《Mite》2.02 - The Mattress King



“Have you been a hero long?” Hunter asked. Hunter and Hummingbird were sitting up in the branches of a tree and Rollo was asleep at the base. Hunter turned and saw the tail end of Hummingbird signing something. “What was that?”

“You have to face me to lipread you. And you must face me to know what I am saying.”

“Oh sorry. Have you been a hero long?”

“I wouldn’t say I am a hero. Not a crook either.”

“So you’re a vigilante?” Hunter narrowed his eyes.

“Some would say I am. I watch out for whoever needs to be looked after. The world isn’t so simple.”

“No?” Hunter thought of Jimena and the argument they’d had a week ago.

“Sometimes the good people do bad things. And sometimes the bad people do good things. But all people need help.”

Hunter was about to say something when he saw Hummingbird go completely still, her eyes narrowed.

“Rollo hears something.”

“How do you know?”

“This.” Hummingbird tapped at the hearing aid on her ear.

“What does he hear?” Hunter readied himself for action.

“He’s unsure. Says we should investigate.” Hummingbird leapt down from the tree with one smooth motion. Hunter awkwardly clambered down the tree and the three ran in the direction Rollo said.

The trio passed a few civilians that were making their way out of the park. There was no screaming, but they were clearly panicked.

“What’s happening?” Hunter asked one of them.

“Someone claiming they will claim Athena City.” The panicked man tripped over himself as he had been running backward while talking to Hunter.

“How often does someone have to claim this? I’m getting over it.” Hunter, Hummingbird and Rollo continued in the direction of the noise.


The trio came up over the hill and looked down into the clearing to see a large mattress on its end.

“I am the Mattress King. Kneel before me.” The self-declared king turned around and Hunter could take in the whole ridiculous get up.

Small robotic legs stuck out the bottom of the mattress. There were eye holes and a mouth hole. The eyes and mouth shone a dim blue light. Rigid metallic arms came out each side, an oversized ball joint at each elbow. In one hand was a rod.

“Why do some people bother?”

“What was that?” Hummingbird asked. Rollo stood next to her and gave a low growl.

“I’ve fought someone who’s armor was a giant toaster that shot superhot toast. Now, a mattress. Why do some people bother?”

“Why are you a hero?”

“Yeah, but a mattress. This looks like it’ll be an easy fight.”

“Maybe. Never underestimate someone.” Hummingbird readied an arrow and fired it at the Mattress King.

“You thought that could stop me!” The Mattress King’s voice was way louder than it needed to be. The arrow sunk into the mattress and then fell to the ground.

“Mattresses are designed to absorb impact. Of course, I’ve tweaked mine.” The Mattress King screamed out again.

“What did he say?”

“He basically thinks he’s unstoppable.”

“Not having lips is just rude.” Hummingbird pointed and Rollo roared and bounded down the hill toward the criminal.

The bear smashed into the Mattress King. The mattress and the bear tumbled and rolled together. Rollo ended up standing on top of the Mattress King and started tearing at the mattress.

Circuitry and stuffing went flying everywhere. The struggle of the robotic bed piece didn’t last long, and the body went limp.


Hummingbird and Hunter approached the Mattress King to see that the mattress was empty.

“A robot. Who would create something as lame as this?” Hunter asked.

“Who knows. But why does anyone do anything?” Rollo continued to look in the stuffed carcass and then looked up at Hummingbird. Hummingbird nodded.

“What’s up?”

“This robot is short-ranged controlled. The user is nearby. We need to find them.” Hummingbird scanned the park, her eyes focussed. Hunter looked around as well but failed to notice anything different.

Hummingbird pointed and Rollo bounded in the direction he was told. Hummingbird nocked an arrow and followed her animal companion. Hunter took a deep breath and joined the pursuit.

Hummingbird ran ahead of Hunter and he watched as she released an arrow. It rocketed ahead into the trees.

“Ouch!” Cried a wild voice.

Within moments, Rollo, Hummingbird and Hunter had made it to Hummingbird’s target.

A weenie man in an oversized lab coat was pinned against a tree. The arrow caught his sleeve and dug into the trunk. The arrow scratched his hand, a small amount of blood trickled down his arm.

“Why did you decide to build a mattress robot and attack people. There are so many better designed robots.”

“Mattresses are among one of the best things ever invented. I sought to utilise that in my designs. If you hadn’t had that bear, that fight may have ended in my favor.” His voice had a whining tone to it.

“But we did have the bear. Imagine if we had super strength. What would you have done?” Hunter rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration.

“I didn’t account for that.” The man admitted.

“Believe it or not, this guy isn’t the lamest person I’ve apprehended.”

“Seriously?” Hunter laughed. Hummingbird nodded with a huge smile on her face.

“What did she say?” The crook asked.

“You should feel good about yourself. You aren’t the lamest person she’s stopped.” Hunter laughed.

“I’ll get you soon. You’ll see. Keep an eye out for Inventor Pete.”

“Don’t worry Pete, we’ll make sure we keep an eye put for you. We’ll tell all the heroes about you.”

“Don’t mock me.” His voice cracked as he tried to scream.

Hunter contacted Michael about what had happened. In turn Michael contacted a dispatch team to collect Pete.

Hunter didn’t want to return to the treehouse just yet, so he offered to stay with Hummingbird and Rollo later into the night.

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