《Mite》2.04 - Silas At School



In the days following Jimena leaving the team, Silas didn’t know what he wanted to do, or how he felt about the whole situation.

He understood where both Hunter and Jimena were coming from. Silas agreed with both viewpoints but couldn’t decide on who was right or wrong. He thought about it long and hard, and Silas was fairly sure they were both right.

Hunter and Silas had been friends for a few years now. Yet Jimena, was a new friend. Silas had never easily made friends, and each new addition was held dearly. He trusted easily and struggled socially.

Silas had adored the ragtag group Michael had so quickly thrown together. He barely knew two of the members but knew he could trust them. Now that was gone.

Jimena had been the first friend Silas had made in his superhero career, if he could really call it a career.

Silas had wanted to be a superhero for as long as he had his powers. He wanted to help, and to get famous. All the perks he’d seen so many show off. It had seemed like such an amazing lifestyle.

Sure, he knew there were dangers. He’d read about so many battles, conflicts, and nigh end of the worlds, but he’d never really witnessed anything firsthand. To be a part of it was something else entirely.

During the unsure times, Silas had chosen to go back to school. He didn’t know how he was going to explain his absence, or if he was even still enrolled, but he wanted something that was a little normal. Something that had been around before all of this had happened.

Nobody cared when Silas had returned, it was like he had never been gone. Students were busy grinding away, the next lesson, the next assignment, exam, or lunchbreak. A missing student was hardly missed.


Silas sat in his usual place at the back of the classroom. The teacher was new, and the subject was algebra, a subject Silas normally struggled with.

Silas arms were folded on his desk. He rested his chin on his forearm and pretended to listen to the teacher.

Silas felt his phone vibrate. At the back of the class, it was easy to sneak a look at his phone and not be noticed.

Silas looked at his phone and saw that he had a notification from his Chatter account. Something he used only as Balloon Boy.

‘Hey Balloon Boy, meet with me after class.’ - Fizz

Silas’s heart raced in his chest. Somebody knew who he was. Knew he was in school.

Were they an enemy or a friend? Were they going to expose who he was to the world?

“Excuse me Silas, but we are waiting for your answer.” Silas brought his attention back to the classroom and could see the entire class had turned in their chairs and were staring at him. There were a few smirks shared among the class as they knew what he’d been doing.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know.” Silas sank further into his chair, doing his best to disappear.

“Sir, he was too busy looking at his phone,” called out a voice. Silas looked over and saw it was Rimi.

“Is that so Silas?” the teacher stared down through his glasses that sat on the end of his nose.

“Yes sir.”

“I’m going to have to confiscate it and see you in detention after school.” The teacher walked toward Silas with his hand out flat.

Silas pictured himself inflating and bouncing out of the room. He could feel his body start to expand as he breathed in. He had to stop himself before anyone noticed.


Silas grabbed his phone and held it out to the teacher, exhaling deeply as he handed it over. He felt his body deflate and Silas’s head pounded as he held his breath with everyone staring at him. Hopefully, nobody noticed.

The teacher resumed the lesson at the front of the class and the students all turned back to listen. Silas caught eyes with Rimi, and a sinister smile spread across her face before she turned back around.

Silas floated through the rest of the day and it ended with nothing happening. While on his way to detention, Silas ran into Michael.

“On detention Silas?” Michael asked. His voice carried no judgement.

“Somebody contacted me on Balloon Boy’s Chatter account. Saying for me to meet them after class. Are there other students here that you’re scouting out?”

“Of course there are. But I’d have no idea who it could be.”

“Is Rimi someone with superhero potential?” Silas asked.

“Who?” Michael leant against his mop and twirled his moustache.

“Rimi Vidal.” Michael stood in silence for a few moments and then shook his head.

“Silas, you’re late.” The new teacher from the algebra class had poked his head out through the door.

“Sorry, my fault. I asked him to help me find my wedding ring,” said Michael.

“No worries Michael. Come on then Silas, lets get this over with.”

Silas entered the spare classroom designated for after school detention. The paint was peeling from the walls, one of the halogen globes flickered and a musty odour hung about the air.

There were three other kids on detention with Silas. There was a weedy guy who looked roughly six foot with a bowl cut. A girl who appeared blind and a rough looking kid with a mohawk.

“Take a seat Silas and sit there in complete silence while I mark these exams.”

“Okay sir, will do.” Silas took a seat at the back of the room, placed under the flickering light, and put his head down on his desk and fell asleep.

“Ey, shut it. You’ll wake sleepyhead.” Silas lifted his head and was startled by what he saw.

The teacher was tied up against his chair and laying on the floor. All three kids were displaying powers. The bowl cut’s head was surrounded in angry red fire. The girl’s eyes glowed purple and one arm of the mohawk had turned into a giant crab-like pincer.

“Huh?” Silas’s voice squeaked. He tensed, ready to inflate but realised he hadn’t worn his costume underneath his clothes.

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