《Mite》3.14 - A Fight Among Siblings



Sonoya leapt up at her brother, her arm pulled back, ready to pummel him. He floated to the side, easily dodging her attack.

“Come now, you know you need to do better than that to get me.” Daniel mocked his sister.

Hunter sent one of his lances at Daniel, head on. Daniel flicked his wrist and the lance dissipated. Hunter brought the dust back and reformed the lance.

“Really, dust?” Daniel laughed.

“Yeah. Why, what have you got?” Hunter asked.

“This.” Daniel waved his hand and something heavy slammed into Hunter’s back, knocking the wind out of him. He fell forward, with the object on top of him. It was an old, carved, wooden desk.

Sonoya leapt up at him again, this time landing a blow. She sent Daniel flying through the air. He settled himself in the air and looked to his sister, laughing.

“You’d rather help them then your own brother?” Fire appeared around Daniel’s hands. He launched the fireballs at Sonoya. They both hit her, sending her stumbling back.

“I’d rather keep the peace Midnight Yards has tried to hard to achieve. Our people, our nation, come first.”

“But I’m family, surely I matter more than them.” Daniel landed on the ground and came face to face with his sister. Hunter once again felt like they were out of his league. He needed to close the gap with these high-powered individuals. He’d never avenge his father if he couldn’t.

“I believe in what Midnight Yards is trying to accomplish. Not in the way you’re trying to do it.” Sonoya made to punch him, but he grabbed her fist. Daniel made to punch her, but she grabbed his fist. The two were locked and Hunter could see them straining against each other.


Sonoya wrenched one of her hands free. She grabbed Daniel’s arm, braced herself, and threw him with all her might. Daniel slammed into the wall. He peeled himself off and floated toward his sister.

“Betrayed by my own family. We’ve been siblings for what, six hundred years. This is how you treat me?” Daniel created a giant fireball in front of him. “You bring a kid to help stop me. Sonoya, I’m hurt.” Daniel punched the fireball and it raced toward Hunter.

Hunter could feel the searing heat rushing toward him. Hunter let out a scream and used his lances to shatter the desk that had been pinning him down. He stumbled away just as the fireball engulfed the desk. Loud popping noises like oversized popcorn rang through the room.

“We’ve been going at this for way too long,” said Sonoya. A ghostly green aura erupted around Sonoya.

Hunter could feel the malicious presence return to claw at his mind. He did everything he could to push it aside.

It plucked at a memory of his father. Hunter had sat awake in his bed, waiting for his father to return from his latest adventures. His father came into his room at close to one o’clock.

“What are you still doing awake buddy?” His dad had a warm smile and was still in his costume.

“I was waiting for you dad. What happened tonight?” Hunter’s father sat on the bed. His father suddenly disappeared and reappeared standing up. His smile was gone, his face instead contorted with rage.

His father started screaming at him, but Hunter couldn’t make out the words. They were loud, but muffled. Hunter was terrified and tried his best to pull the blanket over his head, but it suddenly weighed a tonne.

“You’re the reason I’m dead.”


“No, no. That never happened.” Hunter’s mind snapped back to the now. He was paralysed again. A tear rolled down his cheek.

Rising out of the ground, a giant version of his father appeared. His father screamed all sorts of abuse and obscenities. Hunter stood there, taking it all in.

Sonoya looked at Hunter. She could see him shaking, staring at nothing. Her green aura disappeared, and she sent her mind to him.

Sonoya could feel her brother’s presence. She dug in and found where his was tethered. Sonoya severed the link, and he was gone. Daniel flew back in the air. He shook his head and glared at his sister.

“You have no right messing with people’s minds,” said Sonoya.

“I’ll do whatever I want. If it weren’t for that stupid talisman, I’d have done it to you centuries ago.” Daniel formed another giant fireball. He punched it at Hunter. Sonoya’s aura reappeared, and she leapt in front of the fireball.

The fireball exploded on Sonoya. Hunter felt the heat wash over him. His dad had disappeared, and Hunter felt that he could move again, but he didn’t want to. He saw Sonoya standing in front of him. Smoke was rising from her body.

“Kid, if you aren’t going to be helpful, then you need to leave. I can’t keep bailing you out.” Sonoya looked at him and Hunter felt as though she were looking through him.

“Right.” Hunter reformed his lances and looked at Daniel. The vampire was laughing.

A piece of furniture came rushing to their left. Sonoya smashed it to smithereens. One flew in from the right. Hunter punched his lances at it, smashing that piece of furniture.

“Recovered so soon?” Daniel mocked. He raised his arms and all the furniture and other bits, and pieces started swirling around the room, like they were caught in a giant whirlpool.

Hunter dodged and blocked and broke every piece he could. But some got through his defences and would smash into him.

He and Sonoya ran at Daniel. Sonoya leapt up and jumped off a desk. Hunter slid under the same one.

Sonoya smashed through what looked to be an extremely expensive painting. Hunter made a wide arc and when he was side on to Daniel, he started to run inward again.

Daniel pointed one arm, at Sonoya and the other at Hunter. He sent a fireball hurtling at each one. Sonoya tanked the hit and Hunter ducked to the side. As he did, a small, weird looking sculpture hit him in the side of the head.

“I’m getting tired of this,” said Daniel. He pointed at the green flame in the middle of the room and countless bats swarmed the room. They moved like one giant mass.

The swarm of bats ploughed through the swirling debris and rammed Sonoya. Sonoya remained at the front of the swarm as in crushed her into a wall. The bats crashed through and out into the night sky, carrying Sonoya with them.

“Now its just you and me,” Daniel laughed. Hunter chuckled nervously and formed tight fists, digging his nails into his palms.

“Bring it.” Hunter charged; his three lances swirled about him. Daniel flew at him, a fireball in each hand.

Daniel and Hunter clashed. Daniel released his fireballs into Hunter’s sides. Hunter drove his lances into Daniel as hard as he could. The two looked at each other, dead-eyed. They collapsed to the ground.

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