《Mite》2.27 - Hope Seems Lost



The creature that followed the shriek was not one the team had anticipated. A grand big chicken strutted into the room. Its head jerked about, and its gaze fell upon the team.

The chicken hadn’t mutated in appearance like the hedgehog had, but it was the same size as an elephant. Terrifying all the same.

The chicken let loose a few clucks and started scraping at the ground with its scythe-like talons.

“Of all the animals in the world, a chicken?” said Gauzelle. She was still wrapped around the legs of Doctor Flink’s robot. He had been stunned into momentary silence after seeing his greatest creation for the first time.

“I ain’t sticking around. You shall all meet your doom. Ta-ta.” The body of the robot that contained Doctor Flink separated from the rest of the body. It shot away and as it landed, small mechanical legs sprung out and carried the evil hamster away.

“Stop him. Don’t let him get away,” Puddles called out.

Silas inflated himself, grabbed Puddles and kicked toward the escaping hamster. At the same time, the chicken had taken interest in the party and took a few steps toward them.

“What do you plan on doing with me?” Puddles asked Silas.

“I don’t know. I acted without thinking, that’s up to you.” Silas bounced off the floor, rebounded off the central computer and kicked even harder, cracking one of the computer monitors.

Doctor Flink’s invention was fast, but Silas had closed the gap in no time at all. The contraption spun around, and the hamster’s face opened in surprise as he noticed just how close Silas already was.

“Shoot your laser!” Silas called. Puddles aimed her laser and fired. The laser hit the floor just ahead of the skittering robot. Puddles shot again and again, but Doctor Flink zig zagged, dodging each attack.


“You can’t stop me,” Doctor Flink laughed. He neared an open doorway.

“Wanna bet?” said Silas. With all his might, Silas raised his arms and threw Puddles. Silas put in so much effort that his body did a somersault in the air.

Puddles flew true and collided with the metal spider. Doctor Flink and Puddles tumbled along the floor in a jumbled mess. They stopped when they bounced into Silas, who had inflated himself and wedged himself in the doorway, blocking the exit completely.

“Give it up,” said Puddles. Puddles stood over Doctor Flink.

“You were always the favourite pet. Nobody can compete with a kitten.” There was pain in Doctor Flink’s voice.

“I never replaced you. They loved us both.” Puddles aimed her laser at Doctor Flink, but she couldn’t bring herself to shoot her old family.

“Yes you did.” One of the legs on Doctor Flink’s spider extended in length and hooked itself under Puddles’ harness. The leg lifted the kitten and threw her hard against the floor. Puddles lay still.

Doctor Flink approached Silas and shook a leg at him.

“Let me through,” Doctor Flink demanded.

“No way.”

“I’ve caused internal injury to Puddles and she needs to be seen to immediately. Let me through or I’ll cause her more harm.” Silas deflated himself. “That’s a good lad. Now let me through.” Silas stepped aside and let Doctor Flink through the doorway.

Silas rushed to Puddles and carefully picked her up in his hands. She was breathing lightly.

Silas looked up at his friends who were battling the giant chicken, he inflated and kicked toward the chicken.

“What’s your strategy Hunter?” asked Gauzelle.

“Give me a sec,” replied Hunter. The chicken struck forth with its beak. Hunter and Jimena dove in opposite directions. The beak left a crack in the ground.


“Don’t exactly have a sec,” Gauzelle replied. The chicken let out another shriek, causing the team to have to cover their ears.

“Gauzelle, wrap around its legs. Jimena, shoot at it.” Jimena and Gauzelle nodded and did as he said.

Jimena let loose a barrage of slime balls. The chicken tilted its head and looked at Jimena. The chicken let out a low growl and charged toward her.

Gauzelle wrapped herself around the legs of the chicken. The chicken didn’t fall over. It felt the pull on its legs and stopped mid stride. It bent down and looked at its legs. The chicken snapped at Gauzelle, who unravelled just in time before being sliced by the fierce beak.

“I don’t want to be sliced into ribbons,” said Gauzelle. She slithered away from the chicken and regrouped behind Hunter.

Jimena continued to fire at the chicken, to little success. The chicken continued to slowly advance on Jimena.

Hunter opened all four flasks of dust that he carried. Gathering the dust and dirt into a cloud, he directed the cloud to hang around the chicken’s head. The dust floated around like a bad smell, obscuring the chicken’s view.

“Is there anything you can do to help?” Hunter asked Welt.

“No, not really. No.” Welt shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the ground.

The chicken let out another loud shriek, the worst one yet. Hunter lost his concentration and the dust cloud fell to the ground. The chicken fixed its gaze upon the group and charged.

Just as the chicken’s beak was about to connect with a disoriented Hunter, Silas slammed into the chest of the chicken. He collided with such force, there was a sickening snapping sound as a bone or two broke in the chicken’s ribcage.

The chicken screamed and as Silas came back off a rebound, the chicken’s sharp beak pierced into Silas. The beak punctured the flesh and the air that Silas’s body normally stored escaped the wound. Silas deflated, blood spread across his stomach. He went limp and Puddles fell out of his hands.

Hunter brought the dust cloud back up, the chicken scratched at the ground and let out more angry clucks.

“Gauzelle, patch him up,” said Hunter. Gauzelle flitted over to Silas and wrapped herself around Silas.

“We kinda need your help here,” said Hunter. He looked at Welt. Welt shook his head.

“We need help, you dumbass!” Gauzelle screamed.

“Seriously,” said Jimena. Even with the dust cloud surrounding its head, the chicken slowly made its way toward the group.

“Welt, help us, please.” Hunter looked at Welt.

“Okay. Just, don’t get hurt. Alright?” Welt approached the giant chicken. A blinding flash of mauve and yellow filled the room. The rest of the group had to cover their eyes.

Hunter could see the light had dimmed. He slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by a strange sight.

“The hell is that?” Gauzelle asked.

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