《Mite》2.33 - Boss Fight (Round 2)



“Hey Hunter, isn’t that the dragon that attacked those houses at Sunny Glade?” Gauzelle asked through the communicator.

“Yeah, that’s the one.” Why would Michael send that? It put lives at risk last time we saw it.

The scattered team of Justice Punch and Welt looked on at the battleground. Doctor Flink’s ginormous robot waved fists in the air, trying to hit the grand red dragon.

The dragon flew around and swooped. A great red-hot ball of magma exploded from its mouth and hit the robot square in the side.

The robot staggered to the side but was able to right itself. A loud clattering noise echoed through the air as both shoulders from the robot opened and a turret from each shoulder rose up.

The turrets were large rectangles divided up into smaller squares. A sudden explosion as forty rockets between the two shoulders, flew out and around, white smoke trailing behind each.

“I’m glad he didn’t use that on us,” said Gauzelle.

Most of the rockets flew at the dragon. Some careened and blew up on the docks, small impact craters dotted the yard.

The roar of the motorbike engine ripped through Hunter’s mind and he watched as the mysterious rider raced along the ground.

There was a light humming and crackling of energy as the lance lit up and a bolt of electricity wrapped around and shot forth from the lance. The bolt leapt through the air and exploded into the cannon that was on the chest.

“What do we do?” Hunter asked his team.

“We can’t do anything against it head on,” said Jimena. “Maybe we can get inside?”

“How do you mean?” Hunter asked.

“There are gaps all over its body, surely we can get inside and disable it from there. Maybe attack Flink?”


Hunter watched the robot for a few moments. He noticed as it moved and extended, sizable gaps would appear as the rust body exposed the insides.

“It’s risky,” Hunter noted.

“Staying out here is risky enough, but it looks like these two can handle it,” replied Jimena.

“What do the rest of you think?” Hunter asked.

“I think it’s the best shot we’ve got at helping out,” replied Gauzelle.

“Agreed,” said Welt.

“Hey, if you two can keep it distracted long enough, we’re going inside the robot,” said Hunter.

“All right, be careful,” replied a gruff voice. The motorbike roared again and rode vertically up another shipping container.

Doctor Flink’s laughter echoed through the docks.

“Its ready,” he screamed. The electricity danced around the cannon once again. Both the motorbike rider and dragon aimed their next attacks perfectly at the powerful weapon.

The cannon died down. The robot flailed like a fish out of water. Its arms swung and a huge fist swatted at the rider on the motorbike. The rider’s body shot through the air and crashed through a shipping container before slamming into another one. The body lay still in the centre of the impact dent.

“Hope they’re okay,” said Gauzelle.

“We can’t worry about that now, we’ve gotta go.” Jimena darted along from the side and leapt with all her might down onto the robot. She landed and slid a little but was able to find purchase. She ran along the shoulder in a crouch and jumped down into the gap.

Gauzelle unravelled herself and was able to easily snake her way through a gap on the robot.

Welt followed the way Jimena had entered without fault.

Hunter watched in awe as these three powerful beings traded blows. The rider on the motorbike had quickly picked themselves back up and was winding through the docks. Streaks of lightning burst rapidly from the weapon.


More missiles shot out from the rocket launchers. Most whizzed around and exploded into the side of the dragon.

The dragon let out a bloodcurdling roar and released another ball of magma. This one hit one of the rocket launchers, instantly melting it.

“They’re on a completely different level.” Hunter stood there, paralysed by fear and respect at what was happening before him.


The electricity and dancing lights formed around the cannon once again.

“What was I thinking?”

“Hunter, what are you doing? Come on.” Gauzelle and Jimena were screaming into his communicator.

“You better get moving kid; I don’t think we can stop this next one.”

Hunter snapped out of his paralysis. He jumped down from his perch and ran across the docks to the office where both Jimena and Welt had entered the robot.

The humming echoed through the dockyards again and Hunter felt his legs start to give. He willed himself to keep going and pulled himself up the ladder.

The dragon released a ball of magma at the cannon, but the charge of the cannon persisted through the devastating impact.

The blinding light flashed again, Hunter hid his face and waited for it to die down.

Hunter looked down the street that the cannon had fired down. Buildings started to crumble, and panicked voices rose through the street.

Hunter stopped in his tracks, pulled to go help the citizens on the street.

“Hunter be with your team. I’ve already dispatched more help. They’ll look after the ones on the street. Go and get Doctor Flink.” Michael’s voice rang through his ears.

“Yeah, okay.” Hunter steeled himself and ran along the steel frames and leapt onto the robot.

He crashed onto his front and slid along. His body started to veer off course and he desperately looked for somewhere to grab.

Just as his body almost slipped off the edge, he felt a hand grab each wrist. He looked up to see Jimena and Welt. They both wore a nervous smile.

“We’ve got a hamster to stop. There’s no way I’m letting you miss out on this fun,” said Jimena.

“Gauzelle, where are you?” Hunter asked.

“I think I’m in the belly area. I’ll work my way to you.”

Welt and Jimena pulled Hunter up and the three of them crashed inside just as a ball of magma hit the shoulder where Hunter had been.

“We’re in,” Hunter said to the rider on the motorbike.

“Good. Now hurry up and stop him. That cannon is way too powerful.”

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