《Mite》2.34 - Boss Fight (Round 3)



Welt, Hunter, and Jimena stood together inside the lumbering robot. After a few unsteady moments, they were able to move without too much trouble.

“I reckon he’s in the head,” said Jimena.

“Yeah, I agree,” said Welt.

“Gauzelle, we’re heading for the head. Do you reckon you can meet us up there?” asked Hunter.

“Yeah,” replied Gauzelle.

Hunter, Jimena, and Welt took off down the strangely twisted hallway deeper into the robot.

Gauzelle had no trouble with the swaying of the robot as she was nimble on her feet.

She took a step and red lights started to flash and a siren wailed. Gauzelle braced herself as she watched three of Doctor Flink’s robots closed in on her. Two were brandishing blades and one had a strange looking gun that hung underneath the shell.

Using her unique body, Gauzelle was able to spin the staff rapidly like a propeller. She fanned it in front of her and quickly struck one of the bladed drones.

The other drone swung its blade down in a violent arc and Gauzelle dodged it just in time. She had never been cut before and she wasn’t about to see what would happen.

Gauzelle spread her legs and squatted down low, her staff flat and inches off the ground.

The third drone seized the moment to attack. Blue flame licked around the strange looking gun and a cloud of fire billowed out over Gauzelle.

Without wasting a moment, Gauzelle rapidly spun the staff again. Fanning the flame around her body. The flames lightly singed her bandages.

Gauzelle leapt forward and rammed her staff through the drone, shattering the red light that was the drone’s eye.

“Make sure you wait for me when you get there. I don’t wanna miss out on this.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll wait. Where are you going?” Hunter replied. He was watching Gauzelle’s progress on his watch.

“I don’t think you’ve realised but we’re inside a huge ass robot. Don’t exactly have blueprints of this thing.”

“No, but you can follow where we are with your communicator.” Hunter had just assumed Gauzelle already knew this.

“Sorry, hadn’t realised. Oh yeah, there you are.” Gauzelle looked at her watch and used that as a guide to work her way toward the others.

Hunter, Jimena, and Welt stood in front of a giant metal door. Within moments Gauzelle was by their side.

“So if we’re inside a giant robot, should we be expecting much more resistance?” Gauzelle asked.


“Being Flink, I can only try and imagine what he’s got in there for us,” replied Welt.

The four of them were flung into the wall as the robot suddenly, violently lurched to the side.

Pulling themselves up, the four of them approached the door. Jimena flicked a switch and with a piercing hiss, the door opened upward. They stepped into the room.

The room was poorly lit except for a large computer screen that sat affixed to a wall. In front of the computer was Doctor Flink, sitting in his chair, without his spider robot body.

“So you’ve made it to me huh. Only because these other two helped you.” Flink pointed at the screen.

The dragon continued to soar around and unleash balls of magma. The one on the motorbike continued to rip around and shoot forth bolts of electricity from her lance.

“That doesn’t devalue our own efforts,” said Jimena. She walked in a wide circle around Flink.

“Well, kind of. I’ve done my research; you aren’t even a fully formed team. You aren’t even properly sanctioned.” Flink gave a high-pitched chuckle.

“It must suck knowing you’ve already had to run away from us once. And to know you’re going to lose to us again.” Gauzelle slowly approached Flink.

“What makes you think I plan on losing to you?” taunted Flink.

“There’s the four of us here. Just you. We’ve got those other two outside. You’re done,” said Gauzelle.

“You need to learn to assess the situation before you gloat about winning.” Flink broke out into maniacal laughter.

“Get back,” Hunter snapped.

Nothing happened for a moment and Flink’s laughter stopped. He looked around awkwardly and then made to press a button.

Within a flash, Jimena launched her slime balls at him, and Hunter stepped up to him and formed a dust lance. Gauzelle wrapped around the hamster and the familiar glow of Razor Queen’s appearance had started to emanate from Welt.

“Silas would have something funny to say right now,” said Gauzelle.

“Something about a big villain fight being anti-climactic,” said Jimena.

“It never ends this easily,” said Welt. A wary tone strangled his voice.

“Maybe it just did,” said Hunter. He pressed his lance closer to Flink’s head. He bent down and looked the hamster right in the eyes.

“I can assure you, it didn’t.” Flink winked at Hunter and smiled. A yellow mist bled into the room. The group suddenly backed away from Flink and watched as his eyes went black.


First, one arm suddenly grew. Inflated with muscle, it looked almost funny, in a grotesque sort of way. The hamster leapt off his chair and the rest of his body rapidly grew. He pulled himself off the floor and looked at the group.

Flink was now the size of a grizzly bear and looked as scary. His muscles popped through his fur all over his body and yellow drool sizzled as it hit the ground.

“What do you think Welt, you’ve never seen me like this.” Malevolence dripped from his gravelly voice. Flink looked at his old nemesis, Razor Queen was now hovering in front of Welt and she looked at Flink as though he were merely a nuisance.

“I can assure you, don’t take me lightly, Razor Queen,” he grinned, and she flew at him.

He leapt through the air and closed his razor-sharp teeth down into her torso. She stopped moving and let out a silent scream. Welt looked like he was in pain too and stumbled back a step.

Flink let go of Razor Queen, she flew back and hovered behind Welt’s shoulder.

“This may be a little tough,” said Gauzelle. Gauzelle launched herself at Flink, unravelling herself and flying high when he snapped at her.

Jimena started concentrating on forming a giant ball of slime and Hunter launched his javelin at the hamster.

The hamster took a swipe at the javelin. It immediately lost form and fell to the ground. Hunter concentrated and reformed it. He brought it high and aimed it at Flink’s head.

Welt looked at Razor Queen, she was dripping glowing, golden blood. She was breathing heavily.

“Are you all right?” She nodded; her hand was over her wound. She looked him in the eyes and nodded again. “Just be more careful.” Razor Queen sailed back into the fray, dancing around and occasionally diving in for a jab.

Flink roared and turned at Gauzelle. He swiped at her with a claw and lightly touched her bandage before she could get away. Immense pain racked through her whole body and Gauzelle collapsed to the ground. She slithered away and reformed herself.

“You okay?” Hunter asked.

“Yeah, I think so.” Gauzelle leaned against the wall.

“Hunter, I’m going to hurt him.” Hunter turned to his teammate and saw the Jimena’s arm was completely covered in ooze. He watched as she pumped it with red pellets. He nodded.

Hunter brought his javelin down, aiming for the back of Flink’s neck. It struck true but seemed to have little effect.

“My hide is way too thick for mere dust to do anything.” Flink growled.

“It was a distraction,” called Hunter.

Jimena launched her projectile. Flink turned just in time to see it. He bit down on the ball, only for an intense explosion of fire to engulf his head and encompass his body.

Jimena quickly shot more slime balls at him. Some were filled with purple pellets. Electricity burst forth from those ones. Jimena slowly approached Flink and kept shooting at the hamster.

Flink let out a growl of pain and rushed out of the elemental onslaught. He snapped at Jimena, who turned into her slime state just in time.

Hunter noted that Flink was breathing heavily now. His fur was singed, and he stumbled as he walked.

“Just go down!” Gauzelle screamed. She re-entered the brawl, twirling her staff. She brought it down between Flink’s eyes. A wet thud echoed through the room.

Flink stared at Gauzelle and smiled.

“Well done.” He collapsed to the ground and slowly reverted back to his normal size.

Welt ran to the computer and turned the robot off.

“Michael, we did it,” said Hunter.

“Great job. I knew you could.”

“Michael, I need some serious training.”

“That can be arranged.”

Michael sent the appropriate teams to retrieve Flink and a to clean up the mess that was left behind from the fight.

The dragon and the rider had left the scene before Hunter and the others had even made it out of the robot.

They rode a hero taxi back to The Fortress and went to see Silas. He was awake now and the team filled in him on what he had missed out on.

“Welt, you sure you don’t want to join our team?” Hunter asked.

“Nah, I don’t think Puddles and I are hero material. But consider us allies to Justice Punch.” There was a slight glow from Welt’s chest and Hunter could see Razor Queen. She winked at him and Hunter watched as Welt left the room.

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