《Mite》3.13 - The Vampire's Plan



Hunter opened his eyes and realised he felt no pain. The creature was still on top of him, but it had pulled back and was staring at him, a look of confusion contorted its face. Its sharp, long tongue dangled about, and its drool dripped onto Hunter’s face.

Hunter could feel that a thick layer of dust had formed on his neck just as the creature bit down. His own powers were working to keep him alive, even when he wasn’t thinking properly.

“You okay kid?” Sonoya asked. The body of the hulking creature she had been fighting collided into the one on Hunter’s chest. The two creatures went sprawling across the ground.

“Yeah. My powers saved me.” Hunter pulled himself up and hurriedly staggered away from the two creatures.

“Good. I probably would’ve killed you if you had turned.” Sonoya rushed past him and swung her hand at the bigger creature. She sent the creature flying into the wall of a building.

“Right, because you don’t want to kill your brother.” Hunter formed his three lances and sent them hurtling toward the smaller creature.

“Exactly. He’s a bigger priority to me than you are.” Sonoya was now wrestling the creature on the ground. She snapped the creature’s arm and it howled in pain. Hunter shivered at just how blasé Sonoya was about it all. He was in a different world to how he had always imagined heroics.

The winged creature shakily flew into the air just before Hunter’s lances had the chance to strike it. Another howl came from where Sonoya was. Hunter risked a look.

Sonoya was holding the creature’s neck from behind. Her mouth was open, as was the creature’s. A strange, ethereal green glow came out of the creature’s mouth and flowed into Sonoya’s. The creature fell limp and Sonoya threw the creature aside, where it then exploded into dark mist. Hunter felt his stomach churn down deep.


Hunter’s winged opponent let out a shriek and dived toward him. Hunter rolled aside just in time and the creature rose back up into the air as it missed.

It made a wide circle and came back at Hunter. As it dived again, Hunter dropped to the ground. The creature swooped past, and Hunter raised his three lances up at the underside of the creature. He skewered the creature and it exploded into mist.

Hunter rose up and brought the lances back, a dust cloud floated around him.

“You did well,” remarked Sonoya. The two stood side by side and looked at the art gallery. It was the same one where Hunter had met Gauzelle.

“What’s your brother up to?” Hunter asked.

“I’m not sure. There’re many things he’s claimed he wants to do, I’m unsure of which he has decided to enact. Either way, we will stop him.”

“You freak!” A rock hit the back of Sonoya’s head. Hunter turned around and saw a frightened pigman. His jowls jiggled long after he spoke.

“Go home sir, we’re taking care of the issue,” said Hunter.

“That thing right there, that’s part of the issue.” The pig pointed a finger at Sonoya. Sonoya hadn’t turned around.

“No, she’s helping save everyone. Please, go home.” Before Hunter could react, one of the lesser shadow creatures had snuck up on the pigman from behind. As it was about to claw him, Sonoya flicked the rock. The rock shot through the head of the creature and it exploded into mist.

“Now say thank you and be on your way,” Hunter demanded.

“I…I’m sorry. Th-thank you.” The pigman turned and ran away, screaming.

“Sorry about that,” said Hunter.

“Why are you sorry? You aren’t responsible for his actions. Thank you for what you did, young one. Come, let’s go stop my brother.” The two ran up the stairs and entered the gallery.


The green glow lit up the entire gallery. Hunter and Sonoya followed the intensity of the glow.

They entered a room and watched the strange sight before them. There was a huge green flame that roared in the middle of the room. It shot into the sky. Floating above the flame, turned away from them, was a figure with a long, crimson cloak.

“Are you here to stop me, Sonoya?” the voice boomed through the room and Hunter could feel it from inside his head as well. He could feel a presence there, probing his thoughts, his memories. Hunter was filled with fear and paralysis took over.

“What are you doing Daniel?” Sonoya asked. Hunter could feel a second presence in his mind, fighting off the other one.

“Why, I’m making Athena City into the new Midnight Yards. Why should we be cast aside into obscurity on that little island. Just because we’re different. Because we’re undead?” He still looked at the green flame.

“People are afraid of what they don’t know. Give them time,” said Sonoya.

“But they accept all the others with powers. The freaks and monsters among them. Paint them as heroes and saviours. Idolise them. What makes us so different?” Hunter could feel that the second force within him had driven out the first. He felt steady now.

“People are weird, yeah. Full of double standards and contradictions. But we’re not all like that.” Hunter took a few steps forward as he said this.

“If I make it eternal night here, then we can come and visit whenever we like. Just as you have turned our place into a cheap tourist destination.”

“That was the Queen’s doing,” said Sonoya. Hunter noticed she was clenching her fists.

“She only did it to appease the rest of the world. You’re all such confused little cowards. Nothing but cattle for the slaughter.” Daniel started to laugh. He turned around now and looked at the two of them.

Hunter formed the dust cloud into his three lances.

“Oh Sonoya, you’ve brought one to me already. Such a lovely sister.”

“I won’t go down without a fight,” Hunter readied himself.

“That’ll make killing you so much more fun. Then the slaughter will begin under a new eternal night sky.”

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