《Mite》2.03 - Coffee Time



“So Rollo is a robot?” Hunter asked. Hunter and Hummingbird, along with Rollo, had left the park and were circling the outskirts of Crooked Downs.

“Cyborg. He was a normal bear that I grew up with. However, he was killed by Jack-Knife. I put Jack-Knife out of action and was able to get Rollo worked on by The Fortress. It wasn’t cheap and I still owe a lot of money, but it was worth it to get my best friend back.”

“How long you been doing this gig?”

“Going on ten years. You?”

“About two months since Michael took me in.” The last two months raced through Hunter’s mind. It had been an emotional rollercoaster and it was exhausting.

“Michael approached me close to eight years ago. Offered me training, guidance, and support in becoming a hero. I didn’t like the control, so I politely declined.”

“Yeah, fair enough.”

“Do you like coffee?”

“Yeah, I love it. Could really go for some right now.”

“I know of a great place. Best coffee around.”

“Lead the way.”

Hummingbird jogged up ahead and turned into Crooked Downs. Hunter was surprised, he figured most people tried to avoid the area if they could. Hunter jogged after her.

Down an unmarked back alley was a crammed hole in the wall. The serving counter faced out into the alley but there was room for five people to sit in a small space within the building. A rusted bike was mounted on the wall inside and some fake, but beautiful looking flowers were hanging along the top of the entryway.

The coffee nook was already full, and Hunter figured there was no hopes of Rollo fitting inside the building anyway, so they stood at the dead end of the back alley.


“How do you find out about a place like this?” Hunter asked.

“I’m a long-time friend of the owner. Before I became Hummingbird.” Hummingbird approached the window and Hunter watched his new acquaintance and the man behind the counter rapidly sign to each other. Hummingbird nodded and returned to Hunter.

“You don’t keep it a secret you’re Hummingbird?” Hunter was certain he hadn’t told anyone he was Mite.

“I don’t wear a mask or anything. My hair makes it obvious. Oh, and him,” she pointed at Rollo.

“I’m Hunter by the way,” Hunter put his hand out.

“Juniper.” Juniper grabbed Hunter’s hand and rolled his knuckles together. Hunter winced at the pain.

“What kind of coffee did you order for me?” Hunter massaged his knuckles.

“Chilli latte. Do you like spicy flavours?”

“Don’t know.” Juniper looked a little disheartened. “I’m sure if you’ve recommended it, it’ll be great though.”

“Why did you become a hero?” Rollo curled himself up against Hunter, yawned and put his head down to sleep.

“Someone who meant a lot to me was killed, and I want to know why.” The man from behind the counter approached them with their coffees. He had a tattoo of a dragon that rose out of his shirt and up his neck.

“See ya later, Juniper. New guy.” Juniper and Hunter signed ‘thank you’ and ‘goodbye’.

“You don’t have to become a hero to find that out. Scratch Rollo behind his ear, he’s been waiting all night for you to do so.”

Hunter hesitated before finally doing so. Rollo pressed his head harder into Hunter, and Hunter continued to scratch Rollo’s ear.

“I never had pets growing up. Now where I train, there’s a Triceratops that behaves like an oversized dog.”


“Primal Lands hey? I’ve been there once. Who’s your trainer?”


“She’s pretty cool. We’ve had a few run ins with each other, don’t always see eye to eye on things. Great fighter though.”

“She’s good, but my team and I have beaten her two, no three times now I think.”

“Trust me, she was going easy on you.”

“Nah, I’m pretty sure we had her beat.” After a few tentative sips, Hunter took in the taste of his coffee. It was one of the greatest things he had ever tasted. As he took another sip, he pointed at the cup and gave a thumbs up.

“With her staff, she’s nigh unstoppable. That’s the whole point of her deal with the Elder Tree. She’s knocked me flat in the few friendly bouts we’ve had. She let your team win.” Hunter chuckled and shook his head. Juniper nodded.

“How many in your team?”

“There was four, but one left.” Hunter thought about Jimena leaving and he felt annoyed with her.

“What happened?”

“We didn’t agree on some things and couldn’t admit the other may have been right.”

“So you’re saying you were right?”


“Your goals were the same, but couldn’t agree on how to achieve them?”

“Yeah. How’d you guess?” Hunter had finished his coffee and was somewhat disappointed to find out it was empty.

“I was in a team once. We fell apart because we couldn’t agree on some things. Believe it or not, it’s the reason a lot of teams fall apart.”

“What was your team called?”


“Seriously? One of our teammates wanted that as our team name. We can’t settle on a name.”

“You’re welcome to Revengers if you want it.”

“Silas would love to know that. Hey, have you got the time?”

“Its three in the morning. Feeling tired?”

“Yeah, I should probably head back. Nice meeting you Juniper, Rollo. Hope our paths cross again sometime soon.”


Hunter made his way back to the Primal Lands without incident.

“Hey, where you been?” Gauzelle called from the lounge. A shoddy horror movie played on the t.v. Hunter could actually see the set pieces were wooden. A character knocked one of them over.

“Just went out for a stroll. Met an archer who had a pet bear. You haven’t moved from the spot at all have you?”

“Nah. Wanna join me?” Hunter shrugged his shoulders and sat next to her on the couch. He passed out within moments. Gauzelle stuffed eight pencils into his mouth before he coughed awake. Hunter stumbled to his bedroom and threw himself onto the bed.

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