《Mite》2.12 - A Home In The Country



The outskirts of Athena City opened up to beautiful country views. Sweeping green meadows and the sounds of birds instead of traffic. The city could be seen, but its lifestyle wasn’t copied here.

Halfway down a rocky hill was a large farmhouse. All single-storey and surrounded by a deck. The interior was all dark wood and all the furniture was handcrafted by the owners. Smells of sweetness warmed the air and tickled the nostrils at all times.

Down the bottom of the hill was a large red barn, post card perfect in its appearance and fresh coat of paint.

A little girl wearing gumboots ran around the honking geese and into the barn. She could hear her father banging away on a hammer. Heavy metal rattled the windows and she had to cover her ears.

“Daddy!” the little girl screamed. She slowly peeled one hand off her ear but immediately snapped it back into place when she could still hear the music. “Daddy!” she screamed louder, and soundwaves shot through the barn, shattering scrap timber. Her father’s radio exploded.

“Marisha, what have I told you about using your powers?” her father put his hammer down and walked over to his daughter.

The hulking man was covered in scars. He intimidated most, but his daughter felt safe around him. His name was Jaylen Chambers, otherwise known as Rampage.

“I’m sorry daddy, I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to be heard and your music is so loud.” Tears started to form in Marisha’s eyes. The towering man got down on his knees, but he was still far taller than his daughter.

“Its okay. These are just things, and I can make them again. Are you okay?” Marisha used the back of her hand to wipe away her tears and snorted and nodded.


“Mommy wanted me to see if you were almost done. Dinner’s ready.”

“What did she cook?”


“Did she cook all those little side dishes with it?”

“Every single one.”

“Yummo. I’m starving, let’s go eat.” Marisha nodded and the two meandered over to the house.

“How’s Suzie duck going?” Jaylen asked.

“She still seems a little sick. The other ducks are picking on her, so I shoo them away. I’m still hand feeding her.”

“You’ve got such a big heart.”

“I know.” The two entered the house and the serene smells danced through their noses.

“Your mother is the best cook.”

“I know,” Paenji, Jaylen’s wife, pecked him on the cheek.

“Momma says you can’t cook.” Marisha ran over to the table and clambered up the chair. Jaylen sat at his own reinforced chair that he made himself.

“She still can’t beat my jambalaya.” Jaylen took a huge sniff of the dinner laid out before him. His mouth watered.

“That’s true. I can never seem to get it quite right.” Paenji joined them at the table and got to serving Marisha’s plate.

“What were you making daddy?”

“I was making a suit of armor.”

“But you’re so strong already, nobody can hurt you.”

“Just in case.”

“Why do you fight daddy?”

“There are bad people that don’t like to make things fair for everyone,” Paenji explained. “Daddy fights to make sure everyone gets a fair go.”

“Who are they?” Marisha asked.

“People that have power they shouldn’t have. They take it away from the rest of us,” answered Jaylen.

“I saw it in the newspaper, they said you were a bad person. That you hurt people.” There was a hint of concern in Marisha’s voice.


“You can’t believe everything you hear bubby girl. Sometimes people will say things if they don’t like someone. The people I hurt were trying to hurt me. If I didn’t stop them, they would’ve hurt more people.”

“But why?” Marisha was becoming distressed. She didn’t understand what her parents were trying to tell her.

“Its okay Marisha. Some things you won’t understand until you’re older.” Paenji grabbed her daughter down from the table. “Just know that daddy and mommy are doing everything we can to protect you and make sure the world is the best place it can be.”

“But why? How? I don’t get it.” Marisha was close to crying now.

“It’s okay, we love you. Goodnight little one. Sweet dreams, I love you.”

“I love you too daddy.” Paenji carried her upstairs while Jaylen grabbed another small serve and took his plate out into the barnyard.

Jaylen toiled for hours making his armor. Paenji came down and had a look, made a few suggestions, and kissed her husband goodnight.

Because of his loud music, Jaylen failed to hear Cardinal Knight sneak up on him. The hero tapped his shoulder, Jaylen immediately spun with his fist out. Cardinal Knight ducked and some birds flew out from her cape into his face.

“What are you doing here?” Jaylen and Cardinal Knight had many run ins in the past. Jaylen had once succeeded in breaking both of her arms and one of her legs. Cardinal Knight had almost killed him on more than one occasion.

“I’m here to offer you something better than that armor you’re making.”

“Why would you do something like that for little ol’ me?”

“Consider it a gift.” Cardinal’s voice had a harsh tone. A sound that unnerved the average criminal.

“What’s in it for you?” Jaylen grabbed his hammer and brought it in for a quick, powerful swing. Cardinal blocked the brunt of it with her cape but winced in pain. Phantasmal birds fell to the ground and disappeared.

“Gotten stronger?” Jaylen was excited to see what improvements the hero had made.

“Here.” Cardinal Knight tossed a small metal case, Jaylen caught it. “There’s more where that came from if you’re interested.”

Jaylen opened the case and saw the syringes inside. They were all filled with a neon purple liquid.

“And wha-” Jaylen looked up and noticed Cardinal Knight had left. Jaylen tossed to case aside and got back to working on his armor.

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