《Mite》2.11 - Copter's New Invention



Ronald pulled himself out of his basement. He had toiled for hours at his latest invention, something he was proud of. Along with his element gun, he was finally going to become a force to be reckoned with.

He wasn’t just some old geezer who refused to give up. He wasn’t just a joke that new heroes ‘practiced on’ to further their own careers.

Adjustments had also been made to his portable copter. That damned Mite kid wasn’t going to put him so easily out of action with some iron filings mixed in with his dust.

Ronald put on his old bomber jacket and leather aviation cap. He shouldered his copter pack. Holstered his element gun and then grabbed his latest device. It was a comical looking cannon of sorts, but Copter knew what he could do with it.

Stepping into his backyard, Copter pet his aging golden retriever, Francine, and started the rotary blades. She looked up at him, whimpering, and as he flew out of sight, she waddled back to bed.

Copter flew straight into the heart of the city. He wasn’t robbing banks tonight; he was making an impression. He didn’t care who came to face him, he just wanted it to be loud and for big crowds. This was finally going to be his moment.

The nightlife was loud and busy. Neon lights shone bright, highlighting the city smog. It was like watching bright butterflies dance through the night sky.

People were wholly absorbed in doing their own thing, nobody had noticed Copter had flown in above them. Copter was frustrated by this lack of attention and tried to think of what would make the best opening impact of his arrival.

Should he yell out loud, just announce that he was here, and people had to see him? He could use his element gun; he would use the water function; he didn’t aim to kill people. No, it only gave him the edge he needed in fighting powers.


He could open up with his new invention. But then it wouldn’t be as effective as nobody would see the first shot. Copter was racking his brains, desperate to answer the question he now faced.

“Hey old man, what do you think you’re doing?” the overconfident tone was just the kind of thing that irritated Copter. Whatever happened to respecting your elders?

Copter looked over and saw a man in a brightly colored costume. He wore a one-piece costume that came down to his knees and ended at his elbows. He wore a visored, sleek racing helmet and he was standing on a futuristic looking bicycle.

People looked at this newcomer before they looked at Copter, and this infuriated him. This plucky hero took the spotlight off him. Something he wanted to be able to show off to everybody.

“What’s it to you, bike boy?” Copter spat.

“Name’s Rush. I know of you, you’re Copter.” Some of the gathering crowd were now looking at Copter, some pointed and laughed.

“Have you come to mock me? Prove your worth against me? Show everyone how easy it was to defeat the oldie?” Copter aimed his new cannon at the hero.

“I’ve heard you’re a bit of a joke to most heroes. I’m pretty new to it myself, its only my second day.” Copter watched as the hero pulled a wheel off his bike. He hurled the wheel at Copter with ease, and Copter dodged it just as easily.

“So you pull your bike apart and throw it at people. Doesn’t seem too interesting to me,” Copter laughed.

“And you have a portable helipack, nothing too interesting about that either.” Rush’s voice dripped with arrogance.

Just as Copter took aim with his cannon once again, he felt something slam him from behind. Copter lurched forward but managed to steady himself. Copter watched as the wheel bounced off a wall of a tall building and head back toward Rush.


Rush caught the wheel and aimed another throw. Copter wasn’t going to let him. He readied his cannon and fired. A projectile about the size of a small backpack hurled toward Rush.

Luckily for Rush, somebody at that moment walked out of a shopfront and right in front of Rush. It was all too quick for the hero to react and he watched in shock as the ammunition hit the innocent bystander square in the chest.

The object wrapped itself around the citizen and clasped around his back. The force had knocked him over and as he was laying down, a propeller popped out of the contraption and lifted him high up into the air as he screamed.

“That looks new,” called Rush.

“Success,” Copter cackled at the sight of his new invention working. Everybody in the area had seen his copter cannon and he was sure people had taken pictures and videos. He was going to make the news around the world. People were finally going to give him the respect he deserved. No one wa-

An object slammed into Copter’s chest, bringing his mind back into the now. It was the blasted wheel again. Rush was now running closer to him, but he was still on the ground.

“Let’s see you try and save everybody,” Copter called out. He let loose with the cannon, hitting people everywhere in the crowd. Each one landed on a target, each one lifted someone into the air.

“You’re strange,” Rush called out. The confidence in his voice had disappeared.

“And you’re in way over your head.” Chaos screamed below; it was like music to Copter’s ears.

Rush through another wheel at Copter, but Copter used his element gun. Electricity crackled forth, melting the wheel instantly.

“That’s not cheap,” said Rush. All traces of his confidence were now gone. Copter was certain he sounded a little scared.

“On your left old man,” Copter spun just in time to see someone in a blue power suit on a rooftop. A stream of bubbles exploded into him, and more against his pack.

The rotary blades sputtered, his body jerked in the air, and he plummeted to the ground.

Copter braced for impact, but something stopped his fall. He felt arms underneath him, but he could feel coldness come through his jacket.

Copter was laid on the ground and he looked up to see a floating cloaked figure. He could just make out the grey skin and hanging down below the tattered cloak was a chain, at the end of the chain was a small stop sign. A scythe lay across the back.

“You’re Grim Stopper.” The cloaked figure disappeared, and sirens could be heard in the distance. Copter lay there, contemplating life.

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