《Mite》3.24 - Stick VS The Robots



Stick launched herself across the rooftops. Screams from various people down below hit her like a savage storm.

Electricity arced and danced around, shattering windows, and scorching the ground.

Standing down on the street, waving his arms around as though he were presenting some kind of grand show, was Inventor Pete.

He had with him the three robots that were known. A battery and mattress, that each had spindly metal legs, the mattress wore a crown, and a flying ceiling fan.

As the battery released electricity in wild blasts, the fan flew through the air, slicing up anything it came across. The mattress walked behind Inventor Pete, keeping pace wherever he went.

Trees were sliced up, cars were destroyed, and Stick was certain there was a dead person down there.

Stick moved back and jumped down the other side of the building. She crept around and stood, crouched, and observed the scene of destruction a little while longer.

Stick made a wide arc as she ducked between debris. She had thought about contacting Justice Punch but decided not to. It was way too dangerous for them.

Inventor Pete continued to parade, with no audience. The only goal that Stick could figure was one of destruction.

“Nobody will dare make fun of me now. Nobody will ever think I was a joke. A lot of inventions were made before I was ever born, but they were never perfected until I came along.” Inventor Pete broke into laughter.

“Yes,” the mattress replied.

“Now, what do you suppose we should do? We’ve seen the destructive power you all possess. Who can stop us?”

“I calculate Bulldog to be a major threat if he were bothered. The fan could not cut through his skin.”

“Bulldog! Bulldog? His head is so far up his ass that he wouldn’t even give us a second look unless we were right in front of him. I think its time we carved up our own little place in Athena City. Really make it ours.”


“The Twisted Clowns are at their weakest point right now. We could capture their place and make them work for us.”

“I like your thinking.” Inventor Pete whirled around, winked, and pointed at the mattress.

Stick continued her path toward the mad man. She had lost sight of the fan for a moment and panicked, but her heart settled when she spotted it at the other end.

Stick checked her communicator and made sure it was silent. No sudden incoming messages were going to give her away.

A tentacle of electricity scorched the ground in front of her and Stick halted and held her breath. Nothing changed so she continued on her way.

“I was thinking of a new invention,” said Pete.

“What were you thinking of perfecting this time?” The mattress asked.

“Drills. But I think I want to combine it with something else. Perfect two things at once, create the ultimate machine.” Pete and the mattress were now facing away from Stick. The fan was still on the far end and the battery was back where Stick had come from.

Stick took a shallow breath and tightened the grip on the Elder Tree branch. She darted across and made a giant swing at the mattress.

The mattress stopped and turned around, looking straight at her.

“Do make quick work of her, I want to start our plan.”

“Okay.” The mattress made to hit Stick with its rod. Stick immediately ducked back at the hip, the rod swung over her. She straightened herself back up and noted that both the fan and the battery were making their ways over to the fight.

Stick leapt up onto the top of the mattress and kicked off the top, flying out of the way just as the fan swung in with its whirling blades.


The fan turned on a dime and came back at Stick as she landed and tumbled. She righted herself and brought the branch up and the blade of the fan dug into her weapon.

Searing, hot pain flashed through her body as the battery released its attack upon her, but Stick braced herself.

The fan ripped its blade out of the branch and flew back and away. The battery continued to shoot tendrils of lightning and Stick barely managed to stay ahead of the attacks.

The mattress rushed in from her right, and as Stick twirled out of the way, electricity scorched the earth at her feet. Barely dodging the battery, the mattress came back like a mad bull.

As Stick made to dodge the mattress again, the fan zoomed in low at her legs. Thankfully, the Elder Tree branch picked up the slack, guiding itself to be in the way. The fan struck the branch and got stuck yet again.

The temporary distraction from the fan was enough for the battery to shock her again with the mattress grabbing her in a bear hug at the same time.

Stick could feel her bones caving under the pressure from the machine. She had only moments to escape.

One end of her branch extended into a sharp point. It whipped her elbow around, dislocating it, and speared the mattress.

The mattress let go of Stick and stumbled back, a great hole in the middle. Circuitry and stuffing flowed out of the wound.

“Finish her. Kill her!”

The fan raced to her head and Stick ducked down, easily avoiding the attack. The battery closed in on her and released a burst of electricity. Stick was hit by the attack again and this time Stick struggled to stay standing.

Stick fell to her knees and Inventor Pete raced over and kicked her in the ribs. He held his hands up like an athlete parading a victory and came back for another kick.

“You really thought you could stop me all by yourself? My inventions are perfection.”

The fan whirled in like a buzzsaw, but Stick managed to block it once again.

“Oh come on.” Inventor Pete took a few steps back and pulled out a strange looking gun.

“Stop right there, you’re about to get punched.” Stick turned and saw the team rushing in to join the fight.

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