《Mite》3.10 - There Be Vampires



Hunter and Jimena were teleported into a back alley and standing before them was Mister Blade and an unusual looking being.

Mister Blade’s companion looked sick and around their neck was a large talisman.

“Mister Blade, what’s going on? Who’s that?” Hunter asked.

“I’m Sonoya. An old friend of Mister Blade’s. I come from Midnight Yards, and I’m a zombie.” Sonoya said it all in such a deadpan way that Hunter felt a little uncomfortable.

“We’re hunting down a vampire?” Jimena asked.

“Essentially, yes. We hope we can keep him alive though,” said Mister Blade.

“Why though? If he’s such a danger, shouldn’t he be killed?” Jimena was as deadpan as Sonoya had been.

“He’s my brother and he need to be brought back to Midnight Yards for trial. He’s being here is upsetting everything Midnight Yards is trying to do.” Sonoya stepped forward as she said this and clenched a fist.

“What would he be doing out here?” Hunter asked.

“He’s most likely on a hunting spree.”

“So killing?” Hunter didn’t like the sound of where this was going and questioned why Michael would send him.

“Yes, killing,” replied Mister Blade.

“Where do we begin?” Jimena asked.

“I’ve managed to track him to this area of Athena City. He’s blocking me out and I can’t sense him anymore.”

“What do we do?” Hunter asked. He felt he was in over his head.

“We search the area for any clues of a vampire,” said Mister Blade.

“As simple as that?”

“As simple as that.”

The four of them left the alleyway and walked back onto the main streets of Athena City. There were people everywhere. Working, walking, talking, living. Some looked at the group and most were startled at the sight of Sonoya. Some stopped what they were doing and left.


“Is this a common thing?” Hunter asked.

“Very.” Hunter could feel the pain in Sonoya’s voice.

The four of them continued to press forward, eyes darting in every direction.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a creature dropped down and landed in front of them. It had pale skin that clung tightly to the bones. It had thin, wispy hair and red eyes. It bared fangs at the group and hissed.

Using only a few movements, Mister Blade sliced into the creature and the creature exploded into a dark mist.

“Was that a person once?” Hunter asked, shakily.

“Shadow magic. Born in shadow and returned to shadow. It was only ever that creature. It will be back.” Sonoya’s voice was filled with quiet rage.

“What do you mean it’ll be back?”

“These creatures can’t truly be defeated unless the main vampire is stopped.”

“It didn’t seem dangerous,” said Jimena.

“Individually, no. But if I know my brother, there will be hundreds of them, if not more. All these lives are at risk.”

“Are you sure the four of us are enough to stop all this?” Hunter asked.

“Yes,” said Mister Blade.

Hunter hadn’t realised, but the arrival of the creature had sent more people running away from what they were doing.

Screams erupted all over.

“More creatures?” Hunter asked.

“None that I can sense right now.” A huge green light exploded into the sky from the art gallery. A huge beam shot up into the clouds.

“He’s there,” said Sonoya.

The group watched on in horror as hundreds of the shadow creatures ran out of the building, screeching into the night.

“Hunter, you and Sonoya go into the gallery. Jimena and I will stop these creatures.” Mister Blade sounded a lot more confident than Hunter felt.


“You’re the expert, shouldn’t you be helping Sonoya?” Hunter argued.

“I’m needed out here, saving all these people. Don’t worry, you’re both more than capable.” Mister Blade flashed Hunter a smile. Mister Blade and Jimena took off into the dark, howls and screams bounced through the air.

“What’s your brother doing?” Hunter asked as he and Sonoya approached the gallery.

“I’m unsure. But knowing my brother, it can’t be good.” As they arrived at the front steps of the gallery, they were greeted by two creatures.

One was crouched close to the ground. It rested on all fours and had wings coming out of its back. It snarled at them.

The other one was huge. Easily over six feet tall and had bulging muscles. It roared at them.

“These two seem a little different than all those other ones we saw,” said Hunter. He opened his flasks of dust and had the cloud twirl about him.

“Its clear my brother spent a little more time on creating these two. Be careful, they will be a lot more dangerous. Don’t let these ones bite you.” Sonoya took a few steps toward the gallery.

“Why’s that?” Hunter asked. It was as though everything he had learnt from popular fiction was suddenly forgotten. Seeing these vampires in real life shook him to his core and he couldn’t think properly.

“They will turn you into a thrall.”

“A what?”

“A mindless creature. I hope you aren’t this useless in a fight.” Sonoya launched herself forward. The hulking creature ran down a few steps and leapt the rest of the way. It brought its arm forward to strike Sonoya, who stood there with her arms up.

The impact sent her back a few inches.

The smaller one snarled at Hunter once again and took off into the sky. It circled, surveying him.

Hunter willed the dust into his three trusty lances and eyed the flying creature. Fear drove him more than training.

Sonoya’s body came flying by him and the hulking creature rushed past him soon after. Hunter was distracted, taking his eyes off the flying creature.

Hunter snapped to, but it was too late. The creature smashed into him and sent the two of them flying.

Hunter tried to hold the creature off, but it was too powerful. He never stood a chance.

The creature snarled and licked its lips. Its tongue long and pointed. Green drool dripped from its mouth. It raised its head and called out in triumph and then plunged its fangs into Hunter’s neck.

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