《Mite》2.18 - Haven Ponds



Freja Damude, also known as Woolpack, left Athena City and took herself home to Haven Ponds.

Haven Ponds had a population close to 18000 and was situated north-west of Athena City.

The name for the town came from the 15 large ponds of water that were across the land when the area was founded. Since early settlement and the development of the town, the architecture heavily featured water in the forms of fountains, pools, and houseboats out in the ponds.

Haven Ponds was a lustrous town, the envy of other towns and Athena City had even been inspired by the town’s close design of water, that Athena City had built aqueducts, not for plumbing, but for water to always be around the city.

The townsfolk had built their riches on a rare fish that somehow made its way to the landlocked water. From early on, it was understood that the fish was a resource to be carefully guarded and maintained. It was a town at harmony with nature.

Even the homes that weren’t houseboats were built only with stone and wood, to blend in with the greenery, not to stand out.

Freja’s family had lived in Haven Ponds close to its inception, and the family had firmly cemented itself as the expert fish farmers and a vice grip on trade. They were wealthy people.

“Well hello there Freja, I haven’t seen you around here for a while. How goes it?” Freja looked up to see Turly on his dinghy-class houseboat. He was a tortoise with a dark green skin colour and his shell was badly scarred. He claimed he had been in many dangerous battles when he was younger. But most of the townsfolk thought he was crazy. Freja just labelled him as ‘harmless’.

“Hello there Turly. Everything’s going well, I’ve just come back from Athena City.” Freja stopped in her tracks and waved at the old man.


“Wild place that city is. Thinks its so special, what, having its own laws and stuff. Crazy, crazy place, full of mad people. No, you’d best be leaving that place alone. This is the place to be, at one with nature. Not too many people mind, but at least they’re a lot nicer here than they are there.”

“You’re right about that. It’s a crazy place for sure. Got any more of that onigiri?” It was a food commonplace at Haven Ponds, but Freja had always found Turly made it in such an exquisite way, nothing else could compare, not even her grandmother’s recipe.

“Yeah, you’re timing is just right. I made a fresh batch not too long ago, but I’ve given most of it away already. If you hang on just a sec, I’ll row over to you and give you the last of it. It brings me joy that so many people like my cooking see, it warms my heart that I put smiles on their faces.” Turly unhooked the oar that was attached to the side of his house and rowed over to where Freja stood.

“I keep telling you, you’d make so much money if you actually sold the food you made. I took some to Athena City, and the people went nuts for it.” Freja patiently waited as the old tortoise made his way to the shore.

“I know, I know. But, you can’t put a price on that happiness. No. No, it wouldn’t be right. I’d much rather spread that around as best as I can to as many people, bring those smiles and make their days as well as mine. No, price on happiness just isn’t the way things should be done. Especially here in Haven Ponds. No, we should all work together on that sort of thing.” Turly loved to talk in the few rare times other people gave him the chance.


“But, with a little extra money, you could have a better home. You could be happier because things will be easier.” Freja smiled as the tortoise finally made land.

“No not money. Money doesn’t bring happiness you see. The more money you make, the more you spend. You always want more and are never satisfied. I am already happy with what I have. What’s not to like? We live in a peaceful town where most people get along and we’re harmonious with nature. I like that. Here, your onigiri.” Turly handed her the rice ball on a leaf, it was still warm. Freja bit into it and closed her eyes, it was that good.

“Thanks Turly. I’ll see you around. Keep giving that happiness to everyone you meet.” Freja patted Turly on the shoulder and turned strolled up the path.

“Farewell Freja, I’ll make sure I give happiness to as many people as I can. Making people happy is what I like to do, making them smile warms my heart. Say hi to your mum for me, I haven’t seen her for a while. Nice lady she is.” Freja knew Turly continued to talk to her, even though she was clearly out of earshot.

Freja stopped and looked up the path to see the large hill which was used as the beginning of their family home. It was large and had a great willow tree sticking out the top. The grand root system wrapped around the hill and burrowed deep into the ground.

The hill was nestled next to one of the grand ponds, and they had even built a room with a glass wall so they could keep a watchful eye on their fish. A permanent yacht-class houseboat was moored around the back, flaunted as a statement of the family’s wealth.

Returning to Haven Ponds was always a strange feeling for Freja. She loved growing up here and the countless fond memories it had given her. However, the last couple of years had left a sour impression on those memories. Freja entered the family home.

“Oh, you’re back.” The disappointed tone cut Freja deep as she looked up at her mother.

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