《Mite》3.02 - Rock Beast



Hunter and Michael had just finished their second week of training. Hunter had stayed in a spare room in Michael’s hideout. He had been meaning to return to school as well but found it impossible to drag himself out of bed before midday.

He had kept in touch with his team. Gauzelle and Jimena continued to train, with Jimena returning to school to catch up on lost time. While she was at school, Gauzelle took time off for herself.

Gauzelle had helped with the capture of a crook by the name of Deadeye Jane. Gauzelle had teamed up with Rimi, they were overseen by Grim Stopper. Gauzelle hadn’t gone into much detail except that she thought Grim Stopper was “pretty cool”.

Hunter had checked in on Silas the most. The events with Flink and being injured by the giant chicken had shaken his normally over eager attitude. He was still at The Fortress with his parents.

Hunter hadn’t heard from his mother and had become worried. When he asked Michael if he knew anything, the elderly mentor replied with a casual shake of his head.

By the end of the second week of the training, Hunter could now keep his three dust lances up while running without concentrating. Incoming surprise obstacles still threw him off balance, but he was able to recover faster.

A huge swelling of pride filled Hunter’s chest as he watched the old man down a milkshake. Hunter had finally managed to put a small cut into Michael’s shirt sleeve.

“Better watch out old man, in another two weeks you’ll have to be wearing armour.” Hunter took a swig of his own milkshake and strained his ears for Michael’s response.

“Hate to break it to you kiddo, but I’ve been going easy on you.” Michael let out a smooth chuckle.


“Don’t believe you.”

“You don’t have to. But I won’t be letting you do that again for a long time.”

“Ah-ok. You keep telling yourself th-” the alarm in Michael’s hideout sounded and the oversized computer screen flickered on. Michael and Hunter approached the screen, Michael still held his milkshake.

“Michael, I’m getting word that a strange beast is down on Midway. It’s destroying everything it can see.” Hunter recognised the dog-person on the screen, a brown-furred terrier with a moustache. He was Wimsley Sniff, a famous investigative reporter based in Athena City.

“Your friends with the Wimsley Sniff?”

“Of course, I’m Excelsior, remember?” Michael pointed at his chest and Hunter questioned why he had been surprised.

“Has anyone else responded yet?” Michael asked.

“Only Smileys from Power Teens. I’m not sure if he’d be enough.” Michael looked at Hunter and Hunter gave a nod.

“It’s all right, I got someone I can send to help.”

“Michael, it looks like it’s made of rock. Are you sure one’s gonna be enough?”

“What do you think Hunter?” Michael had a look of concern come over his face.

“I’m gonna contact Gauzelle. I think she’ll be great help.” Michael nodded.

“There you go Wimsley, two fine young heroes as well as Smileys. That should do the trick.”

“I don’t know if Smileys is going to be much help with this one…” Wimsley turned behind him and ducked to the ground as a car came flying in his direction. The screen went blank.

“What is Smileys powers?” Hunter asked.

“He can make people smile, causing them to relax. Some become so calm they don’t do anything for a while.” Hunter raised an eyebrow. “Seriously.”

“Okay. I’m glad I’m getting Gauzelle in on this.” Hunter ran out of the hide out and away from the school he almost never attended anymore.


“Gauzelle, wake up.” Hunter yelled into his communicator.

“I am awake. Was watching a horror movie marathon. What’s up?”

“I need you to meet me at Midway, we got a monster fight about to happen.”

“Monster? Like the movies?”


“Heck yes I’m in. I’ll see you there.”

Hunter made his way to Midway. It was late at night, but the city was always abuzz. Hunter was sure he had seen a car driving along the walls of buildings, breaking windows, towards a robot.

Hunter brought himself to a stop in the middle of a street that was filled with carnage. Police had arrived and were blocking off the streets, keeping the paparazzi at bay.

A roar echoed through the night and a tree passed Hunter and punctured through a car.

“Whoa shit.” Hunter turned and was glad to see Gauzelle stood there next to him.

“Villains seem to do this a lot hey. Have we got any help?” Gauzelle readied her staff.

“Yeah, I’m starting to notice a theme. Yeah, apparently some hero named Smileys is here, kind of a first responder I think.”



“Probably couldn’t see it, but I shuddered just now.” Gauzelle gave a small, knee-jerk laugh and Hunter smiled.

A thunderous cacophony exploded as glass shattered and furniture went flying through the air as the monster leapt out of a building and back onto the road.

It stood at roughly six feet in height although it was hunched over. One arm ended in a hand but the other ended with just a large spike. A tail came out over its head and the tip ended in a large, spike ball.

“Could be a little problematic.” Gauzelle started to spin her staff like a propeller.

“You here to help me?” a tone of disgust came from behind them. Hunter and Gauzelle turned to see a teen that didn’t appear much older than Hunter. He had short hair and a nose ring.

“Yeah, cos apparently you’re not doing a good job.” Gauzelle pointed at Smileys and then at the monster.

“I’ve merely been waiting for the right time to act, that’s all.” Smileys took out a phone and pressed a button and started posing around with his phone.

“Hey so its your boy Smileys. Down at Midway where there’s some kind of rock beast. I’m gonna go put a stop to that and you’re all gonna watch me do it. These other two,” Smileys pointed the phone at Gauzelle and Hunter, Gauzelle gave a wave, “won’t be doing much to help.” He flicked the phone back at his face and fixed his hair.

“Oh wow, he’s great…” Gauzelle’s sarcasm was thick like over buttered bread.

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