《Mite》2.14 - Negotiation



Silver Fang, Rampage and Grand Hotpot entered Puppet Master’s hotel. The large lobby itself was over decorated. Rampage felt that he had stepped into a different world.

Golden patterns of olive leaves decorated the walls, silver vines snaked around the balustrades and the carpet had an opal reflection to it.

“Bit fancy isn’t it,” Rampage stated.

“He’s one of the richest in Athena City.” Silver Fang replied. Genuine marble benchtops, flecked with golden veins, lined the sides of the lobby, adorned with all sorts of trinkets that Rampage could only imagine what they may have been.

All the while, Grand Hotpot floated silently behind the other two. The aroma never leaving Rampage’s nose.

“Welcome, welcome. My master is expecting you. Please, come this way.” A quaint, moustached man appeared out of nowhere and bowed before the trio. His hair a heavily greased part.

“Take us to him,” Silver Fang replied. The man stood and winked, turned on his heel and strode toward the other end of the lobby.

The man walked behind the counter and picked up a phone.

“They’re here.” He replaced the phone, looked at the trio and smiled. He approached the elevator, the doors were coated with gold, and he lifted a small panel that was underneath the buttons used. He inserted a key and a quiet ding could be heard. The doors opened and the four of them entered the elevator.

“Have we kept him waiting long?” Silver Fang asked.

“No, you arrived precisely when he said you would. He was a little surprised by the third person, but he isn’t worried.”

“Good, I wouldn’t want to worry him.”

The soothing elevator music made the long ride that much more bearable. The aroma bleeding from Grand Hotpot filled the elevator and Rampage felt the most relaxed he had been in ages.


After what felt like forever, there was another ding and the doors opened.

The four stepped into a vast room, the ceiling swallowed up by darkness. Pillars lined the room, covered in mirrors. Flaming torches lined the far walls. Rampage noted the room was a dark purple and an eerie feeling crept through the room.

As the four walked through the room, Rampage saw that the room appeared to be filled with nothing else and was confused as to why such a large room was needed if it was only empty.

“Come, my friends. Have a seat at my table and dine with me.” The voice was a booming echo, but there was a stretched quality to it.

“I leave you here. I hope your meeting goes well.” The man that had brought them here bowed and walked backwards, still doubled over, back to the elevator.

Silver Fang, Grand Hotpot and Rampage continued through the room and finally came to an oversized, intricately carved wooden table.

Two highbacked chairs were on the side of Silver Fang and Rampage, and one on the other side. The one on the far side was larger than the other two. It was quilted with an apricot fabric, surrounded by diamonds.

Sitting upon the throne was a wooden humanoid. Features were a little caricature like. A nose that looked like a twig, eyes that took up half the head and a small mouth. The type of mouth where the lower half extended beyond the jaw as it opened and slid back into place as it closed.

Rampage noticed the strings that ascended up beyond the chair. He followed the strings and saw a marionette handle floated in the air.

Upon the table was the most exquisite feast Rampage had ever seen. All varieties of succulent meat, vegetable, and fruit he could think of.


“Please, have a seat. And I guess you can approach the table and just sit there,” Puppet Master’s head slowly turned to Grand Hotpot. He stretched his arms out to greet them, his movements a little wonky.

Rampage hesitated at first but then Silver Fang took a seat at the table. Rampage followed his friend’s lead and Grand Hotpot approached the table and with a slight clunk, came to rest on the floor before the table.

“Welcome, Silver Fang, Rampage, Grand Hotpot. Serve yourselves and enjoy the food I offer.” Again, Rampage was hesitant, until he watched Silver Fang take a helping of meat.

“What do you wish to discuss?” Puppet Master asked. His hands were steepled in front of him. His facial expression of a constant smile never changed, but Rampage could sense a sinister air about him.

Rampage hadn’t noticed before, but standing a little in the shadow, on either side and behind Puppet Master, were two silhouettes. Rampage figured for them to be Nin and Umbra.

“Your friends aren’t going to join us?” Rampage asked.

“Oh no, they are never welcome at the table. They may observe but never join me and my guests in our feasts.”

“I wouldn’t be offended if they joined us.”

“No, no. They’ve already had their fill.” Rampage watched as the two bowed.

“Puppet Master, without meaning to be rude, I want to discuss what I came to see you for.” Silver Fang ripped at meat on bone.

“Ah yes, the little matter of helping the Ryokusan family in escaping Athena City.” Puppet Master flexed his fingers.

“Yes. Do you think you can help me with that?” Silver Fang stopped eating and stared the Puppet down.

“Yes of course. It would be rather easy to do. But the real question is if I want to do it. Why would I care what happens to a lowly family?”

“I’d be in your debt. You can call upon me for help when you may need it.” Silver Fang continued to stare at the Puppet.

“But what can you offer? Just you alone aren’t much at all. And I almost never need help, I’ve got too much money.” Puppet Master’s head jiggled as he let out a short burst of laughter.

“My business has eyes and ears where you don’t.”

“Yes, okay. We will settle this decision with a fight. You win, I help your little family problem. I win, I absorb your bodyguard business and you leave Athena City.”


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