《Mite》2.20 - Deciding On The Team



Hunter, Silas and Gauzelle waited at Stick’s treehouse for their new recruit to arrive. A strange mix of excitement and awkwardness hung about the air. Jordana certainly sounded like the right fit, but the team had never really discussed Jimena’s leaving.

“I feel like a band getting a new member,” Silas remarked. It had been silent for a few minutes; he couldn’t help himself.

“You can’t even play the cowbell,” Gauzelle taunted.

“You can’t even press play on the stereo,” Silas replied.

“Settle down children,” Hunter cut in. Hunter had been on edge over the last couple of days, questions about his leadership brought dark clouds of doubt over his mind.

“C’mon you three, its nothing to get nervous about. Michael and I will sense if its going to work out or not. We don’t want a repeat of what happened before, it’ll be all right.” Stick was watching the news on her definitely oversized screen.

“Calls to not allow the island Midnight Yards to be recognised as its own country are on the rise again as the disturbing citizens upset most people simply for existing. Of course, the Queen of Midnight Yards has not been apologetic and has told people to ‘get over it’.”

“I’ve been there, it’s a pretty place in a macabre sort of way. They’re food isn’t for most, but their architecture and arts make Athena City look boring,” Stick commented.

“You’ve been there?” Hunter asked. He had seen titbits from the news headlines, but never looked into it.

“Yeah, of course. They have amazing soil and grow crops better than most. I was appointed by our President to visit on diplomatic purposes.” Stick scratched behind her ear and waltzed over to the fridge. She turned the television off and put on some synthwave music.


“Not this crap,” objected Silas.

“Hey, its my place and you don’t pay rent. I get control of the music.”

“You don’t even pay for the place, or any of the food,” Silas replied.

“Still, its my place, I’ll do what I want.” Stick pulled a fruit tea out from the fridge.

“When will they be here?” Hunter asked.

“The anticipation is killing me,” commented Gauzelle.

“Just relax. You know, if you all just acted normally, instead of standing together in a line staring at the same place, you wouldn’t be so off-putting when they do arrive.” Stick sat back on the lounge and rested her head back and closed her eyes.

“Has anyone heard from Jimena?” Silas asked. He had tried contacting her through Chatter. He had visited her supposed residence that was on her school records, but when Silas visited, it was a condemned building.

“Nah.” Gauzelle had no online presence nor any means of communication outside of the watch Michael had given them.

“No. But I haven’t tried either,” said Hunter. Hunter had felt cold about the whole situation and was unsure on how to process it, so he chose to ignore it.

“That’s not very nice,” said Stick. She sat forward on the lounge and looked at the group.

“I…I don’t know how to approach her,” Hunter admitted.

A bright flash of white and blue blinded everyone in the room and Michael and Jordana stepped into the room.

“You didn’t tell me they were kids,” Jordana cried out. She eyed the trio off, a small orange amorphous blob stretched out over her shoulder.

“You aren’t much older than they are, Jordana. In fact, Gauzelle is probably twice your age. Is this going to be a problem?” Michael asked.


“No, I s’pose not. So, what’s the name of the team then?” Jordana snorted.

“We don’t have one yet. All my suggestions get shouted down,” said Silas.

“No name and a bunch of kids, this sounds real promising.” Jordana walked around the room, taking note of everything.

“Michael, this isn’t going to work,” said Hunter.

“Hmm? You can already tell?” A small smile formed across his face.

“I’ll second him on that,” said Gauzelle.

“Yeah, I third it,” said Silas.

“You’re seriously kicking me out already? Who do you think you are?” Jordana looked furious. The blob started to spread along her chest, like a living suit.

“Jordana, calm down. They’ve been through a lot, but I’ve got another team in mind you may be better suited for, ever heard of Switchback?” Michael readied the teleportation device again.

“I have,” said Silas.

“Good, coz that’s where I’m taking Jordana. See you later.” Another bright flash of white and blue and Michael and Jordana were gone.

“That was, anti-climactic,” said Gauzelle.

“So, I was thinking we could try for that cactus Michael was telling us about,” said Silas.

“No, I don’t think any of those initial candidates will do,” said Hunter.

“Some of the greatest heroic teams are trios,” said Stick.

“I don’t like odd numbers,” said Gauzelle.

“Does this mean, we’re going after Jimena?” Silas asked.

“It sounds like it,” Hunter smiled.

“Stick, do you or Michael have any idea where she may be?” Silas asked.

“No, but I think your mom does, Hunter.”

“You coming with?” Gauzelle asked.

“Nah. This is something to four of you need to figure out for yourselves. I hope it works out though, I really do. Hunter, go easy on her. You need to learn to be a little more flexible with your thinking. You can come across a little abrasive.” Stick gave a thumbs up to the trio and winked.

“Aren’t you gonna teleport us out of here?” Silas asked.

“It costs a lot of money. You could always find someone with teleportation powers, then you’d be set.”

“What do you mean costs money?” Silas asked.

“Teleportation within Athena City, with the devices we use, cost money each use. Its an owned service, its not something that gets used for free.”

“I think we need a bigger team,” said Gauzelle.

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