?” asked Silas.

“Hunter and I made a deal,” said Michael.

“That was about me, not the rest of them.” Hunter narrowed his eyes at Michael. It was the first time he had ever felt annoyance at the old man.

“What deal?” asked Jimena.

“Yeah, what deal?” Gauzelle and Silas asked in unison.

“If Stick wasn’t satisfied in time with your team when the Trash Queen came about, I may retract my recommendation in getting you all into The Academy.”

“What?” said Gauzelle. Silas glared at Hunter.

“I agree with Hunter. This was something we all thought we could take on, way over our heads. Impatient. If we fail, so be it.” Jimena approached Hunter and held out her fist.

Hunter bumped her knuckles. It was warming to have her support, but it felt weird to have it in such a display of emotion.

“Seriously?” asked Silas.

“Yes. If we can’t commit and improve, then is there any point?” Jimena looked at her teammates.

“I get where you’re coming from. But you should’ve told us sooner. Gambling with our dreams of being heroes.” Gauzelle walked over and put her hand out to Hunter, than to Jimena.

“I…that’s…but…” Silas was at a complete loss for words.

“C’mon buddy, we need the whole team in on this. Otherwise it can’t work.” Hunter looked at his friend with his knuckles out.

“We’ve gotta punch them, right?” said Gauzelle.

“Don’t think I’m not annoyed.” Silas walked over to his team, fighting a smile.


In the middle of one of the five oceans that circled the planet, there was a dilapidated looking metal building.


There was no reason for this building to be here. A few would pass by in various boats but would never venture in for a closer look. Uneasy feelings in their stomach would grow more violent the closer they got. All would turn away.

To the few that knew of its existence, it was The Rig. Another max security prison for dangerous people.

It was a bigger secret than The Bunker and it wasn’t owned by a singular country. Rather it was overseen by most. All offered staff, expertise, and funding. All had interests with The Rig.

Halle, also known as Cardinal Knight, had been here since her failed fight against Justice Punch. It was Clara that made sure Halle made it to The Rig.

After weeks of being in solitary confinement and only being given the bare minimum, Halle was finally brought out into a room for Clara to talk to her.

Halle was in a sterile, brightly lit room. He arms were in chains, pulled behind her back. Each chain was affixed to an upper corner of the room. Her legs were clasped and weighed down by a heavy iron block.

Between Halle and Clara was a plastic window.

“Hello Halle.” Nobody else was in the room with Clara, she specifically requested that.

“Hello Clara. Come to talk, have you?” Halle’s voice had a sandpaper quality to it.

“Naturally. Why did you attack my son? And help those low-end criminals?”

“Straight to the point I see.”

“Of course.”

“You want to know why I attacked your son.”

“Did I stutter?”

“I was trying to push him to become stronger.” Halle gave a little laugh.

“What do you mean? What interest do you have in the capabilities of my son and his team?” Clara took a few steps toward the window.

“So he can avenge the murder of his father.” Halle’s laughter rose in pitch.

“What do you know?” Clara punched the window. The shattering pain cracked up her arm.

“I can’t say.” Halle snapped her laughter shut and stared at Clara.

“And why not?”

“They’ve made it so I can’t.” Halle narrowed her eyes, searching Clara’s face for any spark of recognition.

“What do you mean?”

“It wa-” Halle couldn’t finish. Her body started to thrash about in the chains and foam seeped from her mouth. Within moments, she was dead.

It suddenly dawned on Clara. She left the room and made her way to the surface of The Rig.

“Michael, I’ve figure out who killed Keegan. Halle died trying to tell me. That could only mean one person. I’m on my way home.”

Clara was flying back to Athena City when her small jet was blown out of the sky.

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